Published at 20th of May 2024 06:41:02 AM

Chapter 212: An Overkill Counterattack

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Chapter 212: An Overkill Counterattack

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--- Chapter 209 ---

After returning to the Pill Tower, Baek Ain relied upon the news of the Four Protectors' appearance to everyone. And they were more shocked than he expected.

"What, you got attacked by the Hall of Souls' Protectors?" Gu Yuan, Yao Dan, and Huo Ling were dumbfounded. Of course, they are shocked for good reason.

The Hall of Souls is known for being unreasonable. They attacked back with the slightest offense.

However, they usually gathered everything about their target first. Still, that doesn't seem to be the case for Baek Ain because they attacked him out of spite.

"Are they perhaps dumb?" Huo Ling was the first to utter her disbelief.

Baek Ain has killed a powerful Dou Saint, the mysterious female ghost(Gu Wenxin), not too long ago before their very eyes. The Hall of Souls should have gotten this information because of their spies but failed to realize Baek Ain didn't get any help in the battle.

He single-handedly dominated the battle with his unique spearplay.

"They are dumb." Luo Bingbing suddenly huffed, looking very displeased by this third-rate villain group.

Baek Ain smiled and added, "No, the Protectors took action because they wanted to recruit me."

Everyone gasped and looked at him in surprise.

"Don't worry. I immediately refused because there was no way I could be together with the Hall of Souls." Baek Ain waved his hand to reassure them.

"It's simply impossible."

Everyone sighed in relief.

They don't want to fight Baek Ain at all.

Not only because Baek Ain was 'extremely' powerful, but also due to his mastery over Alchemy is too damn high.

Yes, fighting 10th-tier Alchemist sounds like hell. They didn't even want to imagine it.

"So, do you get useful information from them, Brother Lin?" Yao Dan asked curiously.

Baek Ain nodded calmly, "Very much so. I've got my hands on the location of the Hall of Souls' branches."

"With this, they wouldn't get away from our gasp."

"Senior Gu, you might want to return to your clan for now and deal with our plan." He glanced at Gu Yuan.

"I have contacted some elders. They are preparing as we talk here." Gu Yuan responded calmly. "Yet from your tone, I assumed you want to launch a counterattack as fast as possible."

"Hehe, I can't let them get away that easily for attacking me." Baek Ain chuckled in pettiness. "Surprisingly, the nearest branch is not too far away from Pill Tower."

"Where is it?"

"It's on the border between Sound Valley and Burning Flame Valley."

"They hiding under our nose all this time..." Someone from the Pill Tower commented in awe and annoyance.

From the corner of Baek Ain's eyes, he could see Qing Lin slap Luo Bingbing's face before hugging her.

'That was faster than I thought?' Baek Ain rubbed his chin.

Gu Yuan also noticed the small drama in the back and asked, "Just who is that woman?"

"My wife, though we haven't married in this lifetime." Baek Ain answered casually.

"Your what??"

"Also, what do you mean by this lifetime???"

"Hehe, not saying."



"We are here." After passing through Sound Valley, Baek Ain's group finally arrived at the Hall of Souls' Branch. They are currently facing a camouflaged cliffside.

At first glance, the cliff side looks nothing special. But Baek Ain's Ashen's God Eyes saw far more than a cliffside because even an illusion made by Gods couldn't escape his vision. Beneath this cliffside exists a massive temple brimmed with Evil Blood Qi.

Even though the Hall of Souls used array formation to cover it, they forgot the existence of souls is akin to a light beacon to everyone who can sense it. And they have been collecting 'Strong Soul' like tomorrow since the beginning.

"I will open the path, so your job is to surround the area and prevent them from running away." Baek Ain said while pulling Roc's Spine out. The spear let an excited cry as it was about to bathe in the enemy's blood.

Everyone nodded at his instruction and spread out, leaving him alone.

Baek Ain lifted Roc's Spine and closed his eyes, gathering a wisp of Blade-Spear Intent on the spear's blade.

"Blade-Spear Orbit." A powerful suction appeared on the tip of Baek Ain's spear. A brilliant white and gray light exploded, creating this beautiful orbit of sharpness.

[Spear God of Darkest Winter]

Activating his new skill, Baek Ain enveloped the whole valley in darkness and introduced this eerie yet cold atmosphere. He swung his spear with fifty percent force, allowing light to pierce through the night.

A massive spear's image appeared in the sky and rapidly descended to the cliffside. It holds momentum like no other, crushing the target mercilessly.


It shattered the defense and camouflage array.

Then, everything was 'thoroughly' swept by an extreme killing storm. The entire cliff, including the mountainside, was destroyed to nothingness.


Staring at the massive crater dumbly, everyone who followed Baek Ain doubted they needed to help him surround the enemy when all of them probably died anyway.




A wave of notifications echoed in Baek Ain's mind.

[Overkill...] Alicia commented slowly.

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