End of the Era - Chapter 18

Published at 29th of June 2023 06:09:53 AM

Chapter 18

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Ch18 - Modification

Xu Song didn’t expect the undead to rush into the crowd so quickly. Everyone around him was in a panic, and he couldn’t distinguish who was a zombie, who was a regular person, or who was a soldier coming to rescue.


“Take this, stay safe.”




A heavy object fell into his arms. It was a sheathed dagger, about fifty to sixty centimeters long, larger and heavier than the dagger Yue Zheng had given him earlier.


“It’s too chaotic, I can’t tell at all…” Xu Song said while shouldering his backpack. Amidst the chaos, there were screams from adults everywhere, and cries from children. 



Looking at this situation, the zombies didn’t even need to kill, they could just scare a large group of people to death. Wouldn’t it be more cost-effective for them to simply pick up intact corpses and continue to use them?



“Yeah, follow me later, don’t get lost…” Before he could finish his sentence, a man in front of them suddenly let out a scream of agony. A bloody hand pierced through his back and stopped less than ten centimeters in front of Xu Song’s nose!


The fresh red blood shimmered in the light of the nearby bonfire, emitting an eerie glow. Drop by drop, it fell onto the floor in front of Xu Song.



With a slight sound, the man in front of him collapsed weakly. Xu Song quickly moved to the side, but the arm was still inside the man’s body. At that moment, a sharp scream came from behind him, from the zombie whose arm had just been severed by Yue Zheng.


Yue Zheng, who should have been by Xu Song’s side, had somehow run to the side and swung his military knife, severing the zombie’s arm.


“Ah!” Men and women who noticed the situation screamed in horror and crowded in other directions as if doomsday was right in front of them.


Amidst the chaos of people running in all directions, they didn’t realize that there was more than one zombie mixed in the crowd until someone else was attacked and fell to the ground.


Fresh red blood splattered on the ground as a zombie possessed the fallen person and began to feast on the vibrant, delicious blood.



Xu Song held Yue Zheng’s bag with one hand and gripped the dagger with his other hand. The living corpse fighting with Yue Zheng seemed to realize that the person in front of him was not so easy to deal with.  After losing an arm and receiving a diagonal cut on its body, it turned and ran.


Xu Song happened to be standing diagonally behind it. Seeing the zombie charging towards him, he raised his hand and swung with all his might at the wound Yue Zheng had inflicted. 


Unfortunately, he didn’t have enough strength and couldn’t cut through. Fortunately, at the same time, Yue Zheng swung his arm, severing the zombie’s back at the same wound. The distorted black energy, unsupported by a body, twisted and quietly disappeared into the night.


“Ah! Ah! Ah!” Just as they had knocked down the zombie next to them, they heard someone screaming not far away, accompanied by the sound of violent winds.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


Ktfs delmxis ibbxfv eq jcv rjk j atlc wjc nlubgberis rklculcu j tfjns rabcf yfcmt lc tlr tjcvr. Pc tlr tjcvr, atf yfcmt rffwfv jr iluta jr j yjwybb qbif, klatbea jcs kfluta ja jii.


Ccv lc ogbca bo tlw, atf hbwylf tjv yffc gfqfjafvis ragemx, fnlvfca ys weialqif ogjmaegfr bc lar ybvs. Tfa, la rffwfv byilnlber ab atf lcpeglfr, klat lar jgwr jcv ifur aklrafv ja qfmeiljg jcuifr, ralii gfjmtlcu bea abkjgvr atf wjc.


Xu Song felt that the man looked somewhat familiar, and combined with his swinging of the stone stool, he appeared to handle it more easily than Xu Song did with his knife. He immediately remembered that this person was the man with enhanced strength he had seen yesterday.


The zombie let out a strange cry and twisted its arm at an eerie angle, stabbing the man’s arm. The man, in pain, couldn’t hold onto the stone stool anymore, and it flew out of his hands, hitting a man running nearby.


“Husband! Husband!” The woman next to the injured man screamed loudly, her voice piercing and painful to the ears.


“Ah—!! I’ll fight you!” The mutated man, seeing blood pouring from his arm, recalled the rumors about turning into a zombie if bitten. In despair, he desperately grabbed a half-collapsed stone table by the roadside and threw it at the zombie.



A cry of alarm erupted from the crowd as the stone table not only smashed the zombie on the spot but also hit seven or eight other people nearby.


“Let’s go!” Xu Song felt a gust of wind rush past his ears and was immediately pulled by Yue Zheng, stumbling as they ran. Behind them, the massive stone table shattered and fragments flew indiscriminately, hitting the panicked crowd nearby.


“Phew… How did those things get in?” Xu Song breathed a sigh of relief as they sat in the car.


Their car was parked on the street next to the shelter, and now the street was filled with people fleeing for their lives. Cars around them had been opened, and most were speeding away in various directions.


“Those things move quickly and can still act even when injured. It’s not easy to defend against them even if you have a gun.” Xu Song had only fought with one undead for a short while, and Yue Zheng had only used his abilities twice discreetly, yet he already felt a bit tired. Fortunately, it wasn’t the same overwhelming exhaustion as before.


The situation in the shelter was chaotic. Not only did ordinary people accidentally harm their companions while trying to survive, but even the soldiers and police who rushed into the crowd couldn’t avoid causing harm to the masses. Many were injured or killed due to being caught up in the chaos.


Yue Zheng parked the car on the side, closer to the resting place of the troops, and therefore, they were not under attack. Many people were running in a panic, rushing to the cars parked on the roadside, attempting to seize a vehicle to escape. 


