Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:20 AM

Chapter 1009

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Fifteen minutes later, Xiao Yunhai came to Disneyland and found that the police had blocked the place and many reporters were taking photos in the distance.

Kester, livid in a corner, was on the phone.

"Did you not hear what I said? All Disneylands in the United States are closed, and people are immediately arranged to check them, especially those seat belts. Do you understand? "

Kester said in the end, almost yelling at the phone.

The assistant next to him said, "boss, Mr. Xiao is here."

Kester took a look in the direction of Xiao Yunhai and walked over.

"I originally wanted to shut down Disneyland tomorrow and do a thorough security check, but now something happened. Well, it's all my fault. I should have called back when I was in China. "

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "blame the murderer. If I find him, I'll have to tear him to pieces. "

"It's too cheap for him," Kester said coldly. Such a person should go to hell and suffer endlessly forever. The poor little girl is just like me

Xiao Yunhai looked at him in surprise.

Kester is known as the old fox in Hollywood, and he is a typical representative of people who only recognize money but not people.

Xiao Yunhai originally thought that the other side was a hard hearted person, but he didn't expect to have such a emotional side.

Kester took a long breath and asked, "Mr. Shaw, do you have any clues there?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said: "the police and the staff are checking and monitoring. Up to now, they have not found any useful information. They only know that our seat belts have been used with a kind of chronic corrosive chemicals."

Kester frowned and said, "it seems that I should be the same here."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "Mr. Kester, do you have any suspects? It's not by chance that we two amusement parks have come across such things one after another. It must have been done by people who have enemies with us all. But I thought for a long time, and I didn't think of anyone who would hate me to this extent. "

Now they are on the same front line. If we don't find out the culprit, neither of them will have a good time.

Kester is a Hollywood man of the day. He offends more people than Xiao Yunhai. He can't think of any target for a moment.

At a loss, Raul came over and whispered in Xiao Yunhai's ear: "boss, through investigation and monitoring, we found the suspect."

"Who?" asked Xiao Yunhai

Raul took a picture out of his arms of a man in his 40s with a beard and said, "that's him."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what is the identity of this man? What do you think it's him? "

Raul said: "on June 3, this guy came to our playground alone and had a good day. He has sat for more than ten times in this project, and he still has a black glove on his hand, which he has never taken off. As for the identity, we haven't found out. However, it is believed that the results will soon be available. "

Kester glanced at the man in the picture, whispered, "isn't this our Disney employee?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "is he from Disney?"

Kester nodded and said, "yes. I came here with my child last month, and he was with us all the time. I'm really impressed by the way he looks

With that, Kester took out his cell phone, dialed a number, and said, "pristine, come here right now."

Soon, a middle-aged man in his forties came to the public.

"Boss, do you have any instructions for me?"

Kester showed him the picture and said, "I remember this is your man, isn't it?"

Pusini nodded and said, "yes, his name is black sol. He used to be a Disneyland employee."

"Before? What do you mean

"He has resigned for a week."

"Do you know where he went?"

"He said Paramount's playground was about to be built, and the salary was much higher than ours, so he was going to work there. I heard that I've been hired. "


Xiao Yunhai and Kester looked at each other and saw the meaning in each other's eyes at the same time.

Kester waved his hand and said, "go and find Hessel for me at once."

The middle-aged man nodded and turned away.

Xiao Yunhai narrowed his eyes and said, "this thing is really more and more interesting."

"Do you think paramount is suspicious?" Kester asked thoughtfully

"It can't be them," Xiao said

Kester turned his eyes and said, "isn't it important? What's important is that we have another partner to investigate this matter. "Xiao Yunhai immediately understood what Kester meant. He knew that he wanted to use the black sol to drag paramount into the water. He said with a smile: "in the past two days, there have been a lot of Posts attacking us Marvel on the Internet. If not unexpected, Hanks should have sent someone to do it. With the heisol thing, paramount really can't get rid of it. "

Kester looked at Xiao Yunhai and said, "the reporter is over there."

Xiao Yunhai understood and said, "what are we waiting for?"

