Published at 20th of May 2024 06:44:05 AM

Chapter 122: Baek Ain's New Pet

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Chapter 122: Baek Ain's New Pet

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--- Chapter 119 ---

A ripple appeared on top of a mountain.

A white-haired youth accompanied by two beauties walked out, revealing themselves in the tactical black cloak. These cloaks concealed their appearance and aura, making them look like a group of Dou Kings.

"Are you sure this was the correct place?" Cai Lin questioned while gazing around. She couldn't find a sign of Fallen Heart Flame here.

Since Cai Lin absorbed a portion of Green Lotus Core Flame and mutated it with the help of Baek Ain's energy into a new kind of Heavenly Flame, she is more sensitive toward Heavenly Flame's presence.

The thing is, Cai Lin, couldn't find nor sense a speck of Fire Energy within five hundred radius.

Meanwhile, Lan Rou closed her eyes and felt the surrounding area with her spiritual sense. This mountain range is close to the sea and has a unique terrain where heat can get hidden with proper placement.

The salty air of the sea invaded Lan Rou's nostrils as she sensed a group of people coming from the west. Likewise, those people also noticed her immediately.

"Ain, three o'clock." Lan Rou warned, opening her eyes.

Baek Ain nodded and slapped a pre-made array into the air, covering them in this layer of silk-like fabric. They disappeared as a group of people arrived and floated in the sky.

It was a group of four, two males and two females. They also wore the same uniform(blue robe), signifying them from the same clan or sect.

And their leader is 7-Star Dou Venerate.

"Hmm, how weird... I sensed someone probing earlier, but there is no one here." A handsome man in his early thirties commented. His green eyes scanned the area slowly.

"It must be the wind." Someone from his group said.

The handsome man laughed and returned, "Haha, surely."

"Let's go. We are not the only ones who wanted to get Fallen Heart Flame."

"Thanks to the stupid student of Jia Nan Academy, our Soaring Blue Sky Sect could get a Heavenly Flame."

Baek Ain locked his soul force on them and watched the group fly away from inside the array.

"You know they are no match for me, right?" Cai Lin suddenly brings up a point. "Why should we hide when I could beat them up for information."

A weird smile appeared on Baek Ain's face as he replied, "You might think so, but I don't want to expose our identities until Behemoth Paradise is strong enough."

"Since we have killed fifty thousand people in the Secret Realm, some actually possessed a technique that bound a unique mark onto the killer, which is me, so their backups could find me."

"And from Black-Corner Region's information gathering squad, I received info that five big factions and hundreds of middle-sized factions have put bounty over someone."

"Guess that someone is?"

"Us?" Cai Lin returned weirdly. After killing some people in the Chasing Sky Forest, she does feel something attached to her skin.

Of course, Cai Lin didn't mind because she thought it was an itch.

Lan Rou also felt the same, but she dealt with it already. Her mastery over such trivial things exceeded both Baek Ain and Cai Lin.

"Do you want me to get rid of it for you?" Lan Rou proposed casually.

Baek Ain shook his head and replied, "No, not now."

"I have another plan for the killer mark."

"And this thing wouldn't get activated until we met the searcher. The distance is either one hundred meter radius or fifty."

"If you say so." Lan Rou shrugged casually. She believed Baek Ain always made the right move and wouldn't do stupid things without reason.

Cai Lin pulled Lan Rou's hand and said, "Remove the mark from me."

"Call me Sister Rou first." Lan Rou smirked at Cai Lin, leaving Queen Medusa speechless.

Everyone was dumbfounded except for Baek Ain's group.

'That cheeky brat.' Baek Ain thought as he checked the system's map.

He ordered Alicia to lock onto Fallen Heart Flame's location months ago, so he gets the exact location now.

Truthfully, none of the mountains hold the Fallen Heart Flame. The Heavenly Flame left behind a trace of its source core, confusing anyone who wanted to catch it.

The Fallen Heart Flame hid in the deep ocean ten miles away, using the veins underground to ignite the source core and causing these flame pillars.

"Let's leave this place." Baek Ain said casually. "Things are going to become bloody here."

Lan Rou and Cai Lin nodded, following Baek Ain to the sea area.

As everyone was busy getting into the mountain range, they approached the actual location of Fallen Heart Flame.

And in just five minutes, Baek Ain and his companions jumped into the sea.


They swam deeply and saw a deep trench with a dim orange light inside it.

"OwO!!" The Fallen Heart Flame sensed a familiar presence.

The Heavenly Flame looked up and saw Baek Ain.

'Yo, fiery brat!' Baek Ain sent a telepathic message to the Fallen Heart Flame.

'Human! How could you find me?' An androgynous reply.

Baek Ain smiled and returned, 'That would be a little secret of mine.'

'And it's not important.'

'I'm here to make a deal with you.'

'A deal?' The Fallen Heart Flame frowned at Baek Ain.

'Yup, a deal. A good deal you wouldn't refuse.' Baek Ain continued confidently.

'Fine, tell me, what's it?'

Baek Ain stared at the Fallen Heart Flame and stated, 'Be my pet. And I will get you out of this place.'

'I will not restrict your freedom, but you can't come out for a few years.'

"..." The Fallen Heart Flame.

'I give you five seconds.'

'Be my pet, or I'll just beat you into one.'

The Fallen Heart Flame looked at Baek Ain like he was a devil.




'OKAY, I'LL BE YOUR PET! GOD DAMN IT!' The Fallen Heart Flame unwillingly said. Baek Ain is too strong, so the Heavenly Flame could only surrender.

It's better than getting beaten up by this monster.

On the other side, Cai Lin and Lan Rou heard this conversation with wry looks on their faces. They possessed spiritual control to eavesdrop on Baek Ain's telepathy, but this wasn't the talk they expected.

"Did he just threaten a Heavenly Flame into becoming his pet?" Cai Lin blinked her eyes in doubt. She knew Baek Ain always did miraculous things, but this was something else.

Lan Rou nodded and replied, "Ain did."

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