Published at 20th of May 2024 06:45:26 AM

Chapter 77: Yafei's Birthday Gift

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Chapter 77: Yafei's Birthday Gift

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--- Chapter 74 ---

The seven members of Wild Lion Gang were stunned on the spot. They swallowed their saliva nervously, witnessing 49 people appear with a burst of four-colored flames.

These people surrounded them with no route to escape, standing over faint red lines in the sky. It makes the evening atmosphere more menacing than before.

Even though these people appear to be of various ages, ethnicity, and appearance, they have one thing in common. All of them are 6-star Dou King Cultivators.

As if they were prey trapped in the spider webs, the Wild Lion Gang felt dread of death right now.

Baek Ain smiled at them and commented, "It's seven against one for each of you now. Don't think it's unfair because there is no such thing as fair in this world, right?"

"Y-You..." Tang Li shuddered in a cold sweat.

"Go." Baek Ain added while staring at Tang Li. "Leave the leader alive because he could be a good puppet for taking over the Wild Lion Gang. Another Black Ranking Faction would be under my control soon."

"Yes!" Forty-nine replies echoed in the cliff.

Like a bunch of shadows, the Wild Lion Gang witnessed several enormous silhouettes of tigers. The Wild Lion Gang's members couldn't do anything because of the strength difference between their group and Baek Ain's Fire Avatars.

Fighting is useless.

They could only witness the death reaper come and take their lives.






Tang Li is blasted from the ground and lands a few meters away with a ripped right arm. After coughing a mouthful of blood, he breathed heavily and watched his comrades brutally murdered.

'Just what happened?'

'Everything should be under my control. Our enemy is barely a Dou King, so where are these monsters coming from??'

"Blame your greed and luck." Baek Ain suddenly commented.

"Black Corner Region is pretty safe for people from big factions like the Wild Lion Gang, but you seem to forget that power triumphs over anything in this place."

"Just one small bad luck of offending a wrong person, and you're dying like this."

"Well, anything can happen in this world. You only have to be strong enough to survive it."

Baek Ain stood before Tang Li and indifferently continued, "Oh yeah. Your comrades are unlucky to have you as their leaders."




Tang Li heaved his chest and lunged toward Baek Ain, only to get slapped in the face heavily.


Tang Li's head was "immediately." buried under the ground as Baek Ain looked down on him with a condescending gaze. At the very least, he didn't die and just fainted.

Baek Ain stretched his palm and summoned one of his parasites, releasing a squirming blob of green fleshes. "Be a good pawn and work for me from now on." He commented while fusing the parasite into Tang Li's body.

"Fix his body a little, Shakan."

"Spread your influence to Wild Lion Gang. You have a month."

"As your wish, my lord." Tang Li spoke in a somewhat monotonous manner.

Of course, the abilities are limited, but still better than nothing.

"Your name will be Luan." Baek Ain smiled at his new creation, which responded by creating a small tendril.

[Name: Luan]

[Type: Heart Parasite]

[Grade: S+]

[Description: Luan is a parasite created from "Imperfect Ice Phoenix's Heart." and "Enhanced Hybrid's Blood." and possesses the fundamental ability of a parasite, which is enhanced by a few times because the material used is high-quality]

[Luan could control water-based elements, leaning to Yin Elements and a tiny Yang Element. It granted its host with micro-parasitic hearts, which allowed the host to have three more lives]

Baek Ain transferred all the necessary knowledge about parasites' duty to Luan, joining the newly created parasite into the hivemind.

"It's my pleasure to serve you, my lord." A pleasant voice of a woman echoed in Baek Ain's workshop.

Baek Ain snickered and replied, "Likewise, Luan. Now I'm going to transform you into the parasitic suit."

"With it, you can serve Yafei and me better."

"Of course, you can take any form after it."

By transforming a parasite into a suit, parasites could shape their bodies easily, as Cross Tail gave them more elasticity. After all, they are parasites and still rely upon their host.

"This is going to take time..." Baek Ain patiently changed Luan's bits into threads and sewed them in a suit.



Three hours later.

Baek Ain proudly looked at the tight blue suit with white feather-like patterns. It is similar to an embellished leotard for a ballet dancer, which somewhat explains Baek Ain's taste.

[You're a pervert, host] Alicia suddenly commented.

[Admit it]

Cough! Cough!

Baek Ain cleared his throat and said, "Yes. Yes, I am."

"Are you happy now?"


[Sex really changes a virgin, huh?]


Walking out of the workshop, Baek Ain quickly went to Yafei's room and caught her playing with rotating silver threads.

Baek Ain appeared before her eyes and said, "Here is your gift."

Yafei blinked and saw the embellished leotard, giggling because this showed Baek Ain's taste. Even though Yafei has been in a relationship with Baek Ain for months, his quirkiness never stops surprising her.

She knew the leotard was the parasitic suit. And to give a leotard to your lover for a birthday gift? Yafei bet only Baek Ain could think of such an idea. Not only that, this leotard could also save her life.

'The design is nice.' Yafei thought as she grabbed the leotard, feeling the cold sensation upon touching the feather pattern.

"I like it."

"Really?" Baek Ain asked back.

"Yeah, fufu. Want to see me in it?" Yafei teased him.

"O-Oh, sure."

Yafei snatched the leotard and disappeared into the dressing room. "I bet you will like it as much as me soon~!"

After that, let's say Baek Ain and Yafei did a lot of bedroom gymnastics until morning. And The leotard adds more spiciness to the game.

Please report us if you find any errors so we can fix it asap!