Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 2520

Published at 27th of December 2023 07:38:22 AM

Chapter 2520

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eye of wind? Qi Tianyu murmured in his heart. He didn't expect that it was the wind force. Such an array is really not common. Qi Tianyu carefully felt the eyes of the surrounding array, and felt the flow of the wind force in it. Slowly, he found the eyes of the array. But it was amazing that the eyes of the array would continue to flow in the array. It was really the Hong family's array. The flow of the wind force made the eyes of the array happy In which constant change, people can not find a way to crack.

Qi Tianyu couldn't help but praise him. He carefully felt the flow of the eye of the wind, waved Taiqing Tianjian and slashed in one direction, but only made a crack, which was not enough for him to go out. "It's really not simple!"

Qi Tianyu said to himself, the arrogant outside also couldn't help stirring up the corner of his mouth, "even the famous Zhutian emperor is not so simple, right?"

Qi Tianyu felt that if he didn't find a way out of the array today, his reputation would be ruined. So he calmed down and felt its track in the whole array with the flow of the wind at a very fast speed. A few minutes later, he had mastered the track of Fengyan's action. He closed his eyes and raised his head Taiqing Tianjian, in the eye of the wind, split in that direction at the moment of moving, with a roar, the whole room collapsed. This array is also open.

Tianjiao can't help but open his eyes when he looks outside. It's really not easy to go day by day. He only provides such a small message, from which he can find the solution of the array. He is still the first person in all ages at such a fast speed.

After Qi Tianyu went out, of course, he didn't prepare to save Jiao didi for them according to his original promise. He turned around and was ready to leave. Tianjiao looked at Qi Tianyu's back and immediately came to him, "didn't you just promise me to help our young lady leave here? Are you really lying to me? "

"Of course, do you think I will really help you, the young lady who caught me? Don't be funny. We can be regarded as enemies no matter what. "

"You are the famous emperor of Zhutian. Are you so dishonest?" That Tianjiao can't believe it, but standing in front of Qi Tianyu, he doesn't dare to attack him. He knows he can't beat Qi Tianyu alone.

Qi Tianyu picked an eyebrow and felt a little interested. "Then your young lady is still a descendant of the famous Hong family. Didn't she catch me by playing a trick?" This time, Tianjiao has no way to refute. He droops his head dejectedly, knowing that he can't fight Qi Tianyu at this time, so he can only let him go.

Qi Tianyu saw that he was no longer blocking himself, so he bypassed him and prepared to leave. As soon as he walked a few steps, there was a burst of explosion behind him, and the whole house suddenly collapsed. Because they were in a dense forest, surrounded by trees, the explosion sounded particularly harsh.

Qi Tianyu can't help but turn around and see a group of people rushing towards this side. It seems that these people are the people they mentioned to catch Heifeng. Unexpectedly, they came here so soon. Qi Tianyu hesitated for a moment, but he thought that he had no obligation to save the pretty girl, so he stepped up again to leave.

"Wait a minute, please, save our young lady's life day by day! Please, the Hong family will give you a big reward. " Just now, Tianjiao was shouting behind Qi Tianyu. He and a group of people were already using their array to block those people. They knew they couldn't resist for long.

Qi Tianyu knows that even if he refuses at this time, no one will gossip. After all, he and the Hong family are not old friends, let alone the obligation to help them. Strictly speaking, the Hong family and he are still opposite. But looking at the half lying on the ground with a panicked face, he suddenly feels that it's not right for him to turn around and leave Men, after all, I did promise that person to help them take their young lady.

Qi Tianyu sighed deeply. He felt that he was really unlucky. How could he have done such a thing just out of shanglingcheng?

Qi Tianyu flew to Heifeng's side and mastered the method of solving the array just now. He easily solved the array that trapped Heifeng. As soon as he lifted Heifeng's collar, he lifted her up and said to her impatiently, "don't cry. You're not tired of crying so loudly. Hurry up."

Seeing that it was Qi Tianyu who came to save himself, Heifeng stopped crying and opened his wrist. "I don't need you to save me. They came, and I'm not afraid. They came just in time. I must make them look good."

Heifeng said that she was about to rush to the group. Seeing this scene, Tianjiao who were resisting in front of her were shocked. They were pale and yelled to Heifeng, "Miss, please go quickly. If you don't go, what's our sacrifice?"

Just say this sentence, one of Tianjiao was blasted from the chest, and the whole person was torn apart. Seeing a Tianjiao die in front of her own eyes, Heifeng was stunned. It was obvious that the young lady had never seen such a ferocious war scene.

She almost fell down with a weak leg, and Qi Tianyu carried her up from behind. Qi Tianyu looks at the people coming behind him. He knows that he shouldn't stay here to fight, so he'd better leave as soon as possible. He looks at those Tianjiao who are fighting hard, and some of them admire the Hong family. Their disciples really have backbone. No matter whether they are under heixuan's door or not, this kind of family loyalty is still an eye opener for him. He carries Heifeng for a flash He ran to the deep of the jungle and saw that he left with Heifeng. Those people also realized that they wanted to send someone to catch up with Qi Tianyu, but those Tianjiao fought hard to resist the direction they were going. They didn't move half a step even though they were broken, and they won enough time for Qi Tianyu.Qi Tianyu carried Heifeng all the way away from the battlefield. At the beginning, Heifeng was still struggling on his shoulder, but he was always looking at the Tianjiao people around him. In order to protect her, she died with those people. She didn't move any more. She was lying on Qi Tianyu's shoulder. Qi Tianyu thought that she was scared and fainted, but felt a kind of moisture behind her Then I knew that she was crying.

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