Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:24 AM

Chapter 1006

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After Xiao Yunhai finished writing the script, Zhao Wanqing read it from the beginning to the end and liked the role of Hua qiangu very much. Unfortunately, she needs to take care of her children at home and has no time to shoot.

Zhao Wanqing jiaochen way: "husband, all blame you, have such a good script, why not take out early?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "even if I took it out before, can you squeeze out the time? Don't worry, I have prepared a good book for your comeback. In the second half of the year, we'll be able to turn it on. "

Zhao Wanqing said with surprise: "what book? Movie or TV series? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "you forget that when my grandfather came, he asked me to make a film about Chinese martial arts. I have already thought about it. The name is" master of a generation. ". I'll play the leading role Ye Wen, and you'll play the heroine Miyagi. "

Yes, Xiao Yunhai is going to shoot the great master of a generation by Wang Jiawei.

This film caused a huge sensation in the entertainment industry at that time, and won many awards. Especially, Zhang Ziyi swept the best actress of almost all the awards ceremonies in Asia by virtue of the role of Mr. Gong Er, reaching the stage of eight degrees after the award ceremony. It was a miracle.

It's a pity that the box office of "master of a generation" is not high, only reaching more than 200 million. Although there is no loss, the profit is very small. The main reason is word-of-mouth. The polarization of fans is very serious. The fans who can't say well feel that the film is very scattered, without a central idea running through the whole process, which makes people some incomprehensible. However, the fans who have said that "the master of a generation" does not shoot Kung Fu, but the artistic conception of aestheticism to the extreme.

The reason why Xiao Yunhai took this film out is that he thinks that in this world, the ability of movie fans to appreciate movies is much better than that of previous lives, and they can certainly understand the meaning of it.

As for the foreign market, Xiao Yunhai has no intention of showing it out.

Zhao Wanqing frowned and said, "Gong er? Why is the name so rustic. "

Xiao Yunhai scraped her Qiong nose and said with a smile, "don't feel dirt. I tell you, if you can play this role well, you will be the best actress in the awards ceremonies all over Asia and the world. At least, there is no problem in nominating. "

"Zhao Wanqing doubted and asked," really

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course it is true. Generally, my films only participate in the China Golden Cup awards and the Oscars. The main reason is that I think the commercial elements of previous films are very strong. Even going to Venice, Berlin and Cannes, which pay attention to artistic film festivals, is probably the result of reading with the crown prince, so I don't apply directly. "

"This is different. Although there are a lot of fierce fighting scenes in it, it is actually an out and out literary film, which is very suitable for participating in the competition for these awards. However, it's not easy to perform well. You need to learn real Bagua Quan, and other actors must also know real kung fu. "

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile, "husband, you should write the script quickly. I want to start preparing now."

Xiao Yunhai said, "OK, I'll write it tomorrow. Everything's in my head, and it won't take me two days

That night, Xiao Yunhai called Ruda and told him that the script of "flowers and thousands of bones" had been completed. To get his email number, Xiao Yunhai sent the book to him.

The next afternoon, Luda called Xiao Yunhai, who was writing the script of the great master of a generation.

"Yunhai, this book is really wonderful. It should be regarded as a love drama in the guise of immortal knight errant. It is much stronger than swordsman biography, which caused a huge sensation at the beginning. It's just that there are a lot of special effects in it. I'm afraid the investment is not small. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, magic and dream will support you. You don't need to ask about the money spent on special effects. Just leave it to me. He he, elder martial brother, you can see it very quickly. "

Ruda said, "I only slept for two hours last night. Can't it be fast? Yunhai, if I want to make this play into a masterpiece, I calculated roughly that in addition to special effects, at least 800 million Chinese dollars are needed. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "money is not a problem. In terms of the quality of TV dramas, we can't give any discount. You can't just muddle along. Senior brother, who are you going to play the leading role

Ruda said: "it's not sure. I need an audition, a wide range of auditions. Everything depends on the fit between the actor and the character. Even if she is an actress without any fame, as long as she is suitable for the role of Hua qiangu, I will use it

Xiao Yunhai said: "I totally agree with you. This play has more than ten film masters and empresses from our school. There will be no problem in publicity, only quality is the key. So, elder martial brother, all in all, the pressure is still on you. "

Ruda confidently said: "as long as you have strong support, I will be able to shoot this play well."

Xiao Yunhai said, "you can prepare now. You can go directly to the Finance Department of Hanhai company. I have already talked to them about it

Ruda said, "yes."

Xiao Yunhai is very relieved about Ruda's ability. After the flower thousand bones was handed over to him, Xiao Yunhai did not ask any more questions.Three days later, the revised script of the great master of the first generation came out.

