Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:23 AM

Chapter 1007

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Just as everything was going well, bad news came from America.

"Raul, what are you doing? I urge you to pay attention to safety. How can such a thing happen? "

Xiao Yunhai, who is having a meal, receives a call from Raul. He throws down his chopsticks and throws them aside. He scolds him angrily.

It turns out that a big event happened in Marvel children's paradise in New York. While everyone was playing with the skycar, a five-year-old boy's seat belt suddenly broke and the whole person flew out. Due to the rotation speed is too fast, although the car has reached the bottom, but the strong centrifugal force still let the child fly out more than 20 meters, was caught by an employee regardless of the danger.

The child fainted on the spot, the staff's arm was hit by a strong force fracture, all were rushed to the hospital. Fortunately, there was no death, otherwise, marvel children's paradise would not have opened. However, the impact is very bad, the U.S. government once again shut down Marvel children's paradise on the ground of safety substandard.

In less than two years, we were ordered to shut down for safety problems twice in a row. We can imagine how bad the situation will be for Marvel children's Park.

Raul said on the phone, "boss, it's our work mistake."

Xiao Yunhai angrily said: "as long as there are no bad consequences caused by ordinary mistakes, I can forgive them, but not in terms of safety. It's about people's lives, don't you know? "

Raul whispered, "yes, boss, I understand. I just got out of the New York airport, and I'll be at the children's paradise. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "what's the use of going there? You go directly to the hospital, first visit the injured child, remember to apologize to his parents, attitude must be sincere, compensation to them 10 million good. As for the employee who bravely saves the children regardless of the danger, the bonus is 5 million. Do you hear me clearly? "

Raul, I understand. However, there is something strange about this matter. "

Xiao Yunhai, with a tone of doubt, asked, "what do you mean?"

Raul said: "boss, according to your instructions, the two Marvel children's parks we operate now pay great attention to the safety problems when they are renovated, so we have invested tens of millions of more money for this. I dare say that compared with Disneyland, we marvel's safety factor is at least 30 percent higher. In a project like a flying car, the safety belt must reach the standard of lifting 3000 kg of weight. How can it be broken without any reason? "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned for a moment and said, "you mean that this incident is not accidental. It may be that some people use this crazy way to deal with us manwei, right?"

Raul said: "boss, I think it's possible. I've asked Marvel's staff to lock up the scene. We need to find a professional to check the safety belt? "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "check, we must investigate clearly. If someone really dares to do so, I will never let him go. "

"All right, boss."

After talking with Raul, Xiao Yunhai went back to the table and continued to eat, but his expression was extremely dignified.

Zhao Wanqing looked at her husband in surprise and said, "husband, what's the matter?"

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said it all over again.

Zhao Wanqing said, "what's the use of staying at home if you don't go to New York in such a big way?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I'll call brother Qian to book a ticket right away. Wife, I'm afraid I can't attend the opening ceremony of huaqiangu

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "don't worry, I have it."

In the afternoon of that day, Xiao Yunhai took Sima Qian on a plane to New York.

It's also a coincidence that in the first class, Xiao Yunhai ran into Marvel's competitor, Disney boss Keister.

"Long time no see, Mr. Kester."

Xiao Yunhai took the initiative to step forward and stretched out his hand.

Kester also stood up politely, shook hands with him, and said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, are you going to New York?"

Although they are competitors, they will even fight each other in the mall for the sake of interests, but they should keep their manners in private, otherwise, it will be too cheap.

Xiao Yunhai didn't hide anything, and said: "there was a safety accident in the children's paradise of Marvel Comics company. Although there were no casualties, the impact was very bad. Now I have been ordered by the government to suspend business for rectification, so I have to go and deal with it. You don't know, Mr. Kester

Such a big thing, certainly can't be concealed from Kester. It's estimated that he got the news earlier than himself. Even Xiao Yunhai doubts whether he sent someone to do it.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai said things bluntly, just to see the reaction of the other party.

