Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:19 AM

Chapter 1010

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After hearing Kester's words, Hanks was shocked, but his face was hard to see the extreme. The fire forced in his heart rushed up like a volcanic eruption, pointing to Xiao Yunhai and Kester and swearing: "you two are working together to draw people's attention to us, paramount, so as to restore the image of the amusement park, right?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "Mr. Hanks, don't be angry. We didn't think paramount was the murderer. We just said that you are the most suspect now."

"Mr. Hanks, don't be impatient. The most important thing now is that our three companies should work together to find out the murderer as soon as possible," Kester said

Hanks was directly annoyed and said, "we did not have an accident with paramount, nor did we send anyone to do it. It's none of our business."

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. Hanks, hesall finished his work and ran to your paramount office. Your men happened to be there when he died. You are the one who will benefit most from the accident of our two amusement parks. Mr. Hanks, is it possible that you say it's none of your business now? "

Hanks snorted and said, "if you think we sent Ramon to do it, please show us the evidence. If there is no evidence, don't harass us paramount. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "Mr. Hanks, you are too irresponsible. You're so uncooperative that we wonder what you're trying to cover up

"You..." Hanks was almost angry to death, the ups and downs of his chest, eyes like a knife to look at Xiao Yunhai. If the eyes can kill people, it is estimated that Xiao Yunhai has already become a hedgehog.

Three big men who can shake the world's entertainment industry by stamping their feet in Hollywood have been fighting with each other in front of the reporters. They are all excited to see this scene.

After all, Hanks was not an ordinary person. He restrained his anger and said with a sneer: "good, good. Congratulations on your success in dragging me into the water. I will cooperate fully in this case. However, dear friends of the press, I would like to announce one thing. The one billion blockbuster "Assassin" invested by Paramount last year will be released globally on June 28. Please give us more support. Well, that's the end of today's press conference. "

With that, Hanks glared at Xiao Yunhai and Kester, and left the scene angrily.

After hearing Hanks's words, the reporters under the stage were shocked and looked at Xiao Yunhai.

"I remember that the ancient costume blockbuster" battle of Red Cliff "invested by Kung Fu Xiao also appeared on June 28, right

"Yes. Obviously, paramount is taking revenge on Xiao Yunhai. Hehe, it's so self willed. "

"I heard that this" Assassin "is very powerful. All the actors invited are Hollywood celebrities. Kung Fu Xiao is in big trouble this time."

"It's all the victims. How can we fight inside?"

"This is not an infighting. It's just Disney. Kung Fu Xiao and paramount are on fire. Don't forget that they still have 20 billion dollars to bet on. "

After Hanks left, Xiao Yunhai became the focus of the reporters' siege.

"Mr. Xiao, will you respond to Mr. Hanks's" Assassin "and" battle of Red Cliff "

Xiao Yunhai said in a deep voice: "people have called at the door of the house. Can I be the shrinking turtle?"

"Do you think you can win? Can you predict the box office of battle of red cliff

Xiao Yunhai said: "before my goal was 2 billion US dollars, now I don't know. As for whether we can win or not, ha ha, I have been in favor of an invincible position. "Battle of Red Cliff" is divided into two parts. After the first film was released in Asia, it has won more than 7 billion Chinese dollars at the box office, which not only made me recover my investment, but also made a lot of billions. Even in Europe and America, I won't lose anything. Well, what you should worry about now is Mr. Hanks. Even if he loses both, he will still be a loser. "

" Mr. Xiao, what are your views on Mr. Hanks's response to the amusement park incident? "

Xiao Yunhai said coldly: "stupid to the extreme."

"Mr. Kester, in the accident at Marvel children's Park, Mr. Shaw paid the parents of the injured child 10 million dollars as compensation. Now in your Disneyland, a six-year-old girl lost her life. How much will you pay the parents of your children? "

"I'll talk to the parents about this," Kester said. Well, if I can get my child's life back, I will pay a billion dollars. "


Kester's words won unanimous approval.

