End of the Era - Chapter 32

Published at 29th of June 2023 06:10:24 AM

Chapter 32

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Ch32 - Just Burned Me

The two of them exchanged a glance, silently raising their daggers, waiting for the attacker to approach.


“Swish!” A fiery red figure dashed out from the bushes and charged straight at them. The dense trees around them obscured Yue Zheng’s sharp vision once again! Even their voices were muffled by the rustling trees.




“Be careful!” Yue Zheng took the lead, “clang!” His raised dagger was fiercely struck by the fiery red creature, causing him to stagger back two steps before he could clearly see what had attacked them, a mutated Pomeranian!


The originally cute red-haired puppy now bared its sharp teeth, growling at the two of them with fiery eyes. Its size hadn’t changed much, but its fur was exceptionally bright red, like a blazing fire.



Xu Song was about to step forward to help when several roars echoed, and a few more dogs of various forms dashed out from the bushes, seemingly surrounding the two of them!



Was this a gathering of mutant dogs? And it seemed like a feast. Xu Song couldn’t help but find humor in the midst of the danger.


Approximately ten or twelve dogs encircled them, led by the fiery red Pomeranian. In addition to that, there was a Pekingese the size of a small car, a Samoyed with horns growing on its head, a Husky with exceptionally developed canines, and several mixed breed dogs whose breed couldn’t be easily discerned.



“It seems like we have to fight for our lives.” Yue Zheng slowly loosened the straps of his backpack, “thump,” the bag hit the ground, as if signaling the start of the battle. The pack of dogs roared in unison and charged forward…



On the shore of the sea, within a newly established secure base, inside a laboratory unknown to the general public, a man stared fixedly at the operating table in front of him. The person on the table was in a gruesome state and had ceased to breathe, but the man in the white coat showed no sign of being affected. 


He seemed immersed in his own world, murmuring to himself in a low voice, “Samples… samples, more… I need more samples!”


The laboratory door opened, and several men walked in. One of them frowned as he looked at the operating table and realized that the person had already stopped breathing. His face turned incredibly dark, “Professor Lu! Another volunteer has died?! Didn’t you agree last time?! They are humans, not mutated guinea pigs in your laboratory!” 


Only then did the man by the operating table slowly turn around, his eyes filled with a chilling fanaticism. “Samples, I need more samples! It’s almost there, it’s almost there!”



“Almost what?! The higher-ups only wanted you to research why some people manifest extraordinary abilities and the causes of this current mutation! They didn’t ask you to sacrifice lives! Those are my soldiers lying on that table! They are volunteers, people who willingly assisted in the research! Not test subjects!” 

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.


“Tbe vbc’a ecvfgrajcv. Aera yglcu wf wbgf rjwqifr, jcv P klii ecmbnfg atf mjerf bo atfrf weajalbcr. P klii jirb olcv j kjs ab ecibmx atf agef qbafcalji bo tewjclas! Qf klii yfmbwf atf rjnlbgr bo wjcxlcv! Ktlr ragjcuf fcfgus qgfrfca cbk lr atf ragbcufra bqqbgaeclas ab mgfjaf wlgjmifr!”


Ktf wjc gjlrfv tlr tjcvr jr lo qbrrfrrfv ys wjvcfrr. Ktf olgra wjc tfrlajafv obg j wbwfca, atfc jcuglis aegcfv jgbecv, tlr ojmf vjgx klat gfrfcawfca, jcv weaafgfv, “Zjvwjc! Lf’r pera j wjvwjc! Obmx tlw eq!” 


One person stayed behind and approached the man in the white coat after the others had left with the middle-aged man. He slowly walked towards him and said, “Professor Lu, how many more samples do you need to discover methods to trigger and enhance these extraordinary abilities?”


“Five… no, just two more will do!” Professor Lu’s eyes gleamed with fervor as he looked at the man who had stayed behind. 


The man pondered for a moment, then chuckled softly, “Apart from that, don’t forget about finding a way to control the mutants. I hope you won’t disappoint me…”







“Woof woof!”



One by one, the dogs approached the two people with lightning speed, as if they were arrows. Xu Song initially focused his attention on the fiery red Pomeranian, so much so that when the other dog suddenly charged towards him, he couldn’t react in time. 


By the time he lifted his hand, the dog had already rushed to his side with astonishing speed. Xu Song felt a sharp tearing pain in his arm as the dog passed by, gracefully landing on the ground with a fierce snarl.


He had thought that having superpowers would allow him to protect himself in the wilderness, but now he realized that he had been lucky before, encountering only slow-moving monsters. Now, faced with the sudden attack of agile creatures, he had become a target!


Enduring the intense pain, Xu Song raised his arm. Even as a target, he wasn’t defenseless!


The dog that had torn a piece of flesh from Xu Song’s arm couldn’t even fill the gap between its teeth. The strong smell of blood made its aggression even stronger. Moreover, these two individuals in front of it emitted a special scent that attracted them.


When the dog attempted to pounce on Xu Song again, red flames spewed from his hand, engulfing the dog!


