Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 3218

Published at 27th of December 2023 07:17:14 AM

Chapter 3218

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Hong Feng cried silently for a long time. Qi Tianyu couldn't persuade her, and she didn't persuade her any more. They just looked at him face to face. Hong Feng wiped her tears and washed her nose and said, "well, since you don't know, what can I ask from your mouth? I don't want to say anything now. Go out."

"Well, you'll have a good rest." Qi Tianyu found that Hong Feng had forgotten about her grandmother, so he didn't take the initiative to mention it. He quickly stood up and went out.

Hong Feng watched Qi Tianyu's back disappear. At the moment when the door was closed, she woke up and trembled. "Qiu Qiu, do you think he will marry Huang Li? Are they really going to be together? "

Hong Feng's voice is very light, like talking to herself, but the ball can hear very clearly, and he doesn't know how to answer, but after thinking about it, he answers carefully, "master, if you don't want them to be together, it's very simple."

"Simple? How easy is it? "

"You just snatch Qi Tianyu. Anyway, Qi Tianyu was very tangled in his heart. As long as you stop or play some tricks to prevent them from becoming husband and wife, and Qi Tianyu doesn't want to stay in this place. I can feel it. When the time comes, you two will leave together and leave that woman here alone?"

"Qiu Qiu, what you said is too natural and simple. Naturally, I know it, but how to do it is very difficult. Do you understand? Qi Tianyu has already said that he really likes Huang Li. What else can I do? "

"I'll help you, master. I'll help you. I'll think about it. If I think of a way, I'll do it. You can leave it to me." The ball is decadent to its master. He can't bear it, as long as it can separate Qi Tianyu from that woman with the master's will?

"Forget it. What's the point of saying this to you, except to make me more sad." Hong Feng doesn't care about the words of the ball. After all, the ball is just a beast. How can she understand the emotional entanglement between human beings.

Hong Feng closed her eyes, fell down on the bed, grabbed the quilt and buried it. Her mind was in a mess, and her body was very weak. After a while, she fell into a coma, but the ball was thinking hard. He thought for a long time, but he didn't think what to do. But suddenly, he had an idea. He jumped out of the bed and faced the outside Run, not long after a garden found Qi Tianyu.

Qi Tianyu sat under the tree and looked at the distance silently. It seemed very sad. The ball climbed to the stone table in front of Qi Tianyu and called to Qi Tianyu, "what are you thinking about?"

Qi Tianyu still indulged in his own thoughts. He was a little dazed when he saw the ball. "How did you come out? If you're not in it, keep a good watch on Hong Feng. "

"The master has fallen asleep. I came out to look for you at this opportunity."

"To me? Do you want to say something? No, wait a minute. If you want to say those boring words again, shut up. I don't want to hear them either

"If it's boring, it's not what I want. Qi Tianyu, if I remember clearly, didn't you want to use my master's magic weapon to save someone? Now, do you still have that idea? " Qi Tianyu narrowed his eyes. He didn't know why the ball suddenly mentioned these words.

"Talk to Qi Tianyu." Seeing that Qi Tianyu just looked at himself and didn't speak, the ball anxiously called again.

"Of course I want to save her. She is my most important person." Qi Tianyu answered him.

"Well, what are you still doing here? Anyway, you have got the secret of the Tian family. Leave this place and take the master's magic weapon to save the most important person in your heart."

Qi Tianyu shook his head with a smile. "How can there be such a simple thing? Even if I get the magic weapon of the Tian family, the ownership of the army is still not in my hands. Now I have an idea to take charge of this situation. How can I go easily?"

"It turns out that you are thinking about these things in your heart. I know that Qi Tianyu, what kind of love between children is the Afterword for you. What you are thinking about in your heart is your own business. Qiu Qiu said that he was not satirizing Qi Tianyu, but was really happy. "According to what he said, you are also perfunctory to Huang Li, and you don't want to marry her, right?"

"It's two things." Qi Tianyu frowned and interrupted the ball.

"It's two things. It's one thing. Don't you hesitate to marry Huang Li because you can indirectly take charge of the army through him? But I can tell you that if you don't marry her, you will be able to take charge of the army. "

"What do you mean by that?" Although Qi Tianyu had never had such an idea, he was still curious to hear that.

The ball said confidently in front of the table, "what the people here advocate is not the Tian family, but you hold the biggest secret and magic weapon of the Tian family in your hand, which is enough to make them bow to you. In addition, if they still don't want to completely submit to you, you can also use force. Where are these people with me and you 。”Listening to Qiu Qiu's childish words, Qi Tianyu couldn't help laughing, "Qiu Qiu, I know you are worrying about me, but forget it. What you said is meaningless. I have my own consideration."

"There is no meaning, Qi Tianyu. Can't you listen to me once? I can tell you, if you drag on like this again, maybe the master will leave. Then you don't want the magic weapon and the person you want to find. "

Qi Tianyu didn't pay attention to his threat. "I know what you want to say, Qiu Qiu. Don't worry. I won't give up Hong Feng easily. Her body has become like this for my reasons. I will take good care of her. When she is completely well, I will..."

"When she's all right, what are you going to do?" The ball knew what he wanted to say behind him, so he quickly interrupted him, "you can't leave me and the master, no, you can't leave."

You are also a little anxious under the ball. He jumped off the table and jumped into Qi Tianyu's arms. He looked at Qi Tianyu with wet eyes. Qi Tianyu was also a little softhearted because of the dog's pitying appearance. "Ball, I didn't expect that you were so reluctant to leave me."

"I don't want you to go, I just It's just that you don't do it for your master. Why do you know your master first, but let that woman take the lead? " Seeing the ball, he began to scold Huang Li. Qi Tianyu patted him on the head unhappily. "As a beast, it's not something you should care about. Just take good care of your master."

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