The windows of many cars had been shattered. What was even more outrageous was that Xu Song and Yue Zheng saw several burly men trying to seize the guns from the soldiers’ hands amidst the chaos, but fortunately, they were discovered by their comrades and immediately subdued.


The chaos continued until morning, and the nearly collapsing crowd gradually calmed down. In the distance, the sound of heavily armored vehicles could be heard as the nearby troops arrived in armored vehicles to provide support. Natural disasters had already struck, and they couldn’t let man-made disasters undermine the hard-won situation they had saved.


Seeing the armored vehicles and the soldiers with gleaming weapons in their hands, many people finally began to feel a sense of relief. Sobs could be heard from the shelter, and as if infected, more and more cries resounded under the bright summer sunlight, grief filled the air.



Music played inside the car, and Xu Song subconsciously looked towards his pocket, only to see Yue Zheng taking out his phone and speaking to someone inside. He then started the car, saying, “Let’s drive over and modify the car a bit.”


“Modify the car? Can we do that in such a hurry?” Xu Song was puzzled. Wasn’t it said that they were going to prepare for the trip the day after tomorrow?


“Just some simple modifications, installing a few solar panels and gathering some supplies.” The items they had collected yesterday were not sufficient, especially in terms of food and medicine. It was always better to gather more. Most importantly, they needed weapons.


“Alright, so we don’t need to go to the city today?”


“We might not have enough time, and we also need time to adapt.”


“Adapt? Adapt to what?” Xu Song looked at Yue Zheng with confusion, but as he didn’t offer an explanation, Xu Song started fiddling with his own phone. Not knowing if it was a signal problem from his mother’s side, he hadn’t been able to get through to her since that day. Nevertheless, he still couldn’t let go of the hope and wanted to give it a try, even if it was just a single message, at least to know that his mother was still there.


The car was parked at a large car repair and modification workshop. Normally, the staff here worked on repairing and modifying vehicles, but now it was filled with military and police personnel. The hands-on work was being carried out by professionals from the military, who usually dealt with military vehicles and various advanced weapons. Modifying a few ordinary cars seemed like a waste of their skills.


After parking, Xu Song noticed that besides their own car, several other vehicles were also parked there, and two of them seemed to have already been modified.


“Who are you?” a person in military uniform with a slung firearm approached and asked.


“Criminal Investigation Brigade, Yue Zheng.”



“Oh, just park your car over there. Once that one is done, it’ll be your turn.”


There were a total of three cars being modified simultaneously, and Xu Song’s car was parked behind one of them. After getting out of the car, they followed the soldier’s instructions and headed towards a side door.


Inside the door, there was a long table with various sizes of boxes placed behind it. Several people were signing and receiving supplies. After a short while, it was their turn. Yue Zheng bent down to sign and register, and the person behind the table moved a few boxes and placed them aside.


The boxes were heavy and large, sealed with security seals, making it impossible to see what was inside. After Yue Zheng filled out the forms, he and Xu Song each carried two boxes and walked out. 


The car in front was not yet finished, so they opened the back door and placed the four boxes inside. They then returned to the room, with Yue Zheng carrying a 20-liter mineral water jug and a large, bulging plastic bag, and walked out again. 


But with just these two trips, along with the supplies they already had in the car, the back half of the vehicle was packed tightly.


“Thank goodness we picked a larger vehicle.” Xu Song sighed as he looked at the packed cargo area.


“The one in front should be done soon. After we finish, we’ll probably have some time to go out and take a look. Tonight, find some time to test the equipment.” Yue Zheng glanced at his watch and casually said to Xu Song.


“What kind of equipment?” Xu Song asked.


Yue Zheng pointed to the four boxes on the floor of the back compartment and said, “Flamethrowers.” 



Ignoring Xu Song’s petrified expression, Yue Zheng continued to explain, “And there are handguns, submachine guns, and grenades.”


“W-Wait a minute, brother Yue, you mean… all the weapons are in those four boxes?!” Xu Song understood the handguns and grenades, but flamethrowers too? It seemed excessively brutal!


“Only two of the boxes contain weapons. The other two have supplies like canned food and compressed biscuits,” Yue Zheng clarified. Realizing that Xu Song’s face had turned pale, he couldn’t help but smile and playfully placed his hand on Yue Zheng’s head. 


“I applied for it from higher-ups,” he whispered, lowering his voice. “Try to control that ability of yours and see if you can make it ignite at a designated location. Even if it doesn’t work, use the flamethrowers for cover.”


The warm breath tickled Xu Song’s ear, making it slightly itchy. The hand on his head felt a bit awkward. But upon hearing Yue Zheng’s words, Xu Song’s eyes lit up, disregarding everything else.


He hadn’t thought about using this method to provide cover before! His ability was different from Yue Zheng’s. Unless Yue Zheng initiated the ability from a distance, the wounds caused by objects disappearing into thin air were almost indistinguishable from regular cuts in the chaos of a battle.


On the other hand, Xu Song’s ability was too conspicuous, and he hardly dared to use it in normal circumstances.


Soon, it was their turn for the vehicle modification. They drove the car to the designated spot, got out, and since the modifications were only for the roof and front of the car, they didn’t have to remove anything from inside.


Once Xu Song got out of the car, he eagerly stood by, watching them carry out the modifications. His expertise was somewhat related to this field, even though he hadn’t studied it professionally. There were still some similarities. 


Subconsciously, he took mental notes of their modification process, the tools they used, and so on. It was only when the car was completely modified that he snapped out of his trance, realizing that he had become completely captivated by the process.



Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!