Kester shook his head and said, "Mr. Shaw, that's a pity. I heard that your Marvel children's Park has invested a lot in safety. After the government's assessment, the safety factor is 30% higher than that of us. How could such a problem arise? "Xiao Yunhai did not see the slightest problem from Kester's face, so he continued to explore: "this is the problem of the safety belt. In the event, how can you know that the weight of the safety belt will be broken in the air. So I suspect that some people are willing to gamble with the lives of ordinary people to deliberately target us at marvel? "

Kester said in surprise, "how can it be? That's insane. "

Seeing Xiao Yunhai staring at himself, Kester immediately understood the meaning of the other party and solemnly said, "Mr. Xiao, although Disney also operates Disneyland and is regarded as a competitor with you, we are legitimate commercial competition. We Disney will never do this kind of breaking rules. Please believe me and Disney 。”

Xiao Yunhai's ears moved and listened carefully to the beating sound of his heart. He found that there was no big fluctuation in his heart. It seemed that it was not him.

So he picked up a glass of red wine on the table and said with a smile, "I believe you."

Kester's face showed a smile, picked up his glass and touched Xiao Yunhai, saying: "thank you. If there's anything I can do to help, let's just say that we're all together on the safety of amusement parks like this. When I go back, I will immediately organize people to check the relevant safety facilities of Disneyland to avoid problems. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "it should be. Hehe, I've spent hundreds of millions of dollars on this. I didn't expect that something would happen. It's a bad time. "

"It's going to be over," Kester said with a smile. Mr. Xiao, you made a lot of noise about the Oscar last time. Up to now, 23 members of the organizing committee have been arrested, and more than a dozen are still being tried there. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this thing should not be a good thing for Disney?"

Kester shook his head and said, "you are wrong. This is the best thing for Hollywood movies. Because if the Oscars committee doesn't make any adjustments, I'm afraid Paramount will give his own awards in the future. Ah, paramount is so powerful that it has unique advantages in both production and distribution by relying on the towering tree of stell. Even if Hollywood's other seven big companies, no, eight big companies unite, I'm afraid none of them will be rivals. Fortunately, they are not stable now, which gives us a chance to breathe. But, in a few years, we will all be in front of it

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "things should not be so terrible. Although Paramount's strength has reached the extreme, their foundation is not deep. Hollywood still has doubts about them. We don't need to be too afraid of it. "

"Mr. Shaw, you obviously don't know what's going on in Hollywood right now. Although the two of us are still the biggest competitors, I can guarantee that within a year, Paramount will appear in cartoon, animation, playground, children's toys and other fields. Hanks, their CEO, is very ambitious and vows to build a real entertainment empire for STEL networks. A few days ago, paramount was a famous screenwriter team and bought three. I heard that up to now, eight films, six TV series and three cartoons have been started to be produced in succession. The strength is so strong that it is almost hopeless. "

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and said, "even so, why did you and Hanks reach out to manwei and dig away more than 20 people together?"

Originally, Xiao Yunhai had a lot of confidence in Marvel's employees. He felt that he was very good to them, and his salary was one of the best in the industry. Therefore, when he heard Raul say that paramount and Disney were digging for the company's employees, Xiao Yunhai did not pay attention to it.

What he didn't expect was that in less than three days, Raul told him that 26 people had already submitted their resignations, including Deputy ministerial managers, which made Xiao Yunhai very speechless.

But he didn't let Raul stop him and let the unswerving workers leave. Fortunately, the tide of resignation does not last long, and most of them have stayed. Otherwise, manwei's work will be affected.

Of the 26 people, 18 went to work at Disney, far higher than paramount.

With an innocent look on his face, Kester said, "it's all done behind my back by people from the comic and animation departments. I'm not colluding with Hanks. If you want them back, I'll let them go at once

Naturally, Xiao Yunhai would not believe his lies. He laughed and said, "No. We don't lack these people yet. "

Kester said with a smile, "I knew you wouldn't want them again. Mr. Xiao, in order to express my apology, I'd like to send you a message. Hanks is going to use their billion dollar blockbuster "scrambler" to snipe your "battle of Red Cliff". You should be careful. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "Hanks seems to hate me to the bone. He even dares to use this method of losing both sides."

When two blockbusters meet, no matter who wins or loses, they will be influenced by each other.

Hanks did this to hurt people.

Kester said with a smile, "good luck, Mr. Shaw."After all, they are rivals. It's very good to be able to talk for a while.

It's impossible to make them talk and laugh like friends.

Soon, Xiao Yunhai will return to his position, take out the mobile phone, bored to play the game. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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