Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 3242

Published at 27th of December 2023 07:16:36 AM

Chapter 3242

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Listening to his indifferent tone, Hong Feng couldn't help crying. She thought she couldn't bear Qi Tianyu's attitude.

Hong Feng struggled to get up from the bed, hugged Qi Tianyu from behind and buried him in his broad back. Hong Feng could not help but burst into tears, "I really have no way, I have no way, I have struggled for a long time, I am also very tangled, but the result The result is still like this I'm sorry for you, but please forgive me. Don't leave me

But Qi Yu held her for a long time, but she didn't have a good breath

"Where are you going?"

"I'm going to get my things back, of course!"

"Qi Tianyu, what are you? You don't blame me or care about me, do you?" Hong Feng seems to know what Qi Tianyu thinks. She lies on the bed and shouts at Qi Tianyu angrily. It's her fault, but she is so righteous.

However, Qiu Qiu knows that his master is just putting on airs and maintaining his final dignity. Qi Tianyu doesn't turn his head, but coldly says, "it's useless for us to talk more. Have a good rest."

He turned his head and left. No matter how much Hong Feng called, he was not ready to come back. At the moment when the door was closed, Hong Feng felt the strong border around her. Qi Tianyu had already locked her up.

Hong Feng struggled to climb out of bed and beat the door hard, but the invisible force stopped her from moving forward. She was locked in like this, and she had no ability to go out.

Hong Feng shouts to the ball beside him, "take me out quickly. I'm going to find him. I'm going to tell him..."

"Master, don't struggle any more. Qi Tianyu is really angry, but don't be afraid. He didn't punish you and didn't say anything too much to you, so there is still room. Let's stay here and wait for him to come to us, OK?"

"You don't see his attitude. He disdains to talk to me. He keeps me here just to keep me from going out. He doesn't trust me anymore..."

Hong Feng is tears on the ground, she thought of Qi Tianyu left at that time the face of expressionless appearance, the whole heart is pulled together, the ball can not comfort her, can only accompany Hong Feng's side, silently watching her tears.

As soon as Qi Tianyu went out, Huang Li came up. She looked at the courtyard of Hong Feng, which was full of border. She couldn't help sighing, "is it useful for you to lock her up like this? I think her character must be intolerable. "

"I have no other way. I can only leave her for a period of time to see if I can find that person. If I can't find that person, I'll have to think about getting some information from her."

"Won't she tell you?" Huang Li was very surprised. She thought Hong Feng was sincere to Qi Tianyu at least.

Qi Tianyu shook his head. "She didn't want to tell me. She just knew that Qiu Qiu had told me. There was no useful news. She only knew that they were intruded by a group of outsiders. Maybe they had been hiding here for a long time and hadn't been found by us. She said that they still had some skills. I don't think you can find the bodyguards you sent out. "

"What shall we do! He's already taken your stuff. If they do something with it, it's over. " Huang Li is very nervous.

"Listen to me first, they should not get out of this situation now. You should guard the exit of the situation strictly, lay more powerful border and more hands, guard day and night, and not let a fly fly out. As long as they are still locked in this place, we can find them."

"I'll listen to you." Huang Li sent someone to deliver a message, but Qi Tianyu felt Huang Li's hair very sorry. "I'm sorry, it was a good day for both of us, but I didn't expect it was stirred up like this."

"It doesn't matter. I know it's not your fault. You can't control it." Qi Tianyu holds the understanding Huang Li in his arms. His heart is full of bitterness. He didn't expect that such a thing would happen. He was put together by the most trusted people around him. Moreover, the people of Hongfeng gang are his biggest enemy, heixuan. He said in his heart that it's impossible not to be upset or angry, but seeing Hongfeng's pear blossom with rain and pain He couldn't do it either, so he had to lock her up.

"Qi Tianyu, come back! Please... " Qi Tianyu can still vaguely hear the cry from Hong Feng.

Qi Tianyu really expected that. After the necklace was robbed by the man, he quickly went back to his home, surrounded by a group of people in black. After he came back, he surrounded himself with a group of people, "what's the matter..."

"Don't worry, it's done. I've got what we want." He took out the black box from his chest, patted it gently, and those people nodded with satisfaction, "you are still powerful."

"I have to thank Lord heixuan. He gave me this treasure to lock the chain with it. You can't see that Hong Feng's hand was miserable after she took the chain. It's really a treasure. She knows her own heart very well.""If it recognizes the Lord, how can we give it to Lord heixuan?"

"We don't have to worry about that. I think Lord heixuan has a way. Now what's more troubling is another problem. "

"What's the matter?"

"How can we get this thing out? I think Qi Tianyu has found out. Maybe there are more people around. It's more difficult for us to go out. "

"We have to go out in case of difficulties. When we get such a treasure, we naturally want to give it to Lord heixuan immediately. We can't wait a second!"

"It's easy for you to say. How can you get out of here?" There was a quarrel nearby. For a moment, the quarrel continued.

The man in disguise slapped the table hard and stopped their noise. "Is it time to quarrel? We should figure out how to get out and give it to Lord heixuan as soon as possible. The longer this thing stays in my hands, the more unsafe it becomes. Qi Tianyu is not a fool. He must think of various ways to deal with us. We can only start first and finish it quickly! "

"That's right. What do you think we should do?" Everyone else asked about this.

He felt his chin and thought for a while before he said, "if we can't get out in disguise, we'll have to break out."

"Hard break?"

"Yes, the border is powerful, but it's not impossible to break. As long as you work hard, we can go out. After all, you are all quasi emperors."

At the end of his words, those people's faces became very pale. They all looked at each other and could not help but step back, "are you sure you want to use this method?"

The man slightly raised the corner of his mouth, with a trace of cruel cold intention, "when you came, you didn't all agree with Lord Black Xuan, how now you are all shrinking back."

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