Emperor Zhu Tian - Chapter 808

Published at 27th of December 2023 08:33:41 AM

Chapter 808

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After the monk's body adapts to one environment, if it suddenly changes violently, another environment will not be able to bear it, and if it is serious, he will die suddenly. Therefore, Qi Tianyu's steps change the mechanism and prevent the monk's environment from changing violently.

Qinglong palace has another function. If there was no accident when Qi Tianyu was alive, then Qinglong palace is Qi Tianyu's legacy to later generations. However, if there was an accident, Qinglong palace would become Qi Tianyu's successor.

So a lot of things in Qinglong palace need the cultivation talent of monks to reach a certain level.

The huge Qinglong palace has almost endless stone steps. Qi Tianyu and his family all tried their best to break out their cultivation when they passed the stone steps. Otherwise, the stone steps would be enough for them to walk slowly for a few days.

On the stone steps, the cool breath flows out from the cracks of the stone steps, with a trace of aura. It can not only refresh the mind, but also enhance the cultivation of the practitioners, so as to ensure that the practitioners will not faint and be crushed to death.

"Boss, why is there nothing here?" Yue Yunfeng jumped down the stone steps and looked around, but he couldn't see anything.

Here is a small part of Qinglong palace. In the front hall, a breath of vicissitudes lingers outside the palace, and a bronze gate appears in front of the public.

"It seems that the gas in your body hasn't completely faded, has it?" Qi Tianyu glanced at Yue Yunfeng and said, "it's just outside the palace. What else do you want? Take out all the valuable things and leave them outside to spoil? "

"Well, I haven't recovered for a while..." Yue Yunfeng was stupid at this time.

"Don't go there. There's a heaven killing array here. We'll be in big trouble if we go in." Qi Tianyu stopped the crowd and said softly.

"You follow me, one by one, and keep an eye on the person in front of you. Don't step in the wrong direction." Qi Tianyu and others said softly.

There is a path hidden in the sky array that will not touch the array, but only Qi Tianyu knows this path.

"Good!" The crowd nodded and lined up to walk into the hall like a snake.

Qi Tianyu didn't know that on the stone steps, the monks of tongzizong, the people of Yuejia and the disciples of yuhuozong were all moving step by step.

In the interior of the palace, tens of thousands of years have passed, and the place with rich aura has begun to breed some creatures, some of them are extremely strange, some of them are extremely gentle

There are even creatures who have developed high enough minds to roam among the green dragon palace.

The location of Qinglong palace has been revealed, but he didn't appear in the name of Qinglong palace, but in the identity of ancient secret place, so the Xuan snake guard didn't pay much attention at this time.

In the palace of black Xuan, countless black Qi are constantly around, and the forces of darkness are constantly corroding black Xuan, making black Xuan fall into a deep sleep.

If heixuan is sober, he only needs to make a guess at this time, and he will guess that the most recent ancient secret place is the Qinglong palace of Qi Tianyu, his brother who was killed by him.

After all, in this location, the most likely ancient secret place is Qinglong palace, but few people know about it, even heixuan didn't know it at the beginning.

Although ten thousand years ago, the day by day emperor regarded heixuan as his intimate brother and said nothing, the green dragon palace was the last hand left by the day by day emperor.

If there was no accident at the beginning, it's a pity that there was no if

Qi Tianyu leads the people to walk on the path of Qinglong palace. Looking at the familiar Qinglong palace, Qi Tianyu's thoughts can't help floating to ten thousand years ago.

Qi Tianyu is a man who likes to leave a way for himself. You can know this from the Jue Mi path where you can pass through the heaven killing array.

In a short time, the crowd passed the Jue Mi path and easily passed the heaven killing array.

Qi Tianyu stood before the bronze gate of the front hall of Qinglong palace. The heavy bronze gate, after years of precipitation, exuded a mysterious atmosphere.

There is a faint blue light around the bronze gate, which is more secluded. The bronze gate is engraved with numerous ancient patterns and inscriptions. If there is a rune master here, we can interpret the contents engraved on the gate.

You will be surprised to find that the whole bronze gate is a heavy historical book, which records the glorious history of the Qinglong empire. It is not too much to say that this bronze gate alone is a priceless treasure.

This is more and more people look forward to, what kind of yearning world is inside the gate.

"Boss, what are the runes on it?" Yun Zihang asked curiously.

Tang Yiyue is also very curious about this. She always has a strong interest in this ancient book, but she is not familiar with this aspect, and she can't understand much.

Without saying a word, Qi Tianyu went to the bronze gate, reached out and stroked the figures and runes on the gate. The memories of ten thousand years ago poured into Qi Tianyu's mind.

Xu Shi felt Qi Tianyu's breath as a great emperor. The originally cold bronze door suddenly became soft, which made people no longer afraid to be close to it.Qi Tianyu just wanted to release the spirit of the great emperor. If the bronze gate could fully accept Qi Tianyu's familiar and strange breath, it would not take Qi Tianyu much effort to open the bronze gate.

Before Qi Tianyu had time to start, he heard a loud noise behind him. "Brother, you see there's someone in front of you." "Yes, those people look very strange. I don't know where they are. How did they run in front of us..."

Qi Tianyu followed his voice and looked behind him. Then he saw the monks who had just stepped down the steps.

Qi Tianyu and others are not unfamiliar with the breath of these friars. They are the people of tongzizong.

Qi Tianyu stood in front of the bronze gate, looking down at the sudden appearance of these people.

"Why did someone break in so quickly? Is it difficult that the destroyed entrance of the palace has been found by outsiders?" Qi Tianyu looked dignified.

Qi Tianyu sent out his divine sense. After a survey, he found that there were still several waves of people behind him, even though he could feel that many people had been crushed by the huge pressure of the stone steps.

Those who can resist the great pressure and enter here will not be ordinary people, and their accomplishments will not be too low.

Qi Tianyu was a little annoyed. He was so excited when he just found the entrance of the sub hall that he was so dazed that he forgot to set a hidden array on the top of the gap.

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