Published at 20th of May 2024 06:46:19 AM

Chapter 51: Birthday Party

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Chapter 51: Birthday Party

--- Chapter 50 ---

Baek Ain followed Yafei casually, feeling the wind on his face. He glanced at the night sky with a full white moon and shook his head because the moon was brighter in this world.

Baek Ain missed his homeworld, but having loved ones here eased that feeling.

Yafei hugged Baek Ain's arm and asked, "So, do you make any progress with the research?"

"I did." Baek Ain replied with a smile. "My Dou Techniques became better just when you arrived at the training ground."

"For example..."

Baek Ain casually created an ominous red aura on the tip of his index finger, making Yafei's eyes widen in surprise as she could feel a cold shiver in her spine when facing it.

As Yafei re-started her cultivation again with Dou Qi Method Baek Ain shared five months ago, she grew tremendously with Miteer Family's Resources and diligent hard work.

Yafei's cultivation is currently at 9-Star Dou Master, and she has enough battle experience after training with the Miteer Family's Elders. She becomes stronger faster than compared to her past achievement.

However, she still felt threatened by such a tiny red aura.

How bizarre.

Or is it because of Baek Ain who did it?

Baek Ain absorbed the Slaughter Aura and cleared his throat, "I'm going to give you guys some new Dou Techniques as well. Especially for you and Lan Rou, considering your safety is more important now."

"I can't be around all the time soon."

Yafei frowned and questioned, "Are you going out again?"

"Yeah." Baek Ain nodded helplessly.

"Jia Ma Empire is too small for me. My growth is awesome, but as soon as I break into the Dou Emperor Realm, everything will become stagnant again."

"When I fought Queen Medusa, I realized my strength is minuscule compared to others."

"But you're strong already?" Yafei tilted her head in confusion. She couldn't grasp why her lover was always in a hurry.

Baek Ain chuckled and returned, "No, I'm not strong enough."

"Not strong enough to protect my loved ones, especially you." He pecked Yafei's forehead, making her blush in realization.

"Ain, you..." Yafei pouted adorably, leaning on his chest as they walked in the corridor to the dining hall.

After walking for a few minutes, they arrived at the dining hall, and Baek Ain felt amiss for some reason. The room is too quiet and dark.

"Ah..." Baek Ain laughed inside.



The dining hall is "suddenly." illuminated with several bright crystals, and a line of servants crack their confetti. Everyone Baek Ain knew or saw once in the mansion standing before him, clapping their hands.

Meanwhile, Qing Lin rubbed her teary eyes and stared at Baek Ain with understanding looks.

"Don't worry, Boss Ain. I'll be on your side forever."

"Mm, I hope so." Baek Ain chuckled in amusement.

"Also, that sounds like a proposal, Qing Lin."

"P-Proposal...?" Qing Lin mumbled with flushed cheeks. After living in the Miteer Family Mansion for over two months, Qing Lin finally received formal education about humans and history.

Hearing the word proposal makes Qing Lin's stomach flutter with butterflies.

Baek Ain leaned on his chair and commented, "Don't overthink it."

"I'm grateful for my current life. After all, you guys are my family now."

"It's crazy how simple life can be, hahaha~!"

Baek Ain's cheerful laugh echoed in the dining hall, warming everyone's hearts. The silhouette of a young genius in their mind changed when listening to it.

He's a genius, but he's still too young.

The birthday party ended quickly, and Baek Ain returned to his castle with Yafei and Lan Rou supporting him. Hai Bodong forced Baek Ain to drink strong alcohol, making him feel slightly fuzzy.

Yi Xian and Qing Lin followed Baek Ain from behind, staring at his back with complex emotion.

"Good night, Yi Xian, Qing Lin."

"Have a nice sleep." Baek Ain lastly said while smiling at them.

"Uugh, my head..."

Yafei shook her head and commented, "I shouldn't have let you drink with Uncle Bodong."

"Yeah." Lan Rou nodded in agreement.

"He challenged me first..." Baek Ain closed his eyes.

Yafei and Lan Rou brought their lover to his bedroom and placed him on the comfy bed. They stared at each other before kissing Baek Ain on the cheek.

They wanted to do it, but Baek Ain deserved peace tonight.

"Good night, Ain."

As Yafei and Lan Rou left Baek Ain, a black-haired beauty with piercing red eyes appeared out of nowhere. She stood beside Baek Ain's bed and stared at him calmly.

"Human... No, Baek Ain."

"I'm not sympathizing with your sad story, but my condolences to your parents. I, too, never had them because of my special birth."

"However, you still have to prove the "Love." you were spouting in the past."

"Be strong, Ain. I'll be waiting for it." She looked around first and kissed Baek Ain's forehead. The woman disappeared shortly after and left behind a purple light.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!