An old and a young fox looked at each other and laughed, and at the same time came to the reporter outside.

"Mr. Kester, do you think this accident, which is the same as Marvel children's Park, is it man-made or accidental?"

Kester frowned and said, "please don't ask me such stupid questions. Mr. Shaw has important clues. We suspect that this incident is related to paramount. "


As soon as Kester's words were uttered, it was as if a bomb had been detonated in an instant, and the reporters were tumbling.

Many people are surprised to open their mouth, can put a duck egg.

"No? It's got to do with paramount again

"Yes. There are three competing companies in the playground: Disney, marvel and paramount. Disney and marvel can be ruled out, leaving paramount, who is building an amusement park. They're not going to be ready to take over two competitors before they start their business? "

"I don't think so. It's obvious that paramount is not so stupid

"Because it's too obvious, people think it's impossible to fish in troubled waters. Maybe that's what they're trying to do

A reporter asked, "Mr. Xiao, I don't know what clues you manwei have?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "the police and our security personnel checked the video and found the important suspect black sol. He was a former Disneyland staff member. He suddenly resigned a week ago. He heard that he joined the amusement park that Paramount will soon open. In addition, we at Marvel children's paradise have been attacked frequently on the Internet recently. I have to suspect that paramount is trying to profit from it. Of course, it's just my guess. The real situation needs to be grasped by the black sol before the truth can be revealed. I hope it's not paramount. If it's true, it's too sad

Kester and Xiao Yunhai's words were quickly transmitted to the network through live broadcast.

After watching the interview, Hanks turned blue and shivered.

"You two bastards, stinking rascals, how dare you drag us paramount into the water on purpose

It is true that Hanks hired the navy to do the online attack on marvel, but the conscience of heaven and earth, he never sent people to do such crazy things.

"Boss, what should we do?" Asked the assistant manager next to him.

Hanks said angrily, "what to do? What else can I do. Go and find out the black Saul immediately. Let's stop all our sailors. Don't send any more posts attacking marvel. What's more, hold a press conference and I'll explain it myself. Now it's a big problem. "

Hanks was very clear in his mind that both Kester and Xiao Yunhai were extremely intelligent people. How could they not understand such a simple matter. The only explanation is that they deliberately spilled dirty water on themselves so that paramount had to help track down the killer.

Hanks couldn't help but scold them again, thinking of their secretly triumphant faces.

An hour later, Paramount's press conference began.

"Mr. Hanks, what's your opinion on the vicious safety incidents in Marvel and Disney?"

"I'm sorry and shocked by these two incidents," Hanks said in a deep voice. The man behind the scenes is just a son of a bitch. He should go to hell. "

"Marvel has found out that the killer is probably Hessel. It is reported that hesall resigned at Disney last week and joined you paramount. According to the calculation of time, it should be shortly after he applied the medicine on the safety belt. So Mr. Shaw of marvel and Mr. Kester of Disney both suspect that you sent someone to do it. What do you think of this? "

Hanks took a deep breath and said, "I swear it's not something we paramount sent to do. We are a regular film company. Even if there is a competitive relationship in some businesses, we will only use our strength to prove Paramount's strength. I don't believe any company in the world will do this to attack competitors with innocent lives. "

"Mr. Hanks, may I ask the heshor?"

A loud voice came from outside the press conference.

When they looked back, they saw that Xiao Yunhai and Kester came together.

When the reporters saw the two big men coming at the same time, the camera and camera in their hands suddenly aimed at them. The sound of pressing the shutter crackled, and the flash lamp was like a sea of thunder.

Hanks narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "what does Mr. Shaw mean?"Walking to the rostrum, Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "heisol died at home."

"When the police came over, your men were right there and they were all taken away by the police," Kester said


Hearing this news, the whole press conference scene directly exploded.

"My God, it's so dramatic."

"Is this a movie? And it's suspense. "

"I really can't believe that this kind of dog blood bridge can happen in reality."

"Now paramount is in great trouble. "

the reporters were arguing under the stage, but they were not idle. The cameras and cameras were frantically shooting at them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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