Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 2653

Published at 27th of December 2023 07:34:23 AM

Chapter 2653

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Ling Xiang looked at it, but snorted with disdain, "it seems that you are the one who Huang Long crammed in. I didn't expect that he usually looked at the awe inspiring appearance of justice, but there were so many tricks in private."

"If he doesn't have many tricks, how can he make you win the championship?" Qi Tianyu sneered. Ling Xiang's face changed. He quickly came forward, grabbed Qi Tianyu's arm, whispered in his ear and said, "you'd better shut up for me. If it's leaked out, you'll never have good fruit to eat!"

"Don't worry. It's not good for our Huang family to let it out. I won't say anything. But you should be conscious and don't trouble me. " Qi Tianyu must have not been scared away by him, but he threw away his arm, looked at him coldly, then sat down again, "can you stop in front of me, you can't get out of the sun!"

"Hum..." Lingxiao snorted coldly and turned to leave. Qi Tianyu raised his mouth slightly when he saw his back disappeared. How could it be a big deal if he could not hold his temper? Even if he became the champion by this small skill, he would definitely be compared next time. Qi Tianyu despised such a person most.

After waiting in the infield for nearly a quarter of an hour, a woman in white came in. She was holding a scroll, which was full of flowery characters. Qi Tianyu saw Ling Xiang engraved on it from a long distance. When he wanted to get closer and see if she had her own name, the woman in white raised her head, closed the scroll, and said to the people below, "this is my name There are quite a lot of people who have come for the first time. Some of you haven't even reported their names. But I just observed that you are all qualified candidates. Let's enter directly. Who wants to come first? "

"Isn't there any arrangement for the match Qi Tianyu is a little strange.

Before he could figure it out, a man raised his hand. The woman in white laughed and made a gesture to ask the man to come forward. The man passed through the crowd. He was only about 1.6 meters old. Looking at him, he was still young, but his whole body was full of spirit and rebellious.

He walked to the white woman's side in a few steps and said to the people below, "I'll take the lead. Those of you who want to challenge me will come up."

Next, he began to whisper. Qi Tianyu heard a man beside him say, "isn't this the young master of Ling mansion? I didn't expect to be so brazen! Are you going to make it? "

The man next to him replied, "I don't want to. If I hurt him, I might have to do something. Who falls in love with whom."

It seems that the above arrogant boy still has some background. Qi Tianyu looked him up and down and found that his level was just enough to be emperor. Almost half of the people below are above his martial arts level. It's not difficult to defeat him, but no one raised his hand after a few minutes.

The woman in white was a little impatient and said to her, "shouldn't anyone challenge Mr. Ling Feng? You are so timid

Ling Feng said with a cold smile, "they are all cowards. If you don't dare to go up, I'll choose."

Hearing Ling Feng say so, the people under the stage almost all lowered their heads, a pair of afraid to be ordered in the appearance. Only Qi Tianyu held his head high and didn't care at all. Ling Feng saw Qi Tianyu standing at the bottom at a glance. After they looked at each other, Ling Feng suddenly laughed, "just the one who looked at me. What's that look in your eyes? Is it disdain? That's you. "

Qi Tianyu was surprised. He looked around and could only see a group of low heads. He looked at the little boy and pointed to himself, "that Is that me

The boy nodded and said, "yes, it's you. You don't have to look at it any more."

Qi Tianyu didn't expect that he was so chosen. He was going to wait for the most powerful man to come on stage, but he was not afraid of death, so he didn't have to be merciful.

He jumped off and flew over the heads of the people next to him and landed beside Lingfeng. Looking at the boy who was half shorter than himself, he laughed, "I'm so much older than you. If I fight with you, it's not that you suffer losses, but I don't look like a gentleman."

"There's so much nonsense. If you want to fight, fight. Go out with me!" Ling Feng was impatient and roared. After staring at Qi Tianyu, he turned and left.

Looking at Qi Tianyu with such rebellious eyes, he didn't feel any displeasure. He just thought the child was interesting. If he looked at the half year old child again, Qi Tianyu couldn't get up any fighting mood. But he felt that it was inevitable for him to be high spirited at such an age, but it was wrong to be too arrogant. He must teach the child a lesson.

Qi Tianyu followed the child out of the infield, two people left and right on the stand, surrounded by a group of people, Qi Tianyu looked carefully, and did not see any commander like people in the infield, "the commander really does not come today?"

When Qi Tianyu looked left and right, Ling Feng roared, "what are you looking at? Don't you look down on me? "

"What's your hurry? I don't have to observe the situation, "Qi Tianyu replied carelessly, but it angered Ling Feng. He roared and burst out with golden light like a fireball. Before he was ready, Qi Tianyu was hit on his stomach. This kind of feeling was not good. Qi Tianyu didn't expect the child's death His strength was so strong. He was pushed back a few steps by him. It was not easy for him to stabilize his body. He kicked the boy's knee. The boy's reaction was quick. Although he was kicked a little, he still dodged lightly.He looked at Qi Tianyu and said, "if you look left and right again, it won't be your stomach next time!"

Qi Tianyu was finally in the right mood. He touched his belly and felt some pain. Even his xuanhuang immortal body could feel the pain. This child could not be underestimated. But he was just a quasi emperor. How could he have such ability to hurt himself?

Qi Tianyu pulled out his taiqingtian sword and stood in front of him. When he saw the sword, Ling Feng's face was full of joy. "It's a good sword. I like it! If I beat you, you'll have to give me this sword, OK

"You think so well!" Qi Tianyu didn't expect that the child had such a mind. He was a little angry for a moment.

"Forget it, why do I tell you? I'll beat you at that time and grab it directly!" Ling Feng starts to talk. Before Qi Tianyu answers, he rushes to Qi Tianyu again. This time he aimed at Qi Tianyu's chest. Qi Tianyu stood still, waiting for him to rush. When he was close to himself, Qi Tianyu raised Taiqing Tianjian and cleaved it towards his arm. But unexpectedly, when Taiqing Tianjian was about to touch him, his body suddenly shrank into a ball like state.

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