Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 2459

Published at 27th of December 2023 07:39:53 AM

Chapter 2459

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"Statement, don't mind if I call you that." The short man in black took his cup and poured it as if it were his own place.

"Do I mind if you don't call it that?" After all, according to the original address, the other party is actually his father's partner, but now after the change of address, the other party and himself have become people on the same front, so they can't directly connect back, but they really don't want to give the opposite person a good face, so they can only say so.

"Let's discuss how to do the following things. After all, today's things have been seen, but now you are locked up here, even if you have more ideas in your heart, you can't do it. I'm different. Although I have a cooperative relationship with your father, I don't have to stay in your welfare. I can go where I want, or we can work together What's more, do we really work for that person? Even if it's cooperation, it's a good thing. " The short man in Black said his plan straight to the point. After all, he thought all the way.

"But why should I believe you? Besides, you should know that I am my father's son. When my father's anger subsides, I can go out naturally. Why do you think you can help me?" Statement although know that the other side is telling the truth, but still not willing to suffer losses in this kind of thing.

"Why are you so stubborn? You clearly know that your father will take care of you for a long time until things are done. If you really get to that point, you will not succeed in everything you want to do. Do you know if your family still exists at that time? " The short man in black is very good at strangling each other's weakness, so after this sentence, the man opposite didn't know what to give back.

"But as you said just now, I'm directly cooperating with Qi Tianyu. If I want to do something, I will naturally tell the other party that I can also spread the news through the people around me. In this way, I can't use you at all." Statement is still not willing to easily agree, after all, in front of this person is also good and evil, they can not clearly judge, and they do not have absolute strength, simply can not let the other party obey.

"That's not the only thing you want to do. That's why you want to keep your family after it's over. Isn't that enough?" Of course, the short man in black understood what the other party wanted, otherwise he would not have come to negotiate with the other party directly.

"But don't forget that one of the main factors that destroyed our family is you. Now you come to me to say that it's ridiculous that you want to cooperate with me and let me keep our family." I never thought that the other party would offer such a condition.

"You just don't understand us. We don't have any idea at all. We just want money. As long as we can get enough money, we can do anything. As long as you can guarantee that I will be paid for my work at that time, I will do things for you." The short man in black doesn't mind smearing himself. After all, he knows exactly who he is.

"But you should also know that I am penniless now. Even if I promise now, if I am not the person in charge or my father's things at that time, I can't control them, won't you go in vain?" Although the statement has basically understood the other party's idea, it still does not understand why the other party will choose itself.

"It's ridiculous to see what you said. After all, you are the only child in your family. Of course, everything about your father will pass to you. Moreover, a more important factor is that the person you help and the person I help are the same person. In this way, our interests will not collide at all. When I do things, I can tell you about you by the way Isn't it a good thing that we've finished our work? " The short man in black wanted to understand on the way, so no matter what the other side did, he could answer smoothly.

"It seems that you have already figured it out. If I don't agree with you this time, it seems that I don't have my family in mind. You can tell me how much you want at that time." After all, the person in front of him didn't like it, just because he was in a hurry to cooperate with the other party.

"I want everything in your vault." The short man in black directly opened his mouth and didn't mind whether the other side would agree or not.

"You are too arrogant. There are all the assets of our family. If I give them to you, our family will not be able to restore its original momentum even if it is preserved." The statement was ready for the other party to ask for a lot of things, but I never expected that the other party would ask for so much.

"You are too naive. Do you really think that the things in the basement are all the things in your family? It seems that your younger brother is really on guard against you. He didn't tell you the real family background of your family. As far as I know, your family background is rich, which is not what ordinary people can imagine. The things in the basement are only a small part of it. " The short man in Black said this half true and half false. Although he also got some news, he didn't know where the treasure was. If he knew, he didn't need to spend so much effort as long as he was in the basement."How do I know if you're telling me the truth?" Of course, I know that my father has bought some things of his own, but how can I trust him just because of other people's casual words? If I don't have these things, I will give up my life.

"Well, since you don't believe me, let's make an agreement. At that time, if you can take charge of your family, you will give me one tenth of all the assets of your family, and you will give it to me alone. I don't want much." The short man in black didn't demand it either. Instead, he put it in a different way.

After a while, he hesitated and nodded. After all, he didn't know how many assets there were in the family.

The short man in black, of course, has been thinking about this for a long time. If he wants everything in the basement, the opposite person may not agree. After all, the opposite person thinks that the basement is all the property, but in fact, as far as he knows, the family property is not that small. If he wants one tenth of everything in the basement, it may be worse than the sum of all the things in the basement More.

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