Published at 20th of May 2024 06:46:30 AM

Chapter 44: Preparation for Death Battle

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Chapter 44: Preparation for Death Battle

--- Chapter 43 ---

Baek Ain stared at the quest panel with a complex look. Defeating Queen Medusa in a week is impossible with his current strength. With all the foundation and boost from Golden Crow's Possession, he still couldn't reach Dou Emperor Realm.

At best, Baek Ain will be around Peak Dou King.

And that's still far compared to Queen Medusa, who possessed Peak Dou Emperor Realm.

The best way to defeat Queen Medusa without too much risk is a 6-Tier Pill called Dou Sacrificial Pill. It's Yao Men's recipe, which raises one's Dou Qi to the level of Dou Emperor temporarily by consuming Life Force.

The only problem is Baek Ain doesn't possess a single material to make this pill.

"Fuck me..." Baek Ain let out a groan of frustration.

As Baek Ain drowned in his thoughts, Hai Bodong was confused because the brat spoke an unknown language and asked Lan Rou, "Is there something wrong with his head?"

Lan Rou shook her head and replied, "Sometimes Ain is like that."

"He seems frustrated about something, but I don't know... He'd tell us soon."

Yi Xian and Qing Lin listened to Lan Rou's replies, staring at Baek Ain and hoping he was fine.

After a few minutes, Baek Ain stared at them and firmly stated, "Change of plan."

"Ice Emperor, I want you to protect these girls and ladies."

"I'll fight Queen Medusa alone."

"Wait, what?" Hai Bodong was speechless. "Are you insane, brat? It is Queen Meduse that we were talking about. Her strength is even greater than mine. You fighting her is a death wish."

"No... You're courting death by doing this." Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

"Even though Green Lotus Core Flame is important for Tengshan's recovery, it's not worth your life."

Hai Bodong didn't know that Baek Ain could purge Primer Tengshan's poison with his current Gnome's Heavenly Four-Colored Flame and Pyrokinesis(S), but explaining it would be a hassle.

Baek Ain stared into Hai Bodong's eyes and said, "Let me do this, Ice Emperor."

"You said Yafei deserves a more respectable fiance, and here I am to prove it to you."

"..." Hai Bodong wants to refute that statement, but he did say something similar when they met. He couldn't even criticize Baek Ain's decision now.

In the first place, that grumpy comment should never get taken seriously, but the young man before him bravely accepted the challenge without fear.

"How dare you use my own words against me..."

"Fine, you can die there alone, brat."

Baek Ain smiled weakly and responded, "I'm not going to die if things move correctly, but we aren't short on time."

"Ice Emperor, for the next six days... I wanted to spar with you."

"Don't hold back on me."

"Please." He added while lowering his head.

Hai Bodong looked at Baek Ain with a complicated gaze and complained in frustration internally. "Hmph! I'll make every day hell for you." He indifferently returned.

However, Baek Ain laughed and commented, "Haha, That'd be nice."



Six days later.


The outer area of Tager Desert is swept over by a shockwave, causing sand and rock to fly everywhere.

Baek Ain stood on a destroyed land and spurted a mouthful of blood because moving at extreme speed put a load on his body. He kneeled on the ground and mumbled, "It's still not enough."

Looking at unscathed Hai Bodong, Baek Ain sighed and added, "My last attack only destroys your clothes. Fucking hell, the difference between Dou King and Dou Emperor is massive."

"What are you talking about?" Hai Bodong walked out of the crater and brushed the sand off his shoulder. "Your last attack is impressive enough and definitely could injure any Dou Emperor with proper timing."

"Your problem is fighting me, who mastered Ice Dou Qi."

"My Dou Qi reduced around 40% of your fire-infused attack's damage, making it ineffective when landing on my body."

"If you are fighting Queen Medusa, there is a chance you could win. Well, it's abysmally small."

"Your speed is good enough if you want to run, anyway."

"Thanks for the compliment." Baek Ain smiled at him.

Hai Bodong rolled his eyes and returned, "I'm not praising you. I simply don't want my niece to be sad."

"Sure, sure... Let's leave it like that." Baek Ain dropped to the sand, staring at the blue sky.

Baek Ain hasn't shown Golden Crow's Possession to Hai Bodong, which could bump his winning chance from 5% to 15%. It's a rough calculation, but if Ice Emperor said he could win with these stats, boosting his strength by five small realms should ease up the fight later.

"Senior, catch!" Baek Ain threw Green Lotus Slaying Cloak at Hai Bodong.

Hai Bodong caught the cloak and questioned, "What's this?"

"It hides your presence from Fire-Sensing. The green-colored protective layer also resists extreme heat and piercing attack." Baek Ain explained the function of the Green Lotus Slaying Cloak. "If I die in the fight, please use that and take my corpse away."

"Yafei would hate me if my body didn't return in one piece." A wry smile appeared on his face.

"Brat, you..."

"Hehe, Don't worry. I haven't accepted my death yet. I'm just not afraid of it."

Hai Bodong listened to Baek Ain's words and said, "Very well."



Returning to the Rock Desert City, Baek Ain had a nice dinner with his companions and told them he'd be fine. He climbed up to the bed and saw Lan Rou sitting on the chair with her cup of tea.

"Hi, there." Baek Ain greeted his lover.

Lan Rou sipped her tea and asked, "Are you afraid?"

"..." Baek Ain gave her a "Are you kidding." look.

"Of course, I'm afraid."

"I'm afraid I'd get separated from you and Yafei."

"Good. I taught you well." Lan Rou nodded in affection. "Remember that fear and survive."

"Hahaha... I like how unfazed and blunt you are, Rou."

"My charming teacher, isn't it." Baek Ain laughed and watched Lan Rou walking to bed, crawling under his blanket.

Lan Rou smiled under the blanket and returned, "Let me reassure you tonight. My Ain won't get defeated."

"W-Well... Yeah." Baek Ain accepted her offer.

That night, Baek Ain was such a happy man.

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