With a whimper, the large dog rolled back to the ground, tumbling several times until its fur was burned clean, before it managed to struggle back up.


Just as Xu Song faced one dog and suffered a serious injury, Yue Zheng had an even tougher time. It was a two against one situation, and the remaining dogs were still stealthily looking for an opportunity. If it weren’t for his gradually improving physical condition since the mutation, he wouldn’t have been able to fend off the attacks from these two dogs at all.


Moving his feet constantly, trying to leave wounds on the two dogs, but they were extremely elusive. Every time he attacked one of them, they would coordinate and take turns restraining his movements, making it impossible for him to fully focus on one of them!


If he risked getting attacked once, he could at least kill them separately, but there were still seven or eight dogs waiting for an opportunity nearby!



His gaze swept over Xu Song and he noticed that his arm was already injured! Although he had burned one dog, the other two dogs had somehow sneaked behind him and were preparing to attack!


“Xu…” He had just uttered a sound when three dogs joined the battle on his side. Yue Zheng’s heart sank. These dogs were too cunning! The three that had attacked them before were just testing their strength, but now that they had figured it out, the rest of the dogs had joined in!


He swung his dagger with force, distorting the space in front of him, and the dog he had previously fought against was sliced in half diagonally. However, the other two dogs pounced on him, one biting his arm and the other knocking him down onto his leg!


Is it over?


Hearing the roaring sound behind him, Xu Song also felt a chill in his heart. He had only managed to burn one dog, but there were still many others surrounding them, not to mention Yue Zheng…


“Splut splut splut splut splut splut splut splut…” a series of eerie sounds echoed, and the dogs surrounding the two of them suddenly whimpered. The two dogs that had bitten Yue Zheng felt pain and released their grip, while the other two dogs that were about to attack Xu Song were struck by something in mid-air and crashed to the ground.


“Splut splut splut splut splut splut splut…” The sound continued, and the two of them, still trembling, looked towards the source of the sound. They saw a tree with several roots as its axis, rotating rapidly on the ground, and countless green projectiles shot towards the location where the dogs were. 


The spinning tree top was so fast that they couldn’t make out its species, but the attack it unleashed, aimed at the dogs and heading towards the two of them, seemed oddly familiar…


“Little tree?!” Both of them exclaimed in unison, and then they were shocked by their own speculation.


Upon hearing their voices, the little tree wobbled and stopped spinning, but while its body halted, its head continued to sway in circles, as if the entire tree had an unstable center of gravity and could fall at any moment.



“Xu Song, burn them! Quickly!” Yue Zheng realized that although the dogs hit by little tree’s attack were struck by numerous projectiles, it seemed that the creature’s power didn’t pose a significant threat to the dogs. The damage it inflicted was within their tolerance range. As soon as the little tree stopped, the dogs seemed ready to attack again.


Shouting out while releasing his own power, Yue Zheng swung his dagger towards the nearest dog, although there was still some distance between them, it fell within the range of his power’s attack.


Xu Song also caught on and raised his hands, desperately spewing flames at the dog closest to him.


The two of them launched their attacks swiftly, first injuring the dogs and then launching surprise attacks. Especially when Xu Song went all out, the range of his red flames suddenly expanded significantly! With a few wails, five or six of the dogs were left dead, while the rest turned and ran, disappearing into the bushes they had come from.


“Thud, thud, thud…” The two of them, along with the little tree, collapsed on the ground.


Both of them had exerted themselves too much, coupled with their serious injuries, while the little tree had spun too fast and was dizzy.


Lying on the ground, Xu Song felt waves of dizziness overwhelming him, and he weakly raised his hand to try to stop the bleeding from his left arm, but it had no effect, and blood continued to gush out.


With dry lips, Xu Song felt his right hand trembling uncontrollably, unable to muster any strength. He forced a laugh and said, “Now all they have to do is wait for us to bleed out, and then they can come and feast on our flesh. It’s quite a bargain…”


Yue Zheng lay on the ground, gasping for breath, and struggled to reach for his backpack. He had wounds on his arm and leg, not as severe as Xu Song’s, who had a chunk of flesh bitten off, but still not easy to stop the bleeding.


After patching himself up as best as he could, Yue Zheng approached Xu Song with first aid supplies. When he heard Xu Song’s words, he didn’t even look up and delivered a sharp blow to his forehead, saying, “Shut up and stay focused.”



This wasn’t a situation where resting and sleeping could make things better. Xu Song clearly felt his head spinning and growing dark, and the tree, blue sky, and white clouds in front of him seemed to be getting farther away. The current sensation was different from the feeling of exhaustion and mental depletion from using his powers excessively. He wasn’t sleepy, but he could distinctly feel his body losing control, and he felt light-headed.


“Brother Yue… If you can make it to B City, please find my mom… My dad’s ashes are in little tree’s tree hole… When you leave, just set my body on fire… I don’t want those animals to eat me, nor do I want to become one of those living corpses. Burn it all clean…”

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!