Published at 20th of May 2024 06:42:34 AM

Chapter 169: The Heroine Who Take a New Turn

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Chapter 169: The Heroine Who Take a New Turn

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--- Chapter 166 ---

The next day.

"This is..."

"How could this be?"

Yao Ling'er and Huo Zhi watched a familiar lady from the Gu Clan with a shocked expression. How did this fellow become their junior sister?

What the hell? They only left for a day.

But when they thought about their teacher's magnanimousness, Gu Xun'er probably took this chance to overturn her fate. After all, the Gu Clan will see it as an absolute win.

Not only did their relationship with the only 10th Tier Alchemist in the Dou Qi Continent become significant, but they also got their heiress to be his disciple.

Of course, it all depends on the performance of Gu Xun'er.

Gu Xun'er felt the gazes of her senior sisters and smiled at them. She bowed slightly and greeted them, "Morning, Senior Sisters."

"Morning." Huo Zhi blandly responded. She doesn't have a problem with Baek Ain having more disciples, unlike someone beside her.

Yao Ling'er gazed at Gu Xun'er and awkwardly said, "Morning, Junior Sister. I hope we can learn well under Teacher Lin."

"Mm." Gu Xun'er nodded, not sensing the awkwardness.

Baek Ain shook his head at this sight. He couldn't help but glance at Gu Xun'er and said, "Xun'er, my teaching is different than others."

"Even though I have mastered many things, I can't pass all of them into one person."

"Yao Ling'er will inherit my Alchemy Path."

"Huo Zhi will inherit my Martial Path."

"As for you... You'll inherit my Refiner Path."

"Refiner Path..." Gu Xun'er solemnly murmured. She was no stranger to Refiner because there are so many artisans in the Central Plains, each possessing their unique refining method.

Still, She didn't expect her teacher to be one of them.

He's the only 10th-tier Alchemist in this world, for god sake!

"Your face looks amusing, Xun'er. Is it that shocking for me to have some skills as a Refiner?" Baek Ain chuckled lightly.

"N-No, that's not what I thought!" Gu Xun'er panicked immediately.

"I just thought that Teacher is an amazing and talented man!"

"Is that so?" Baek Ain put on a small smile.

Gu Xun'er opened her mouth in disbelief. She looked at Baek Ain's calm expression and nodded gently, pumping her fist in resolution.

He has given Xun'er a chance to prove her worthiness.

Baek Ain turned around and left the temple, meditating under a lush palm tree. He extended his Spiritual Strength and observed Gu Xun'er from afar.


Three days later.

Baek Ain returned to the temple and saw Gu Xun'er sitting on the floor with black chars all over her body, especially her face. It was quite an amusing sight, considering she was the Main Heroine.

Yet the residue left behind by the coal couldn't hide the smile on the Main Heroine's face.

Baek Ain picked up a shiny-looking iron block on the corner and checked it briefly, "69% purity, huh?"

"Nice, not bad for a beginner."

"What do you think? Being a Refiner isn't bad, right?"

"Yes, Teacher!" Gu Xun'er nodded her head rapidly.

Baek Ain grabbed a jade bottle from his inventory and handed it to Gu Xun'er, puzzling her. "There are twenty-one Dou Di's Blood Purifying Pills inside."

Gu Xun'er was shocked. Twenty is the amount they agreed on, but her teacher gave her one more.

"The extra pill is a gift for becoming my disciple." Baek Ain waved his hand casually like it wasn't a big deal. "Your senior sisters also got one."

After hearing that, Gu Xun'er suppressed the happiness in her heart and cupped her hands thankfully. "Xun'er will remember Teacher's Kindness forever!"

"You're still young. My only dream is for you to live happily and become the best Refiner in the world." Baek Ain sighed, but the lady of Gu Clan was determined to achieve that dream.

"Xun'er will do the best!" Gu Xun'er said, carving the words in her heart.

Baek Ain grinned, "Before that... You might want to clean yourself first."

Gu Xun'er was stunned and blushed, finally realizing her state. She hurriedly bowed and left for the bathhouse.

Before stepping into the bathhouse, Gu Xun'er peeked at the temple and felt a warm sensation in her heart. Her handsome and kind teacher is truly a rare person.

Yes, Unlike a certain someone who abandoned her when not needed.

"Brother Xiao Yan... Xun'er misses you."

"But do you miss Xun'er back?" She whispered to herself. She knew the answer, but her optimistic past of wishful thinking must stop now.

Gu Xun'er has started a new path.

She has found her new light.

That person is a handsome, reliable teacher who understands her feelings and wishes the best for her future.

Gu Xun'er curved her lips and entered the bathhouse, humming a pleasant melody.

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