Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 2507

Published at 27th of December 2023 07:38:40 AM

Chapter 2507

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After hearing this, Chen Wu smiles and shakes his head: "Xuchang is a child I saw when I was young. I can't watch him suffer." It's really for each other's sake.

"Well, let's help you to finish this thing, and then teach Xu Chang a half trick by the way. Although it's easy for us, it should be completely annoying for ordinary people." The short man in black deliberately retreated.

"Oh, I can't. I didn't let you..." Chen Wu is really worried. What he said above is just some ideas that can be expressed. If the two people in front of him really teach the boy a few tricks, it will be more difficult to send someone to seize power?

"Mr. Chen, what are you doing? No matter what, we said that we would not help, and your expression would not reward us. Now we say that we will help you with everything. Now you say that what do you want to do at that time? You make it clear, don't let our brothers guess. You also know that we are all straight hearted. We can't figure it out by playing riddles like this. " Seeing that the short man in black had achieved his goal, he simply showed his true face directly.

"Master Chen, don't beat around the bush. You said that the man in black was not working with you? You don't have to hide with them The master of Xu's family has been listening to Chen Wu's affectation. Even he can't listen any more, so he interrupts him as soon as he speaks.

"This..." For a moment, Chen Wu didn't know whether he should say his purpose directly. After all, he and the people in black were really going straight to do whatever he ordered. As long as he gave enough reward, the other party would do it directly. However, he never told the whole plan to the people in black.

"Master Chen, if you hide like this, it's too late for them to repent if they don't believe that they have done something contrary to your purpose. Just like these two people in black just said that for your sake, but it actually makes your affairs more difficult. If such things happen again in the future, they don't find out in time If so, have you not done something bad? " Of course, master Xu hoped that the more smooth this matter, the better, so he tried to persuade again.

Chen Wu didn't speak for a moment. He thought carefully in his heart whether the whole plan of this matter could be said to the two men in black in front of him, and whether the two men in black would sell themselves for wealth.

"If you don't want to talk about it, don't talk about it. Anyway, we are not interested in these things. We are only interested in wealth. Mr. Chen, your money is unheard of and never seen before. Anyway, as long as you have enough money, we will do whatever you want us to do. We will never do one more thing." The short man in black saw each other's hesitation and said.

Chen Wu had some hesitation, but the other side's words just hit his heart. That's right. Anyway, what he wants most is money, and what the other side wants most is money. Now the other side knows how much wealth he has. In this way, the other side will not betray himself.

"Well, we've been working together for so long. In terms of trust, of course I trust you very much. Well, I'll just tell you the whole plan, so that you can avoid doing bad things with good intentions." After Chen Wu figured it out, he was very easy to accept it. He told the two men in black in front of him about it. After the two men in black were dragged onto the boat, his own affairs would be more smooth.

"In fact, it really started when I was young. As you should know, we often hold competitions like that here and in Shangling city. The first place in every competition will be sent to that place, saying that it will be ten years before I can come back. But once, a man sneaked back during ten years, and even told me one thing that I totally didn't know What I didn't expect. " Now that Chen Wu has decided to tell the story, he starts from the beginning.

"We all know about this, and isn't Shangling still engaged in this kind of competition? We've seen it before. " The short man in black nodded, but he kept it in mind that he knew his chance to make contributions had come.

"That man told me that the elder of that place was just an ordinary person, but because of the proper operation, he became the first elder in that place. Now the competition is just for him to get more talents. As more and more talents are accumulated in it, the power of that person becomes stronger and stronger, and finally he gets the supreme power and power Wealth. " Even now, Chen Wu can think of his allure after hearing this.

"So you want to emulate that man? Is that why you secretly searched for powerful people many years ago? That's why you took over with us in the first place? " The short man in black remembered that he and his elder brother were just out to do some tasks, but they didn't expect that because the other party stayed here.

"Yes, the man who escaped told me that the elder controlled the people below to listen to him in a way, but he died before he could tell what the way was. So I thought about it later. Isn't money the most attractive thing? I don't want to say anything else about Chen Wu. The money is really inexhaustible after all these years of experience. If so, why can't I become the next elder? "When Chen Wu said this, he had a kind of controlled madness, just like there was only supreme power in his mind.

For a moment, the short man in black really didn't know what to say. He thought it was a complicated process, but he didn't realize that it was just a fish who didn't know how to get out of the rosefinch restricted area. He just said one or two words to let the other party have such thoughts. Moreover, it was too late to go in this direction, and the elders could control it The following people, just because of a strange magic, but this person is fanciful thinking of using money to control everyone.

"I'm obviously on the verge of success now, aren't I? As long as you can continue to help me, I will give you a lot of money. After I succeed, you will have as much as you want! " Chen Wu looked at each other's hesitation and thought that his condition was not attractive enough, so he stepped up.

The short man in black laughed: "well, since you believe us so much and tell us everything, we will not treat you badly. Of course we will do what you want to do for you. We will go to Xu's house now."

The short man in black was already boiling in his heart. As long as he told Qi Tianyu about it, Qi Tianyu would thank him.

"By the way, over the years, you should not only be helped by a group of us. As you said before, you should have gathered a lot of people in private." The short man in black asked before he left.

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