End of the Era - Chapter 47

Published at 29th of August 2023 10:27:22 AM

Chapter 47

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Ch47 - Temperature

Liu Shishi was infatuated with the cute little boys, which somewhat alleviated the frustration caused by the male and female duo’s behavior in the team. Although the actions and words of that pair of individuals were unpleasant, the twins were definitely attractive to both males and females.


“Have you seen them?” Yue Zheng quietly asked Xu Song while everyone was expressing their displeasure towards the male and female duo.





Xu Song shook his head. “No, they’re definitely not in the team.” Since they joined the team, they had walked from the rear to the front. Although Xu Song didn’t pay much attention to everyone’s appearance, he could remember anyone he had seen. Those four people must have joined the team later.


Yue Zheng nodded. “Their pets have supplies on them, and their clothes are clean too.”



“And their accents are different from the previous team.”



Most of the people in the previous team came from the same county, with a few like Xu Song who escaped from City Y. There were slight differences in accents among them, but the accents of the male and female duo were different from both groups in the team. They were probably not from the same place.


After briefly confirming the situation, the two of them returned to the roadside and sat down to rest. The atmosphere in the team was still a bit low, partly because of the suffocating battle earlier and partly because of the attitude of the male and female duo, which left a bad taste in everyone’s mouths.




Several people, including Luo Wen’an, gathered around Xu Song and asked in doubt, “By the way, when we were on the national road earlier, I remember seeing a strange tree? It was like a machine gun, shooting at those mutant animals?”


Su Daji, who had excellent eyesight, nodded repeatedly. “Yes, yes! I thought someone was firing a gun!” His ability relied on long-range weapons to exert a greater effect, so he got excited when he heard the sound of a “gun.”


“Yeah, that tree was strange… but it seemed like it only wanted to eat mutant animal meat. Maybe it’s not interested in human flesh?” Liu Shishi temporarily forgot about the adorable twins and eagerly joined the discussion.


The three of them were discussing animatedly, occasionally asking Yue Zheng and Xu Song, but it seemed that no one knew what connection the tree had to them. They responded with a few “uh” and “yeah” before continuing their discussion.


Xu Song took the opportunity while everyone was resting in small groups and pretended to tidy up his clothes. He didn’t remember putting anything in his shirt pocket, but when his fingers touched an irregularly shaped stone, he couldn’t help but pause.



The stone was still warm, noticeably warmer than his body temperature, but not hot enough to burn.


What is this? When did I put a stone in my pocket?


As he wondered, the warmth from the stone transmitted through his fingers and spread throughout his body, refreshing every inch of his body like a spring, dispelling the fatigue caused by running for their lives and excessive use of abilities.


What is this?!



Wanting to see what was in his pocket, but…


He glanced at Luo Wen’an and the others sitting nearby. He had just relieved himself, and leaving again might attract attention. After all, although he was somewhat closer to Luo Wen’an and the others, this matter was too important, and he didn’t dare mention it to anyone other than Yue Zheng.


His gaze naturally turned towards Yue Zheng, who seemed to sense it and looked back at him. Xu Song hurriedly made eye contact, desperately signaling him.


Although he didn’t know what Xu Song wanted to talk about, Yue Zheng immediately responded. He raised his hand and pulled Xu Song into his embrace, saying, “Are you tired?” as he brought him closer.




“I’m telling you, can you at least be more discreet? How are we single men supposed to survive?!” Su Daji said with a frustrated expression, biting his clothes.


“Come on, honey, let’s join them. Let that guy die of envy.” Luo Wen’an hugged Liu Shishi from behind and raised his eyebrows at Su Daji. “Who asked you to switch partners every day? Now you’re dumbfounded, right? No one will accompany you in the apocalypse~.”



With a solemn and angry expression, Xu Song closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and leaned his head against Yue Zheng’s shoulder, whispering in his ear, “I want to show you something strange.”


Seeing his hand reaching into his pocket, Yue Zheng raised his hand and wrapped his arm around Xu Song, conveniently blocking the view of what his hand was doing. However, to others, this posture seemed overly intimate.


Not far away, the group of six superhumans, shocked by the sight of two grown men embracing each other, along with Luo Wen’an and the others teasing and joking around, turned their heads away, feeling too embarrassed to look directly at Yue Zheng. What were they looking at?! Two grown men hugging each other, what’s there to see?! Besides, they had seen such things on tv before.


The sight of the two men surprised them. They thought this kind of relationship only existed in the news and novels.


As Xu Song held the “little stone” in his hand, he discreetly took a glance and suddenly widened his eyes, startled.


Yue Zheng also saw what he was holding in his palm, and raised an eyebrow in curiosity.


Transparent and dazzling, it was the crystal that Yue Zheng had helped Xu Song retrieve from his body.



