End of the Era - Chapter 40

Published at 29th of August 2023 10:21:03 AM

Chapter 40

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Ch40 - Flames

Sounds of whimpering came continuously from the big dog’s mouth. The fat man clenched his teeth and took out most of the meat from his luggage. These were the recent prey the big dog had hunted.


“Boss Wang! What are we going to eat if you gave them everything?!” The three women became anxious all at once.





The big dog was already injured, and even if it healed, judging by its broken leg and blind eye, it probably couldn’t go hunting again. What would they eat then?!


The fat man could clearly see the naked emotions in the eyes of the three women. He knew exactly what they were thinking, even more so, that these three women had only surrounded him initially because he had a baby and could hunt, not because they valued him as a person!



“Oh my, this meat must be spoiled, right? It’s not as good as our own.” Luo Wen’an pressed his nose and bent over to look at the piece of meat that was thrown to him.



“It has turned bad.” Su Daji also had a disgusted look on his face.


The fat man trembled and said, “Gentlemen, please be kind enough to leave me a bite. That dog… it’s not just any meat dog. It doesn’t have much meat on its body… I’ve raised it all this time. I should at least leave behind a whole carcass for it…”




“So you’re giving us this meat and you expect to feast on dog meat yourself?” Suddenly, Su Daji kicked a piece of meat in front of him.


“No! No! It’s the dog I’ve raised since I was young. I won’t eat it even if I starve! Besides, even though it’s blind and has a broken leg, what if it can recover? I’ll leave some meat for it to eat, and maybe it will regain its strength… It’s all my fault. If I hadn’t been used to showing off in front of others and let the dog kill people I didn’t like, why would today be like this!”


“Hmph, I don’t care about this rotten meat.” Su Daji turned his head and continued walking forward.


Luo Wen’an raised his hands and said to Liu Shishi, “This meat was all brought by the dog. It’s definitely covered in dog saliva. Darling, you’d better eat the meat your husband hunted with his own hands~”


“Tch, who cares.” Liu Shishi glared at him, didn’t say anything more, and proudly glanced at the woman who had caused trouble for her earlier.



That woman now lowered her head, only looking at the pieces of meat on the ground, lost in thought.


The group moved forward again, and no one spoke along the way.


Xu Song looked at Su Daji, who was silently leading the way, and suddenly remembered that Su Daji had mentioned before that he had raised a dog that exploded and died when the apocalypse came.



“Explosion at Lab 3, explosion at Lab 3!”


If it weren’t for the prompt response of the military, who established a secure base to the north of the original City S, and if the residents who had abandoned the base and fled from the city hadn’t made the same decisive choice, they would have either died in the mouths of the undead or become prey for the predators that remained in the city.


Now, the sound of the explosion near the seaside cliff undoubtedly hung like the sword of Damocles, striking fear into people’s hearts. 


“Cough, cough…”



“Old Kong, can you… can you still walk?” 


“I can’t walk… but we have to… walk…”


Several staggering figures crawled out from the corner of the ruins, their faces pale, clear needle marks visible on their arms and bodies. The other two people had needles still attached to their arms, which they were pulling out. Among them were both men and women, dressed in the hospital gowns commonly seen before the apocalypse. 


“What about Xiao Lv and the others?”


“I didn’t see them. They might be trapped… under the rubble…” 


“Should we… keep looking?”


After a moment of silence, one of them gritted their teeth and said, “If we don’t leave now, we won’t be able to leave later! We’ll avenge them in the future!” They lifted a man who had passed out, their steps unsteady, but hurriedly fled towards the forest behind the cliff. 


They had no strength left in their bodies. The recent explosion had depleted the strength of the strongest person among them, and that was after he had been accumulating it for several days. You see, in that laboratory they referred to as hell, they could barely lift their arms for almost every day, and it was even difficult to maintain clear consciousness.


“An explosion? The specimens? Where are the specimens?!” A man wearing a white coat dashed out of the dormitory gate, seemingly in a frenzy. 




A group of about twenty to thirty people arrived outside the gate of the safe zone in City S, looking at the towering walls that had been erected at some unknown time, they were on the verge of tears.


It had taken them nearly a month to reach this place, and along the way, they had lost more than half of their companions, sacrificing numerous comrades. Yet, what they faced were the animals and plants that were originally considered weak and insignificant in the eyes of humans, creatures that could be ignored, served on a dinner table, or kept in cages for amusement.


“Luckily, we have not disgraced our mission…” Colonel Wu Zhong took a step forward, giving a standard military salute to the soldier who came to inquire. 


“Colonel Wu Shen of the XX Infantry Division, from City Y. I have been ordered by higher authorities to lead the team to the shelter in City S.”