Xiao Yunhai slightly tugged at the corners of his mouth and said to himself, "this old man doesn't want to give people so much compensation, but he can still speak so beautifully. He is really the old fox of Hollywood.

Xiao Yunhai said: "sorry, everyone, I have something else to do. That's all for the interview."

From paramount press conference scene, Xiao Yunhai said hello to Kester and returned to the hotel.

After a while, Xiao Hai was tired, because he could not sleep in the bath bed.At this time, the Internet has been tumultuous.

"Shit, it's just the rhythm of a blockbuster."

"Who on earth has a grudge against marvel, Disney and paramount? Originally, their relationship is not very good, still need others to choose? "

"Do you think it's paramount?"

"I don't think so. Hanks can't be so stupid."

"It's hard to say. From the video, I don't think Hanks is very interested in finding the killer. "

"Stupid upstairs. Hanks is angry, this matter has nothing to do with him at all, but he was dragged in by marvel and Disney. Can't he be angry

"Now. "2012" and "biochemical crisis" of 20 billion U.S. dollars of gambling has not yet started, "Assassin" and "battle of Red Cliff" will start on June 28, which is really a wave of not even, a wave of rise again. "

"Ha ha, I like to see the point of the needle to the awn."

American netizens are very excited when they see the video of three Hollywood bigwigs' press conference. In less than an hour, hundreds of thousands of posts have been posted on famous forums.

Xiao Yunhai fell asleep for a while, vaguely, he heard the mobile phone ring on the bed.

Open your eyes and take a look. Raul has been in the police station.

Xiao Yunhai pressed the answer button and asked, "Raul, is the matter clear?"

Raul said, "boss, it's not easy. That Hessel killed himself by drinking drugs. When Paramount's men went, he was already dead. In the past half a month, his mobile phone has no record of any calls, and there is no extra money in his bank card except Disney settling his salary once. In a word, the other party is doing very clean, can't find all clues. "

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "if he did this for money, he would not commit suicide. If it's revenge, it's even more impossible. I don't know him at all. What is the reason for that? "

Raul said: "maybe it's money. The police found a lot of drugs in his home and went to the hospital to ask about it. Only then did they know that this guy had a terminal illness. Even if you don't commit suicide, you can't live for a month. Three days ago, he went to Miami to see his struggling son. I think he should feel that he is going to die anyway. It is better to make a big ticket before he dies, and then give the money to his son. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed: "maybe. Raul, if we find out about this, we'll stop meddling and let the police take over. Our top priority now is how to make Marvel children's paradise operate normally as soon as possible? This incident has a great impact on us. If I were an ordinary person, I would not bring my children to our playground any more. "

Raul said: "boss, I talked to Randy about it. It is impossible to eliminate the adverse effects of this incident in a short time. We can only do it slowly. Fortunately, Disney has the same problem this time, which makes our situation much better. In a few days, when we open the garden, we can offer half price discount. It would be even better if you could invite some big Hollywood stars to come and play with their children. In America, the influence of stars on ordinary people is much higher than that of the president. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "OK, that's it. Oh, I don't have much affection now. "

Raul said, "don't worry, boss. We only have two amusement parks in operation, and Disney has 46 in the whole country. The most anxious thing is Kester

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "you are right. I think Kester is on fire now

Xiao Yunhai and Raul are right. Kester is really in a hurry.

Disneyland is one of the top three movie companies in Hollywood, not only because of their films, but also because of Disneyland all over the United States.

Every year, 46 Disneylands bring kestel billions of dollars, which is not included in Disney's revenue.

Although the park uses the Disney brand, it is kestel's own industry, with 100% of the shares, and has no relationship with other Disney shareholders.

That's why Kester is so anxious. If there is no one in a week, it will be a loss of hundreds of millions.

After consulting with his subordinates, Kester came up with the same method as Xiao Yunhai, who also hoped to use stars to restore their influence.

However, compared with Xiao Yunhai, he is obviously more convenient, because the Disney film company itself has dozens of big stars. As long as he is a big shareholder, people will surely give him this face, and there is no need to owe him any gratitude. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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