Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:15 AM

Chapter 101

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When Wang Lin saw that they were going to argue again, he quickly stopped and said, "you two, please be quiet. How old you are, you are not sensible. You are not afraid to be laughed at when it comes out. You don't have to fight. I've already figured out the order of albums. It's decided by the ranking of this competition. The company will release the album for him first, and the other person will take half a month at night. "

Su Yingxue listened and said, "it's not fair. The company's resources are now inclined to Zhangling, we have nothing. Even this time, we paid our own money to record in the city of music. A good singer who entered the top six of the competition even had to pay his own money to record songs. He was joking. We don't want to go too far. We just want the company to treat them equally. We don't want what they don't have, but we have to have them. "

Wang Lin waved his hand and said, "don't worry, this is no problem. Two days later, Yue Changting, the music producer of our company, came back from the United States. At that time, he helped Dong Piao Piao. You should believe Laoyue's level, Yingxue. "

Su Yingxue is surprised to hear that Yue Changting is coming to escort Dong Piao. Among the musicians in China, several producers are very low-key, but their status in the music industry is very important. Yue Changting is one of them. His masterpieces "endless love", "night" and "moonlight dance" are well-known, and his album is also outstanding

although Yue Changting is the music deputy director of Tianhua records company, he only plays his music and never cares about the company's business. Wang Lin is very appreciative of it, such a non power and outstanding Deputy put on who is also happy.

Dong Piao can get his guidance, Su Yingxue is naturally surprised.

Li Guodong and Zhang Ling have a top producer here. Although they are not happy, they can't say anything.

After dealing with the affairs of the two players, Wang Lin looked at Xiao Yunhai who had been silent for the first time. He said with a smile: "I am very happy to learn that Yingxue has signed Mr. Xiao. There is no other person in the music industry who can have such extraordinary creative ability at this age except you. After the appearance of your preface to the Orchid Pavilion, I also wanted to write a song of this type of Chinese style. It's a pity that painting a tiger can't be an anti dog. It's a pity. "

Wang Lin was very polite. He can ignore Su Yingxue and Zhang Ling, but he has a high regard for Xiao Yunhai. China is so big that countless singers have been buried. It is not difficult to find a singer who is better than Su and Zhang, but it is not easy to find a top-level writer and singer like Xiao Yunhai.

For a veteran creator like Wang Lin, if you want to get his respect, you must have something to admire in music, otherwise it is basically impossible. Xiao Yunhai, however, started a new school at a young age, which Wang Lin had to admire.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Miss Wang, I'm flattered. I still have a lot to learn. You are an elder. You can call me Yunhai directly. "

After listening to Xiao Yunhai's words, Wang Lin was very satisfied with him.

Many young singers tend to be arrogant and arrogant after becoming famous. Just like Zhang Ling, who hasn't really become famous, he can't help but insert his words with his two agents. If Li Guodong didn't hold him tightly, he would not know what to say from his mouth. Although their action is not big, but who is Wang Lin, how can he escape his eyes.

In Wang Lin's heart, Xiao Yunhai is far higher than Zhang Ling in terms of fame and ability. However, Xiao Yunhai is very modest and calm. He puts his position very low and respects old people like himself. Especially, his calm temperament makes him look at him.

No wonder he has achieved so much at a young age.

"Before you signed the contract with Yingxue, Yingxue consulted me. To tell you the truth, after I read the contract at that time, you gave me the impression that he was a conceited, ignorant but talented boy. But when I see you now, I change my mind in an instant. "

Xiao Yunhai asked with a smile, "I'd like to hear Mr. Wang's opinion?"

Wang Lin said: "confident, calm and calm. I can't see a bit of young people's impetuousness from you, neither superior nor belittled. I feel like I'm facing a peer. "

"Don't say that, Miss Wang. I'm only twenty now, and I don't even have a wife. If it's your age, that's fine. " Xiao Yunhai joked.

However, he thought in his heart, this old man is very powerful. His previous life age must not be similar to him.

Wang Lin said with a smile, "you are very interesting. By the way, when are you going to release the album? With your fame and tens of millions of fans, I think making an album now will surely sell a good result

Xiao Yunhai thought for a while and said, "I'm preparing a song. I think it's almost the same after shooting the TV series step by step."

"How many new songs, how many old songs? Can I help you? " Wang Lin asked."I can write songs by myself, but I need the company to make albums for me. After all, I haven't been involved in MTV shooting. I'm going to release ten songs on this album. Among them, I have sung three old songs: "big man", "Orchid Pavilion preface" and "broad sea and sky". The other several songs all need new songs, and the quality should be similar to the previous ones. They must be top songs or even classic songs. For my album, whether it is now or in the future, unless I don't do it, I must do my best

Xiao Yunhai's words are sonorous and powerful, full of confidence.

As soon as his voice fell, Wang Lin clapped his hands and praised, "this is the attitude a musician should have. Only by paying attention to music and striving for perfection, can we really make a classic record. Compared with the past, there is a kind of exaggeration in the music industry nowadays. Producers and singers do not pay attention to the quality of records, instead, they make great efforts in publicity. "

"Well, although it's a time when the wine is fragrant and the alley is deep, we can't go too far. I once did a survey. In the past five years, there have been more than 3000 new records on the market every year, which seems to be very popular. But of the total of more than 16000 records, there are only 12 records with sales of more than 8 million. Ten of them are records of old singers, and only two of them are young people. In 1992, there were 16 more than 8 million records in one year. Ah, I have to say that this is the sorrow of musicians. "

"I just want to tell you three young people that your mentality must be guaranteed and you must take every work seriously. Only good works can guarantee your success."

Xiao Yunhai and Dong Piao Piao listened to Wang Lin's words and nodded seriously. Only Zhang Ling, though he also expressed his attitude, betrayed him by a flash of irony at the corner of his mouth.

Wang Lin's face was still, but in his heart he had a deep prejudice against Zhang Ling. A person who does not take music seriously and does not respect the elderly will never go too far. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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