The soldier was startled but quickly returned the salute, picking up the communicator to request permission. After a short while, he ran back and waved towards the gate, which slowly opened.


Zhao Enyi, who had not had a peaceful rest in a long time, let out a sigh of relief. “Finally, but what was that explosion we heard earlier…”


“We’ll find out soon enough,” Wang An smiled at him. “Go inside and take a good rest for now. Even if there are further missions, at least we can have two peaceful days.”


“Yeah…” Zhao Enyi shook his hand. The whole journey felt like a pilgrimage to the west, but fortunately, several people in the team, who were initially thought to be ordinary individuals, had manifested superhuman abilities, and he was one of them… As a result, after reaching City S, he had to continue north with the team…



The advancing team moved in a disorganized manner, like an irregular river, winding along the riverbed called National Highway. 


Xu Song and his group hastened their pace all the way and finally caught up with the tail of the first group before sunset.



From afar, people carrying mutant pets, individuals with various superpowers, and even those who appeared to be social elites were all concentrated here. They seemed to exist in two different worlds compared to the people behind them, who were emaciated and full of anxiety. 


It was the fifth day since Xu Song and his group reached the rear of the first wave and the front of the second wave. There was an uninhabited area of about seven to eight meters between the two waves. It seemed that something had happened between the two waves, and upon their arrival, Xu Song and the others could clearly feel the unusual atmosphere between the two sides.


Looking at the animal carcass lying on the roadside, Xu Song remarked, “Indeed, there are some differences in color, and the burning effect is also different.”  


The body of the animal, a mutated duck, was charred black, with no trace of its original feathers. It must have wandered onto the national highway, possibly from the farms on both sides.


Xu Song and the others witnessed the ducks and some other animals rushing out of the fields, only to be burned down by a fire-based superhuman in front. 


At this moment, the duck, which had been burnt to death and had its meat partially cut off, still emitted a tantalizing aroma. Some people nearby couldn’t help but salivate.


Yue Zheng discreetly looked around and reached out to squeeze Xu Song’s hand, pulling him away from the roasted duck and walking towards Luo Wen’an and the others, who were not far away. 


Although they didn’t explicitly say it, their intentions were naturally understood, not to be shared with outsiders.


Yue Zheng had abnormal visual abilities. Even before they approached the first wave, he saw that a battle was taking place up ahead, and one of the superhumans involved was fire-based.  


His memory didn’t develop in an abnormal direction, but he had a feeling that the fire-based ability of that person seemed somewhat different from Xu Song’s, mainly in the fact that the animals killed by that man could still have their meat taken.



Xu Song was far away, and that person hadn’t used his ability for the past few days. It was only today, using a telescope, that Xu Song observed the flames and noticed a slight difference in color from his own. 


The sensation emitted by the flames seemed similar, but there was a one or two shades difference in color. That person’s flames were also close to red, but unlike his own, which were pure red, they had a slight orange hue.


This deviation was so small that even if both types of flames were released simultaneously for others to compare, ordinary people wouldn’t be able to detect a significant difference. Only Xu Song himself could notice it, although it was just a minor distinction. 


To prevent any telepathic superhumans in the first wave from overhearing their conversation, the two didn’t discuss these matters. As long as they understood each other, it was enough.


“Roast duck? With such a big duck, how many spring rolls can we make?” Luo Wen’an’s face displayed a greedy expression. 


“In that case, why don’t you go and have some?” Liu Shishi glanced at him and said sarcastically.


“Forget it, I’m not interested in something that’s already been eaten by others.” Luo Wen’an crossed his arms behind his head, acting nonchalant. 


Meanwhile, over there, even the duck was divided among people, and the duck scraps had been snatched away long ago. Those who had obtained food were keeping a vigilant eye on others, fearing that it would be taken away from them.


The five members of Xu Song’s team didn’t have a large amount of food, but it wasn’t too little either. To conceal the secret of the small tree, Yue Zheng and Xu Song had already filled all their empty water bottles with spring water before approaching the first wave. Although the farmland by the roadside was obscured by dense vegetation and couldn’t reveal its true form, there was still a water source. 


The five of them were not ordinary people and possessed the ability to find food and water while ensuring their safety. They made less noise than the people in front, and they were always cautious during their actions. So far, no one had caused trouble for them.



Most importantly, the mutated animals had rapidly increased in size after the mutation. After hunting once, as long as they preserved it properly, it would be enough for the five of them to eat for a day or two. 


As night fell, the people in the first wave stopped their footsteps and prepared to camp.


One by one, campfires were lit, appearing alluring against the darkening night. 

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