Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 2881

Published at 27th of December 2023 07:27:51 AM

Chapter 2881

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But the city Lord couldn't say a word. He just escaped from death, but he didn't slow down. Looking at him like this, the old woman couldn't help scolding him. She pulled the city Lord from the ground, grabbed him by the collar and yelled, "do you still have the appearance of the City Lord, are you afraid of it?"

"I Mother, don't you know that I almost lost my life just now, and you even said that to me! " The city master really took off the old woman's hand. Staggering to the side of the chair, he held his chest, feel just violent beat has not slowed down.

"Well, I really don't know how to say you..." Looking at him like this, the old woman shook her head helplessly. Knowing that it was useless to scold her again, she sat aside and poured herself a cup of tea. After drinking it all, she calmed down. "Well, what do you think of your performance today?"

"Mother, I really did my best. You saw it, and I didn't want to."

"You don't want to? You don't want to know why you can't even subdue that young goblin, and let it run away in front of you! "

"Then you should blame the goblin. What's the use of blaming me? Besides, I didn't mean to fall off its back. Didn't you see that? It was the beasts who forced me down

"Don't make these excuses. You just don't have any use. For the first time, I only released more than ten sacred animals for you. You look so embarrassed. What should you do in the ceremony a few days later?"

"I can't, I can't, mother, I really can't, you see, I don't have this talent at all, please, don't let me go in again!"

"What talent is not? From today on, I will train you every day. As long as you don't finish my task, I won't let you out, but I won't go in and save you like today!"

"What are you saying? Do you really want to see me die? Mother Hearing the old woman say these words, the city Lord can't help but stare big eyes, stand up and yell at her.

"Don't yell at me here. I'll put my words here. Today is the first time. I'll let you go. If there's another time, you can watch it for me!"

"Mother, I really can't, I beg you, don't let me do such a thing again!" The Lord of the city went up to grab the old woman's hand, but she didn't want to hear anything. She waved her sleeve and turned back to her room.

Looking at his mother's back, the city master sat back in his chair and muttered, "it's over, it's over, it's really over this time..."

On the other side, Qi Tianyu followed Tian Mu back to the room, and then put the ball on the table. The ball's fear had calmed down a lot. He watched Qi Tianyu wag his tail and said he wanted to eat. Qi Tianyu opened the box and ran in.

Looking at the ball missing, Tian Mu was a little surprised, "where did it go?"

"Wait till it's full, and it'll come out." Qi Tianyu put the box on the table, sat beside the table and waited. Tian Mu looked at Qi Tianyu and stopped talking. He sat with him waiting for the ball to eat and drink. The ball stayed in its nest for a long time before it came out. It said it was going to eat. In fact, it was just hiding there to calm down. Today, it's really embarrassing, what What a well-known beast! It was already scared when it met an ordinary beast. Under such circumstances, it was not an ordinary beast. It always heard Qi Tianyu, the old lady and the city master talk about how powerful he was. In fact, he was just a coward!

The self-esteem of the ball was seriously damaged, and when he climbed out, he was also dejected and didn't get angry at all.

Qi Tianyu seemed to understand what he thought. When he came out, he touched his head. "Ball, don't lose heart. This is your first time to fight with your peers. It's inevitable to be afraid. You should know that you are just a young predator."

The ball shook his head, suddenly showed his belly to Qi Tianyu, patted his belly, as if sighing something. Tian Mu on one side was confused, but Qi Tianyu knew what he wanted to express, "what are you doing with such desperation? Is it hard to be a waste and you'll be at ease! "

"You can understand that!" In the side of Tian Mu can't help but scream, Qi Tianyu smiles and shakes his head, "I don't know what's wrong, after staying with this little guy for a long time, I can guess his words and deeds."

"That's great!" Tian Mu can't help but thumbs up. He can't understand the expression of the ball at all.

The ball patted his belly again, got up from the table and got close to Qi Tianyu's finger. "I can't take you back to Hong Feng. We haven't finished our work yet. Besides, you can see that the old woman won't let you go easily."

When Qiu Qiu heard Qi Tianyu's words, he began to dance and express himself. He puffed his cheek angrily, as if he had a stomach full of gas.

Qi Tianyu quietly waited for it to express, and then said, "I know you blame me, but I can't help it. Who knows that old woman would take you to do such a thing. However, you should also review yourself. Since you are such a powerful beast, why are you so scared when you meet ordinary beasts? "The ball seemed to have been stabbed in the pain. Suddenly, her head drooped and her back turned to Qi Tianyu. Qi Tianyu continued, "anyway, you can't stay in this box for a lifetime. You really should make progress, ball. Hong Feng doesn't know what kind of beast you are. She just takes you as a cat and dog and feeds you something all day long Xi and her play, but this is not your own destiny, you are a predator ah

The ball shook his head desperately, as if he didn't want to hear it. Qi Tianyu sighed helplessly, "come on, if you don't want to hear me say this, I won't say it, but I tell you, that old woman will definitely come to you. If you leave the city master alone next time, I believe she will be rude to you, and you know her It seems to be very powerful. "

I heard the old woman's name. The ball snorted helplessly. It was really afraid of the old woman. It was afraid when it ran out just now. Now it still has some palpitations. If Qi Tianyu doesn't show up and he is caught by the old woman, maybe he will be taught a lesson.

"Listen to me, you must admit your mistake with that old woman tomorrow, or I can't protect you, you know?"? Qi Tianyu advised the ball for a long time, the ball nodded.

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