Published at 11th of May 2022 06:07:35 AM

Chapter 1

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It's hot and fiery in July.

After Xiao Yunhai practiced boxing, he was sweating like a spring. His white vest was tightly attached to his body, which made people feel extremely uncomfortable.

To be a student of Yanjing Film Academy, Xiao Yunhai's appearance is needless to say. His height of 1.86 meters, clear water chestnut face, sword eyebrow, Eagle nose, and a pair of deep and round eyes make him look very comfortable.

However, the most impressive is his unique temperament. Maybe it is the reason of practicing Chinese martial arts all the year round. He exudes a strong self-confidence. It seems that he can't be defeated by any difficulties, which gives people a sense of trust.

Since the first day of entering the college, Xiao Yunhai fell in love with the woods not far from the school. Every morning, he would go there to practice. However, today, his luck seems not so good, just out of the woods, he was stopped by four thugs with tattoos all over his body.

"Boy, be smart. There are some things you can't get if you want them. If you don't have money and power, don't want to eat swan meat. " The head of the gangster with a cigarette in his mouth, squinting sarcastically.

Xiao Yun's sea was expressionless, a trace of cold flashed in his eyes, and said, "it's Xia Xiaohu who asked you to come. I don't know if he told you that you might be beaten. "

The gangster listened, laughed, and then suddenly threw down the cigarette, stepped on his feet, his face ferocious, said: "boy, it's very horizontal, then don't blame us for being rude, who let offend people who shouldn't be offended. Brothers, do it. " With that, he punched Xiao Yunhai first.

Xiao Yunhai was not in a hurry. He turned his body slightly. His right hand seemed to cover his opponent's fist slowly and quickly. Then he pulled it down gently. With a click, the gangster's wrist drooped down. At the same time, he let out a scream like killing a pig. His legs flopped and he knelt down, tears and snot could not stop flowing down.

The other three thugs saw the boss face-to-face and were taken down. They knew that they met with hard ideas. You looked at me, I looked at you, and didn't know what to do.

Xiao Yunhai held that scum's hand and said with a smile: "how do you want to be polite?"

The other side ache even words all can't say clearly, just a strength of shaking head.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Hello, listen to me. You go back to tell Xia Xiaohu, let him less trouble me. If there's another time, I'll break his leg myself. Do you hear me clearly? "

The gangster nodded quickly.

Xiao Yunhai snorted, let go of his hand, said: "go to the hospital surgery to find a doctor, a long time, can be useless. Go away. "

Four people such as amnesty, even did not dare to leave a word, left in dismay.

Xiao Yunhai shakes his head slightly. It's all caused by his predecessor.

It has been two weeks since I came to earth as a corpse.

In his previous life, his biggest dream was to be a star, have numerous fans and be worshipped by thousands of people.

For this reason, he studied music hard since he was a child, wrote words and composed music omnipotent, and played all kinds of musical instruments wonderfully.

It is a pity that although he was brilliant in his last life, he was too straightforward in nature. He wanted to manage those who couldn't see it. He didn't know how to adapt to circumstances. Unconsciously, he offended many big figures in the entertainment industry. The final result is that they are drugged unconsciously and their voice can't sing any more.

Even so, Xiao Yunhai still did not give up. If you can't sing, you're going to be an actor. For 20 years, he played from a passer-by to a well-known supporting actor. Before crossing, he finally got the approval of a big director and became one of the leading roles in a TV series.

But who ever thought, just as he was about to make a big plan, he was hit by a car. When he opened his eyes again, he had changed his world and his identity.

Now Xiao Yunhai is a famous talent in Yanjing Film Academy. Two years ago, he was admitted with the first professional course and the first grade in college entrance examination.

But no one knows that the reason why he applied for the school was not because he liked acting, but for the girl who was a childhood sweetheart. For this reason, he fell out with his family and didn't go home for two years.

Just a few days ago, the girl took a man to break up with him after shooting a supporting role in a TV play. The reason is that Xiao Yunhai can't bring everything she wants. Although Xiao Yunhai tried to control his emotions at that time, he was still suffering from extraordinary pain.

So, in a rainy night, a drunk to solve a thousand worries, on the way back to the dormitory, was hit by a lightning. Then it was occupied by Xiao Yunhai dove from the earth. The soul possessed the body and occupied the body.

It took three days for Xiao Yunhai to fully integrate all the other party's memories. At the same time, his thinking, personality, feelings and so on were influenced by the other party, and they all had changes. There was me in you and you in me, and there was no difference between them.

At the same time, their memories of the past have become extremely clear, and even every word in the book they have read can clearly appear in front of their own eyes, let alone those music, movies and TV series.It's like a U disk in my head, and the contents can be taken and read at any time. This makes Xiao Yunhai a burst of ecstasy.

We should know that although the world is also called the earth, it is quite different from the previous one.

Since the founding of the people's Republic of China, China's national strength has been growing rapidly, and now it has become a political and military power comparable to the United States of America. However, there is still a big gap between China and the United States in terms of cultural industry.

In the early days of the founding of the people's Republic of China, China devoted all its energy to the post-war reconstruction and the development of people's livelihood economy, so some of them neglected the cultural industry. It was not until 1971 that Huaxia began to attach importance to it.

Now it is 1998. After 27 years of hard work, Huaxia has finally caught up with China in terms of cultural industry. Although it is still lagging behind, it is much stronger than that of China in previous generations.

Xiao Yunhai is most happy that there is no piracy in this world. Since China promulgated the Patent Act 20 years ago, the crackdown on piracy has reached an unprecedented level. As long as it is verified, it is immediately imprisonment for at least 20 years.

Today, the Patent Act covers almost all aspects of science and technology, humanities and entertainment. As long as the similarity between the two reaches 5%, then the patent owner can immediately sue the imitator to the court!

Thinking of this, how can Xiao Yunhai not be happy? With the classic music, movies, TV series, novels and so on in his mind, it is enough for him to become famous in this world, and he will never have to waste his life like in his previous life.

As for the four gangsters just now, Xiao Yunhai is very clear that it must be Xia Xiaohu, the former girlfriend's boyfriend. As the nephew of the president of Hongda entertainment group, it's not difficult to send some gangsters to warn him. But what he didn't expect was that his body had been practicing Taiji and Xingyi since he was a child. Now he has reached the level of dark strength. How can ordinary people get close to him.

While walking, Xiao Yunhai thought silently: "brother, we are one person now. Although I occupy the dominant position, but the body is your, rest assured, I Xiao Yunhai will never insult you. I'm not willing to make a name in this world. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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