Published at 20th of May 2024 06:45:15 AM

Chapter 85: Annoying Goddess

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Chapter 85: Annoying Goddess

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--- Chapter 82 ---

Months passed after the Black Ranking was "decisively." renewed.

And one name still triumphs over the land.

Bai Ya, the Blade God, or others known as the White Fang of the Black-Corner Region. A rising powerhouse who masterfully wielded an ordinary-looking blade and defeated 7-Star Dou Ancestor Old Ground Demon Ghost.

The name of Old Grond Demon Ghost isn't new to people in Dou Qi Continent, especially cultivators in the northern region. He is quite a famous expert from the older generation.

He also possessed immense strength, rivaling that of Jia Ma Academy's founder in the past. And now he got defeated by this rising star, which shocked everyone.

What kind of monster is Bai Ya?

Many people questioned the authenticity of Bai Ya's feat, but people who witnessed and lived in the Black Corner Region casually told these critics to visit Endless Mountain.

Yes, they visited the Endless Mountain and were baffled.

Over a thousand miles of Mountain Range entered their vision, and half of those mountains were "thoroughly." filled with cut marks. When observed even closer, they noticed some mountain tops demolished with a clean cut.

As they flew across the mountain range, they discovered a straight path filled with deep grooves with remaining sharpness, and those stretched up to one kilometer, stopping before three mountains sliced in half.

Those three mountains aren't small.

"Monster..." Someone commented while standing above a newly forming lake. It was new because he knew this didn't exist months ago.

He wielded a sword in hand, trembling because the sight before his eyes was beyond comprehension. Even though swords and blades are technically the same, they are different.

A sword is more refined.

A blade is more versatile.

One cannot mix these characteristics well.

Yet, the sword wielder watched the three sliced mountains and newly forming lake with a solemn expression. At this very moment, the sword wielder felt lost.

Even without swinging his sword once, he admitted defeat against the remaining blade intent of Bai Ya, The Blade God.

The sword in his hand felt like nothing.

It's just a mere stick compared to the groove in Endless Mountain. The same goes for everyone who wields any bladed weapon and visits this place.

As Bai Ya's name and fame spread over the Dou Qi Continent, people started questioning his background and whereabouts. And no matter how much they tried, they couldn't dig into his past.

Well, they couldn't dig for information that didn't exist in the first place.

Like everyone who tried in the past, what they could only find is Bai Ya seemingly appeared out of thin air and made his name months ago when defeating the Beast Taming Gate's leader abruptly.

As for where he is right now, no one knows except his close companions.



A storm suddenly brewed in the sky and surrounded the area with black clouds. Baek Ain kept meditating and was not interrupted by Alicia's notifications, using this chance to learn "Spatial Strength." in the surroundings.

One minute.

Ten minutes.

An hour.

Crackle! BOOM!

A white lightning struck Baek Ain's body, but not affecting him in the slightest. As if being annoyed, the sky sent more powerful lighting.

Thunderclaps echoed as blue lightning fell onto Baek Ain's body.



A mighty roar reverberated from Baek Ain's body, revealing a massive ape-like beast. Baek Ain's body was "thoroughly." coated with white and crimson color for a second as the blue lightning merged with it.

[Ding! Two-Colored Lightning Beast Physique has evolved]

[You have attained Three-Colored Lightning Beast Physique]

Baek Ain didn't stop and kept comprehending the "Spatial Strength." the best he could because the entry point of Dou Ancestor Realm was the best moment to learn this newfound power.

Baek Ain thanked the Old Ground Demon Ghost for his vast memory as he learned about this helpful information. That old fellow lived so long, only to get demolished by Soul Protection(Unknown).

Poor guy, but thanks to him, Baek Ain advanced to Dou Ancestor Realm safely.

Another hour passed, and Baek Ain released a sigh of relief.

[Ding! You have learned "Spatial Strength."]

["Spatial Strength." has leveled up based on your deep understanding]

[Spatial Strength(C+)]

Baek Ain opened his eyes and whispered, "Success."

[Congratulations, host] Alicia praised him.

'Thanks, Alicia.'

Stretching lazily, Baek Ain yawned and said, "It's been a year since I defeated Queen Medusa. She won't pose a threat to me now."

"I finally can feel reassured-!"

Before Baek Ain could even finish his words, a system panel suddenly appeared before his eyes.

"Oh no, you don't!"

[Ding! The "Goddess of Opportunity." has issued a quest]

["Destroy Hall of Soul."]

"Fuck. This annoying goddess..." Baek Ain cursed in disbelief.

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