Zhao Wanqing couldn't wait to read it carefully from the beginning to the end, and was immediately attracted by the life of Mr. Gong Er inside. Seeing the end, she couldn't help but shed tears.

Xiao Yunhai rushed to wipe her and said, "wife, are you ok? Is it so beautiful? "

Zhao Wanqing sighed and said, "the second Mr. Gong is really pathetic. Ming Ming loves Ye Wen deeply in his heart, but he has trapped himself in the martial arts rules all his life. Why not? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is the lovely place of Wulin people. A promise is a promise. What about? Interested in the character? "

"Of course." Zhao Wanqing gave him a look and said, "if you want to give this role to others, I have to give it to you."

Xiao Yunhai said: "but I want to tell you in advance that it is not a simple thing to perform Gong Er well. At least, you should really master the essence of Bagua Quan before officially shooting. It's a movie promoting Chinese Kung Fu. I don't want to be gossiped by experts. You have always been good at health training. I'm going to ask elder martial brother Luo for a female martial arts teacher to teach you at home. Half a year's time should be about the same. How about? "

Zhao Wanqing nodded and said, "good."

Xiao Yunhai called Luo Tianxiong and said something about it.

The next morning, the female martial arts teacher arrived. She was a middle-aged woman in her thirties with a flexible figure.

Xiao Yunhai is what kind of eyes, just a look at her walking pace, we know that this is a real Kung Fu person, at least has practiced to the stage of entering the house.

After Luo Tianxiong won the Oscar for best action design, the whole luojiaban has become the leader of the action team in China's entertainment circle. Many people who practice Kung Fu but can't find a way out come to join in.

Luo Tianxiong is an all comer. The number of Luo Jiaban, which used to be dozens of people, has now increased to 200. Moreover, all of them can master real Kung Fu and have all kinds of boxing.

This middle-aged woman is one of the best in Bagua Quan.

Xiao Yunhai asked her to teach Zhao Wanqing six months of eight trigrams boxing, four hours a day, with a monthly salary of 50000 yuan. If Zhao Wanqing can satisfy Xiao Yunhai in the end, she will be rewarded with a one-time reward of 100000 yuan.

Hearing that the middle-aged woman might get 400000 in half a year, she suddenly brightened her eyes and assured Xiao Yunhai that she would teach Zhao Wanqing how to practice boxing. At least, she could reach the point where three or four big men could not enter.

Xiao Yunhai is very satisfied with it. She rents a big house not far from the villa, so that she can come here every day.

In this way, Zhao Wanqing began to learn Bagua Quan while taking care of her children.

I don't know whether she is interested in Bagua Quan, or for the role of Mr. Gong Er, Zhao Wanqing is very involved in practicing. No matter how hard or tired she is, she still clenches her teeth and says nothing, showing great perseverance.

This makes Xiao Yunhai surprised, in the heart also felt a trace of admiration for his wife's tenacity.

As time goes by, the good news is one by one.

Teacher Yao Wenyuan's successful kidney replacement operation may be due to the high matching index. There is no rejection between the new kidney and the body, and the recovery speed is far faster than Dr. Li's estimation, claiming that this is the most successful operation he has done. As long as you pay attention, there should be no problem in 20 years.

Xiao Yunhai was very happy and gave Dr. Li a million red envelopes directly. Then, according to the previous agreement, he donated one billion Chinese dollars to Huaxia Health Bureau.

However, he also proposed the condition that 500 million of them should be used to help patients with poor families who can't afford medicine.

Naturally, the Health Bureau would not refuse. It contacted the Red Cross Society and assigned a special person to take charge of the matter, which helped a lot of people.

The second good news is that after more than a month's efforts, Wu Zixu has finally finished the first English version of "battle of Chibi". I looked for more than 30 employees of Xiao Yunhai, and they all said that it was wonderful and there was no problem in understanding.

Now the Yanhuang cinema line all over the world has begun to operate. Xiao Yunhai contacted Yu Hai and prepared to release it in Europe and South America on June 28. As for North America, of course, he chose Xiao Yunhai's own cinema.

Although the first week box office share of the cinema has dropped to 43%, Xiao Yunhai can still make a lot of money than Yanhuang cinema, which has no shares.

The third good news is that the second "Transformers" cartoon is selling well in Europe and America, with 40 million copies sold in less than a month. The third Harry Potter is even more fierce, with 56 million copies sold. At the same time, their cartoons and films have also entered the intense production.

It can be said that Xiao Yunhai is proud of his horse's hooves these days. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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