Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:26 AM

Chapter 1005

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That night, Xiao Yunhai sang the song "the sea is broad and the sky" is not known which student recorded it with a mobile phone, and then secretly uploaded to the Internet.

Although the audio-visual effect is poor to the extreme, still let countless fans feel the power of the song, it is highly recommended.

The following discussion of the post is more numerous, are about to be filled by enthusiastic fans.

"The emperor is invincible. Write two completely different songs with the same song title, several times in the world music circle, and then the cloud emperor can do it

"The key is that these two songs are so wonderful that I feel the blood boiling after a long time."

"I strongly urge the emperor to record this song. I can't wait to learn it."

"What's the point of listening to records? If the emperor can hold a concert now, I'll cover all the expenses."

"I'm joking upstairs. With the popularity and popularity of cloud emperor, where do you want him to go? It's estimated that wherever we go, there will be traffic jams. "

"I just want to know where I can hear the official version of" sea and sky "

"This is the 50th anniversary of Yanjing Film Academy. It is said that their party will be sent to Xianyue video network after post-processing. When the time comes, you can not only hear the broad sea and the sky, but also the play played by Yu Yuexian, the film queen, and the sketch "planning" written by Emperor Yun. It is very wonderful. "

"Well, it's hard for their alma mater, Yanjing Film Academy, to recruit these big talents. It's hard to change CCTV."

"I envy the students of Yanjing Film Academy. I will apply for it next year."

The working efficiency of Xianyue video network is very high. The next morning, the video of the evening party was sent up.

At noon, Xiao Yunhai received a call from Yu Yuexian.

"Yunhai, do you know how many hits we have at the party?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "sister Yu, you don't know. I don't like guessing riddles."

Yu Yuexian said angrily, "you are so boring. I'm telling you, it's 35 million downloads. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "congratulations on making a lot of money for elder martial sister. Should I send a big red envelope to us?"

Among the major video networks, the price of the party is generally 5 yuan, with 35 million downloads, which is 175 million Chinese dollars. After the high tax of 28%, Xianyue video net made 128 million yuan.

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "what kind of red envelope? All the money is given to our school. "

Xiao Yunhai ah, way: "no, I just let the bank call the school 100 million."

Yu Yuezhuang didn't expect this video to be so popular? To tell you the truth, the facilities in our school are so old that they should be replaced. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "yes."

Yu Yuexian asked, "what are you doing at home?"

Xiao Yunhai said without good breath: "what else can you do? The script of thousand bones. You and Wanqing had a duel last night. I wish I hadn't bothered you

Yu Yuexian said with a smile, "are you serious?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "when have I not fulfilled my promise. I've already thought about it. This play will be directed by our senior student, Ruda. All roles are decided by him. I'm only responsible for investment. "

Since Ruda joined Hanhai film and television investment company under the recommendation of Xiao Yunhai, after one year's efforts, he has been promoted to the first-line director of Chinese entertainment circle.

Last year, Xiao Yunhai once handed him a "dear", which took half a year to complete. After being released on the Xinhua Xia cinema, the final box office result was 2.37 billion Chinese dollars, and the online download profit was an amazing 223 million yuan.

In the competition with numerous commercial films, an art film with the theme of kidnapping can bring a profit of 900 million yuan to Hanhai film and television investment company, which is unexpected.

Yu Yuexian said: "there is no problem with elder martial brother Lu's ability. I just don't know if he is available? I've heard that he has a lot of plays on hand. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then I'll call him now, so as not to have problems."

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "OK, find me a better role, and then, I'll take a guest role."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "no problem."

After the phone call and dinner, Xiao Yunhai asked Luda to have tea at two o'clock in the afternoon.

After teasing the children at home for a while, seeing that the time was almost over, he said hello to Zhao Wanqing, and Xiao Yunhai drove to the tea house where they met.

Seeing that Ruda had already sat there, Xiao Yunhai felt a little embarrassed and said, "elder martial brother Lu, I'm so sorry that my guest came later than you."

Ruda said with a smile: "it's only ten minutes before two o'clock. I should have come early. I can't help it. There's a dinner party at noon today. In order to avoid drinking, I lied to them that I had an appointment with you at 1:30, so I came here in advance. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that elder martial brother is very busy recently. Is there a new movie to be made? I didn't even go to the 50th anniversary of our school last night. "Ruda said: "I can't sing, I can't act. I'm not famous enough. It's useless to go there. As for the new film, I'm worried about it. "

It turns out that Ruda went to the Hanhai editorial office a few days ago and found a very good script called "love between the immortal and the immortal", which tells the story of love between man and immortal.

Ruda looked at it and fell in love with it.

It's just that the investment in this play is too large. Roughly estimated, it needs at least 1.5 billion Chinese dollars. In addition, he has never been in contact with Xianxia drama, many things are uncertain, there is no assurance of success, which makes his heart very contradictory.

Let's shoot it. He's worried that if he doesn't shoot well, he will bring huge losses to the company.

If he didn't shoot it, he was very unwilling. He really liked the script to the extreme.

So he has been worried about this for the past two days.

Hearing his words, Xiao Yunhai moved in his heart and said with a smile, "elder martial brother, I'll give you a suggestion. Compared with movies, the requirements of TV plays are lower. I think you can make a Xianxia TV series first, accumulate relevant experience, and then make a movie. In that case, you will be more confident. What do you think? "

As soon as Ruda's eyes brightened, he pondered: "this is a good way, but there is no proper script for TV series?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I have. Elder martial brother, to tell you the truth, I'm looking for you to have a cup of tea because I want you to shoot the Xianxia TV series Hua qiangu. "

Xiao Yunhai told Luda what they had discussed.

After hearing this, Ruda said happily, "this is really a meaningful thing. Well, since you look up to me and give me such a glorious task, I will take it

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "great. The script, the investment, the special effects are all left to me, and I'm sure it's safe. The actors need to be selected by you. I will not interfere in all the shooting matters in the crew. This is a big collection of Yanjing Film Academy. We must make it into a real boutique, or the school will lose face with us. "

Luda said with a smile: "you say so, let me have a lot of pressure."

Xiao Yunhai said: "then find more people to share with you. There are so many movie stars coming out of our school. You can find them as guest stars. As long as there are suitable roles, I, Wan Qing, elder martial sister Yu Yuexian and elder martial brother Li Xun can all spare time to shoot. Others, as long as you look at it, I'll invite you. I don't believe they will refuse our school. "

Ruda nodded and said excitedly, "how can I feel some blood surging. If this is done well, our school will really become famous. At least in terms of enrollment, it must be much better than other schools. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "yes. At that time, our launch conference can be put in the school. It is estimated that the headmaster will wake up laughing in his dream at night. "

Next, Xiao Yunhai tells the story in general. Ruda listens to the double eyes.

After so many years in the entertainment industry, he can still tell the good from the bad.

I've been chatting for two hours.

After returning home, Xiao Yunhai not only plays with his children, but also writes plays all day long. At the speed of 10000 words an hour, it took him 10 days to complete. No wonder some writers couldn't write a script for a year or even several years. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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