Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:27 AM

Chapter 1004

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To say that the old movie queen is an old movie queen. Just after Yu Yuexian stepped on the stage, her powerful aura made everyone's eyes on her.

One minute, Yu Yuexian successfully brought the scene into the mood she wanted to express.

Three minutes later, watching the girls on the stage suffered one after another, there were already female students with dim eyes.

Five minutes later, the most easy to enter the situation of the performance department students first hold can not stop, crying in a group, at this time, the protagonist is threatened by the family, let her quit the entertainment industry, find someone to marry.


it has to be said that this book written by Yu Yuexian is really amazing. The plot is extremely full. With her exquisite performance and the perfect cooperation of supporting actors, the audience who had originally laughed and cried suddenly turned into real tears.

It's a pity that Xiao Yunhai has no time to watch when he is taking off her make-up. Otherwise, he has to make a case.

Fifteen minutes later, Yu Yuexian and other people's programs ended, and there was a storm of applause on the spot, which was not inferior to Xiao Yunhai.

"The last program made us laugh to death, and this program made us cry. Did they mean it?"

"Well, there is no comparison. At first, I thought that our students played very well, but compared with these elder martial brothers and sisters, it was a hundred thousand miles worse. "

"Nonsense. They are all the top figures in the entertainment industry. How can they not have two brushes? "

"Great, too powerful. I feel like they are magicians of the mind. Let's laugh, let's cry. "

"When can we reach their level?"

While everyone was whispering, Huang Cuicui stabilized her mood and stepped onto the stage with a smile on her face.

"Do you think senior sister Yu's performance is good?"


"Great or not?"


Huang Cuicui said, "do you know how long they rehearsed? I tell you, it's only three days. "

"No, it's only three days."

"That's amazing. It can be done in three days. "

"Yes, indeed."

Huang Cuicui said: "the party is going on here, and it will be over soon. Next is the last program. Senior brother Xiao Yunhai will bring us a new song called "the sea and the sky."

"The sea and the sky"? Isn't it a long time ago

"Yes? Is Huang Cuicui a slip of tongue? "

"Does it mean that elder martial brother Xiao wrote a new song with this title?"

"No, if you can do this, will elder martial brother Xiao still be a man?"

"Boss, elder martial brother Xiao is a genius, OK?"

After Huang Cuicui finished the curtain, Xiao Yunhai, who had recovered to her normal dress, went to the stage with a band on his back, and there were many harmonies nearby.

Standing in front of the microphone, Xiao Yunhai said: "this song is a Cantonese song, which has no connection with the previous" wide sea and sky ", but they have something in common, that is, they both have a spirit of perseverance and perseverance. I hope that the younger brothers and sisters will not be afraid of difficulties in their future life and work, go forward bravely, and strive to realize their dreams. "

In the applause, the music began to ring.

The prelude is a little soothing, but it's powerful, and it seems to be a force.

Soon, Xiao Yunhai's first lyrics were sung.

"Today, I watched the snow drift by on a cold night,

with my heart cooling away.

Catch up in the wind and rain,

in the fog, you and I can change.

Harmony: who's not changing.

How many times have you met with cold eyes and ridicule,

never give up the ideal in your heart.

For a moment, you are in a trance,

if you have a feeling of loss,

unconsciously, you have become weak in your heart.

Harmony: who knows me. "


the main song of "broad sea and sky" is not long. With Xiao Yunhai's slightly depressed voice, it gives people a sad feeling.

In particular, the lyric "how many times have I met with cold eyes and ridicule, never given up my ideal" has produced a strong resonance in the hearts of the audience.

Don't you come to Yanjing Film Academy just to be a big star?

But the reality has given the overwhelming majority of people a slap in the head, and few can really realize their ideals.

In contrast, those who have been working hard in the entertainment industry feel more violent than those who are still in the ivory tower.

Today, they do not know how many cold eyes, ridicule, difficulties and setbacks they have encountered. Now they can see the bright moon with the clouds open. Looking back on the past, they naturally have a sense of resonance.

As the most popular version of the song, it is also the most popular one in Hong Kong.This is not to say that his singing skills are better than others, but his singing is the most infectious and can perfectly convey his emotions to each other.

Xiao Yunhai deliberately imitated the singing style of beyond band. In addition, it was the first time that Xiao Yunhai appeared. The effect was very good.

"Forgive me for indulgence and love of freedom in my life,

and I am afraid that I will fall down one day.

If you abandon your ideal,

anyone can do it,

even if one day only you and I will be together. "

In the climax part of the first paragraph, Xiao Yunhai raises the tone to a key, adding some magnetism and stickiness to the timbre, which makes it more appealing.

Yu Yuexian, who was already sitting under the stage, said to Zhao Wanqing, "this one in your family is just a monster. The original Mandarin version of "the sea and the sky" has already shocked people. This Cantonese version of "wide sea and sky" is no worse than it, which makes me feel deeply

Zhao Wanqing looked at her husband, who had unlimited scenery on the stage, and said, "I'm not boasting. This song can be regarded as a classic among the classics. At least in rock music, no song can give me that feeling. "

Not only the two of them, but most of the stars, teachers and students also felt the artistic conception expressed by the song.

The second part of the main song soon ended, and in the second part, Xiao Yunhai's pent up energy in his body finally broke out like a flood.

"Forgive me for indulgence and love of freedom in my life,

and I am afraid that I will fall down one day.

If you abandon your ideal,

anyone can do it,

even if one day only you and I will be together. BAM... "

the tune of the music is still rising and getting higher and higher.

Xiao Yunhai's eyes are firm, his face is full of perseverance, and his strong lung capacity supports him to sing the most powerful part.

"I am still free,

sing my song forever,

travel thousands of miles."


As if we had agreed, all the people on the scene stood up and were full of blood. From the songs, they felt a kind of atmosphere, persistence and fighting spirit. The young students were all excited, and they were shouting at Xiao Yunhai on the stage crazily.

The whole scene has been "sea wide sky" to sing high, even has been standing in the corner of the host Huang Cuicui this moment did not take into account their own lady identity, excited shouting.

, even.

... "

again and again, the tune is higher and higher, and the momentum is stronger and stronger. It seems that Xiao Yunhai was completely affected by the enthusiasm of the audience. He just sang the chorus that only needed three times to finish it five times.

Fortunately, the band he invited was very experienced. Seeing this situation, he didn't feel any panic. He cooperated with him to complete all the singing, otherwise it would be troublesome.

After one song, the whole scene was completely crazy.

"This song is too hot-blooded. I love elder martial brother Xiao."

"The Cantonese version of" the sea and the sky "is full of passion. It's great."

"I have to learn this song. I can't help crying."

Zhuang Binchang breathed a sigh, clapped, and sighed: "I'm a little excited about this sea of clouds."

A teacher said, "Xiao Yunhai deserves the title of the world's first pop king."

Li Xun said with a smile: "ha ha, I didn't expect that such a musical genius came out of our film. I really don't know how to make those conservatories feel embarrassed."

Xiao Yunhai bowed to everyone together with the live band and harmony, and received countless screams and shouts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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