Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 740

Published at 27th of December 2023 08:35:55 AM

Chapter 740

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Qi Tianyu nodded, and the public divine sense sound, said: "we all hand in hand to hold their own, lest for a while who alone, a person encounter what danger, other people do not know."

In this mysterious place, it's hard for one person to cope with danger and being alone. Therefore, in order to ensure safety, Qi Tianyu can only use this method which seems not very useful.

Tang Yiyue's hand is pulled by Qi Tianyu, and he has a special sense of security.

"Sword Qi has appeared!" Qi Tianyu's face is cautious. Maybe it's because Yue Yunfeng broke a border. The power of taboo around him has changed a little, but these changes are not much. The power of taboo around him has begun to recover.

Yue Yunfeng, who had never seen the power of this sword Qi, looked at Qi Tianyu's nervous appearance with a confused face. At this time, they also understood the power of this sword Qi.

Fortunately, when Yue Yunfeng and yunzihang fell into the cliff, they didn't directly enter Qi Tianyu's boundary, otherwise those lava fire beasts would have killed Yue Yunfeng and yunzihang.

The sword Qi, whistling, fluttered quickly in the direction of Qi Tianyu's station. It was said that it was fast, but in fact it was only faster than before.

Qi Tianyu and the others dodged quickly. The sword Qi, which seemed to have nothing, penetrated the border and directly cut the border just in front of Qi Tianyu.

Just now those strangers suddenly appeared in front of Qi Tianyu. It turned out that they were separated only by a border.

Qi Tianyu's face was frozen, and he noticed that there was a dark breath coming from the border.

All of them hide their vitality, and they are now very sensitive to the smell of darkness.

"That sword spirit came again. I don't know how to go out. The temple master asked us to find a foothold, but now we fall in for no reason. We can't go out. How can we get out of the difficulty?"

"Wait a minute, Jie Jie. It's said that there are many treasures in the wild land. This time we come here, it may be our chance!"

Several strange voices rang out, discussing the place.

But before they had finished, Qi Tianyu's golden sword had already gone out and penetrated one person's chest. Tang Yiyue's flying needle had also been thrown out and hit another person's neck.

"The little fish of xuanshewei dare to live in the wild and holy land?" Qi Tianyu laughed happily. The other three monks of Xuan snake guard didn't react and had lost two companions.

Qi Tianyu and Tang Yiyue's sneak attack speed is amazing, and these two mysterious snake guards are only eight in the sky, so they are called out to explore the way.

"Who are you?" The other three xuanshewei's face changed. In today's world, there are few people who know xuanshewei, and few people who know xuanshewei and dare to do it!

"Oh? They who come to take your lives. " Qi Tianyu said quietly, carrying the golden sword to assassinate the other three people.

Recently, the xuanshewei activities are frequent, and Qi Tianyu is also a little uneasy. He doesn't know what's wrong with heixuan recently, but Qi Tianyu can't manage so much for the time being. Any xuanshewei close to the wild land can kill them if they can. If they can't, they will use the eight trigrams to seal them.

The mysterious snake guards who were detained by Qi Tianyu had been tortured to death in the endless darkness and tranquility.

Qi Tianyu couldn't be soft hearted to xuanshewei, who would make them refuse to tell the truth about his coming to the wild land.

Not long after that, the three mysterious snake guards were also detained by Qi Tianyu and lost to the extremely dark place.

"I didn't expect that the people of the Xuan snake guards had already explored the way here. I hope these Xuan snake guards can detect the terror of the wild land in time and leave here as soon as possible." Qi Tianyu said calmly.

Yue Yunfeng was surprised. Boss, this is the rhythm of anger again!

"Ha ha, Xuan snake guard, don't force me to cooperate with those strange and unpredictable friars in the wilderness." Qi Tianyu said faintly, and the golden sword was cutting the body of xuanshewei to vent his anger.

The group of weird and unpredictable friars refers to the organization that prevents the friars above the saint level from entering the wilderness.

If Qi Tianyu cooperates with them, he can guarantee that xuanshewei will never be able to step into the wilderness again.

"Boss, when we came here, we left the soul jade slips in zhutianzong. Zhutianzong and Liyue Zong can know the life and death of yunzihang and me, so now they are not very nervous."

Yue Yunfeng said to Qi Tianyu suddenly.

"You have a good brain." Qi Tianyu restored the original appearance and said with a smile.

Zhutianzong didn't ask the friars to leave the soul jade slips. After all, the soul jade slips need to extract a trace of the original power of the soul, and it's hard for the original power of the soul to regenerate.

After making the soul jade slips, it's good to get them back. Most of the clans just hold the soul jade slips and force their disciples to do what they don't want to do.Most of the disciples kept the jade slips for the sake of cultivating resources and their souls, and they could only compromise again and again.

"In the place where taboo is most powerful, it happens to be the mountain wall, where we soar up and cling to the mountain wall." Qi Tianyu and others said.

"The sword Qi moves to the mountain wall, and it's also the place with the strongest power of taboo. It's impossible for the sword Qi to penetrate directly. At this time, we use our spiritual power to attach to the sword Qi."

Tang Yiyue nodded. Only Qi Tianyu could use his spirit power to attach to the sword Qi. Ordinary monks' spirit power could not resist the sword Qi for a long time.

But they follow Qi Tianyu, abnormal cultivation, one or two of the spirit power is very viscous, Qi Tianyu don't have to be careful, their spirit power can't resist the sword Qi.

Qi Tianyu and Qi Tianyu were just attached to the wall of the mountain, and the sword spirit floated from afar.

"It's really an array here, Tang Yiyue. Do you realize that this sword Qi is always following us?" Qi Tianyu frowned and looked at this strange sword Qi.

When he released the Rune of his life to explore the past in the mountain wall, he could not find any traces left by the array in the mountain wall.

"Maybe we have to go to other places to have a look before we can see the mystery of this array. If we can see through this array, there will be another secret place in the wilderness that is suitable for hiding power."

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