Taking a deep breath, Xu Song put the stone back in his pocket, close to his body. Now was not the time to carefully examine the object.


Pulling on Yue Zheng’s clothes, Xu Song whispered in his ear, “What about yours? Check if it’s warm or not.”


Yue Zheng remained expressionless and reached into his pocket to touch the crystal. He had been keeping it in his pants pocket, and now his hand felt the slightly warm crystal. He was taken aback.


Seeing his reaction, Xu Song realized that Yue Zheng’s situation was probably the same as his own.


The warmth flowed into their bodies through their fingertips, slowly nourishing their tired bodies. Their spirits, which had been weary, were also revitalized by the warmth.


“I think maybe it works better if we keep it close to us,” Xu Song suggested.


Yue Zheng silently nodded and held the crystal in his palm before putting it in his inner pocket.


“I wonder if the others are the same.” All the crystals were given to Yue Zheng’s superiors along with the stone tablet. Now that the team had disbanded, they didn’t know if the crystals were still in the possession of the individuals who originally carried them or if they had sunk to the riverbed. The two of them had no way of knowing.


“Don’t lose it,” Yue Zheng whispered, his breath spraying against Xu Song’s cheek, making him feel slightly awkward and turn his head away. “Um, I’m getting up now…”


“No need, rest. Otherwise, they’ll get suspicious.”



Glancing discreetly around, Xu Song noticed Luo Wen’an holding Liu Shishi and chatting with Su Daji. The six people intentionally ignored their side… Although it felt a bit awkward, Xu Song suddenly realized that pretending to be a couple with Yue Zheng also had its advantages. For instance, now he could say things to Yue Zheng that he didn’t want others to know without having to be overly secretive and attracting attention.


Although… he felt a little embarrassed in this situation, well, since they wouldn’t be with these people for much longer, let them think whatever they wanted!


After about half an hour of rest, the team replenished their supplies and regained their spirits before setting off again.


Based on the distance calculated on the map, their current location was not far from City S. It was estimated that they would reach their destination in half a day.


Just as the group was getting ready to move again, a deafening explosion echoed from the direction they were heading, accompanied by flames shooting into the sky and the ground shaking.


“What’s happening?!”


“What exploded?!”


“What’s going on?!”


Everyone stared in astonishment towards the distant direction where the explosion occurred. From their position, it seemed to be right ahead of them on the path they were about to take.


“Those four people from earlier?!” Xu Song suddenly remembered the cat, the dog, and the four people on their backs. Weren’t they heading in that direction not too far away?!



A hush fell over the crowd. After a while, Fang Helun looked towards Yue Zheng as if seeking his opinion. “Should we… go and take a look?”


The direction of the explosion was on the route they had to take, and at the moment, there seemed to be no alternative routes visible. Even if there were any, they were likely completely concealed by dense vegetation. Who would dare to detour easily?


But the group couldn’t be sure what might be waiting for them on the way. If they encountered a situation similar to what happened on the national road, none of them would survive.


Yue Zheng narrowed his eyes slightly, and the flames ahead gradually subsided after the explosion. However, the intense heat wave spread in all directions, distorting the air. From their distance, they couldn’t tell exactly what had happened, but…


“This path is unavoidable, and even if we try to find an alternative route, we might not find a safe place in time.”


Everyone understood Yue Zheng’s meaning from his words, but he still didn’t make the final decision. The ball that Fang Helun had kicked over to him was still hanging in the air, but Yue Zheng didn’t take the bait. Whoever made the final decision would be held accountable if something went wrong, and in this temporary team of two sides, neither party was willing to bear that responsibility.


“Then let’s go.” Fang Helun didn’t wait for Yue Zheng to pass the ball back. Suddenly, Liu Su, a power-type ability user in their group, stood up and said, puzzled by the strange looks everyone was giving him, “What’s wrong? Didn’t we say we wanted to get back to City S quickly? If we go over now, maybe the fire will already be extinguished!”


Fang Helun’s eyes rolled, thinking these people were hesitating about this matter?! They really had no brains! If they went over like this and something happened, who would be held responsible?!


“Let’s go then. Su Daji, keep an eye on both sides.” Yue Zheng couldn’t be bothered to continue playing Tai Chi with Fang Helun. After all, he had no intention of settling in City S with these people. It was just temporary cooperation on the way.


“Okay.” Despite their rebellious appearances, Luo Wen’an and the others were obedient. Not to mention Xu Song, who almost always followed Yue Zheng’s lead. This group of five had much stronger cohesion than the six superhumans who fought individually and held themselves in high regard.



Seeing the five of them getting ready to move, the others didn’t say anything else and quickly grabbed their belongings and followed suit.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!