Published at 20th of May 2024 06:45:29 AM

Chapter 75: Black Seal Auction House

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Chapter 75: Black Seal Auction House

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--- Chapter 72 ---

Black Seal Auction House is the most prominent Auction House in the Black Corner Region.

All varieties of treasures, medicine, dou techniques, and rare materials flowed in and out of this place continuously, changing from one's owner to another.

Even though gold coins are still appreciated, people know changing treasure for another is the best way to win an auctioned item.

You might be rich, but there is a limit on how wealth could push your status in this place. After all, Black Corner Region is the lawless area where one's strength and influence triumph over materialistic wealth.

Even nobles or royalty from the Northwest Region of the Dou Qi Continent didn't dare to enter the Black Seal Auction House without their guards because the risk of losing their lives after the auction was too high. Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

The Black Seal Auction House guarantees your safety inside the bidding hall but not on the outside. So good luck and pick your opponent wisely, as money is not everything.

At the entrance gate to the Black Seal Auction House, a tall white-haired man with a face mask stands lazily. He wore a simple black cloak, white shirt, and brown trousers, covering his muscular physique poorly.

A masked woman accompanied the white-haired man, wearing a purple silk qipao to cover her beautiful body. People might not be able to see her face, but they are sure this woman is a beauty.

"H-Hey. Is that person perhaps..."

"Yes, that man is Bai Ya."

"I heard he entered seclusion for a month and never went out, but a man like him is bound to be bored. Just look at that lady."

"Damn... This man is winning."

Baek Ain laughed inside because he didn't like people commenting on his lover's beauty. However, he does admit she looks gorgeous today.

'I told you to bring a mask...' Baek Ain whispered into Yafei's ears.

Yafei smiled under her rabbit-shaped mask and replied, 'No way I'd wear a training suit on a date. Be reasonable, Ain.'

'And this dress is the most casual one I have.'

Baek Ain sighed and returned, 'Nevermind, You win.'

"Hehe~!" Yafei circled her slender arm around Baek Ain's left arm.

As they were about to enter the Auction House, someone suddenly stopped and greeted them respectfully. It was a woman in a somewhat skimpy but not too revealing dress, showing her profession as an entertainer or dancer.

The woman said she got ordered by the Auction House's manager to pick up and escort them into the VVIP room.

Baek Ain waved his hand and answered, "I heard there would be an auction today."

The manager chuckled and returned, "We have an auction every four hours, esteemed guests."

"However, you are lucky because there will be a series of interesting items at the next auction, around fifteen minutes."

Baek Ain sat on the sofa and said, "Then we have enough time to discuss a new contract between Beast Taming Gate and Black Seal Auction House."

The manager sat down casually and responded, "Indeed."



Fifteen minutes later.

The manager smiled awkwardly and released cold sweat because he couldn't trick Bai Ya. He tried to pull some strings when negotiating to make Black Seal Auction House gain more profits, but Bai Ya saw them effortlessly.

[Cinder's Eyes]

[You can tell good from evil, truth from lies]

Baek Ain handed a piece of paper to the manager and said, "Then, the deal is "mutually." sealed. Beast Taming Gate will take medicinal herbs and other materials listed in this paper for the next three years. The payment will get handled by my beautiful partner here."

"You can discuss business-related things with her in the future."

"Very well." The manager sighed in defeat. "It's a pleasure to have business with you, esteemed sir."

The manager bowed and gave Yafei a nod, telling her he would visit the Beast Taming Gate soon to finalize the payment. After that, he left them alone in the VVIP room.

Yafei slumped onto the sofa and pouted, "When did you learn business, Bai Ya?"

Baek Ain smirked and replied, "Well, I read some books in your office."

He was "actually." tempted to tell Yafei about his previous life, but he couldn't do it because there was more danger than good if that happened.

"Hmm..." Yafei suspiciously stared at him.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Daily Auction of Black Seal Company!" A voice suddenly echoed.

Baek Ain and Yafei moved their gazes to a one-way glass window and saw the manager standing on the podium. He wore a new set of suits, smiling at everyone politely.

"Well, just say what you want. I'll buy it for you." Baek Ain confidently said. "Of course, there is another gift later."

"Just enjoy the auction."

"Don't regret it, hehe~!" Yafei responded while excitedly staring out the window.

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