Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:16 AM

Chapter 1012

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In Los Angeles, xiaoyunhai villa

Xiao Yunhai held a party and invited several famous artists from Kerry and MGM to attend.

People were eating barbecue and drinking beer on the lawn. The atmosphere was very good.

Kerry took a bite of the fresh mutton and said with a smile, "Xiao, your barbecue skill is really good. You are almost catching up with the old restaurant I ate in Yanjing."

Recently, Kerry has been riding high on horseshoe disease. With the US $120 billion loan from Huaxia commercial bank, we not only paid back the loan, but also diluted the shares of other shareholders. As a result, their father and son's shares reached 77%, and their market value increased from 120 billion to 230 billion, far more than before.

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you for your compliment."

Kerry picked up a bottle of beer and touched Xiao Yunhai and said, "Xiao, you invited us to drink wine and eat barbecue today. Do you want to ask us for help? We're Hollywood's closest partner, so don't be embarrassed, just say it

Action star Laurine nodded and said, "Mr. Smith is right. Mr. Xiao, as long as we can help, there will be no difference. "

Since Xiao Yunhai performed Chinese Kung Fu at the Academy Awards ceremony, Laurine has highly praised Xiao Yunhai.

Later, seeing that MGM was in the most critical moment, Xiao Yunhai did not care about Hanks' threat to help, which made him appreciate Xiao Yunhai's personality abnormally.

Now seeing that he seems to have difficulties and wants to find his own help, Laurine naturally does not want to miss such a good favor.

Other stars nodded.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this afternoon, Kerry asked me about this matter, but I didn't mean to say it at that time. I thought it was a bit hard to say. Now that I have said this, I have the cheek to ask you a favor. "

"What's up?" Kerry asked

Xiao Yunhai said: "a few days ago, there were serious safety problems in our Marvel children's paradise. We should all know that. Now the impact has almost been eliminated, but the number of visitors who went to the amusement park is still very few, so I would like to ask you to take your family to make Marvel children's paradise for a while. You are all big stars with numerous fans. I believe that as long as you go, you will certainly be able to dispel people's concerns. We can rest assured that there will be no problem in terms of safety. Of course, if you can't spare the time, that's fine. "

Laurine laughed and said, "what should I do? That's all right. I've been fine for a week. I can take my wife and two children to New York for a holiday, and I can invite more pairs of stars to come with me

In addition to the film emperor Silas need to go to the production crew, there is no time, other people have agreed.

Xiao Yunhai was overjoyed. He picked up the beer bottle and said, "that's great. Thank you for your help."

Kerry said with a smile: "don't be polite. We are all our own people and should help each other."

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "boss, it seems that you have nothing to do with you here. With your popularity, it seems useless to go. "

On hearing this, Kerry exclaimed, "my God. Xiao, how dare you do this to me? I must give you a good beating. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Kerry, don't blame me for being too frank. Even if you come to 50, you won't hurt me."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Kerry shook his head and sighed, "what a shame to meet. How are you going to get there, Xiao? It's not a passenger plane. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "I can rent a special plane."

Kerry said, "Shaw, I think you might as well buy one. You often go back and forth in Los Angeles and Yanjing. It's a waste of time. If you have your own private jet, you don't have to be so bothered. You can't afford it anyway

Xiao Yunhai said: "this is a good idea."

Kerry saw that Xiao Yunhai was moved. He came to his spirit and said, "Xiao, if you really want to buy an airplane, you can find me. The general manager of Boeing and I are very good friends. We can ask him to recommend the safest model for you

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "Kerry, you seem to be too excited when talking about airplanes."

Laurine said: "Mr. Shaw, you may not know that our Mr. Smith dreams of having a private plane, which is an open secret in the company, but it has not been achieved."

"Why not buy one?" Xiao Yunhai asked in surprise

Kerry spread his hands and said, "the reason is very simple. There is no money. My father said that you can have a plane, but you have to get married first. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's time for you to find a girl. OK. Tomorrow afternoon, we'll go to Boeing and buy the most luxurious and safest plane. Three days later, we'll take it to New York. What do you think? "

"Good, great."

The crowd cheered in unison.The next morning, Xiao Yunhai drove to the headquarters of Marvel Comics company. After chatting with the staff for a while, Xiao Yunhai and Raul went to the office together.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Raul, I have good news for you. Three days later, at least six MGM stars will take their families to marvel children's paradise in New York. We must do a good job in publicity. "

Raul said happily, "that's great. Boss, who are they? "

Xiao Yunhai said the names of Laurine and others, and said: "maybe there are more than these people. Laurine and they agreed to help us hire other stars, and we expect to have the exact news tomorrow

Raul said, "that's great. Boss, I got a call from Randy this morning. He said that the number of people who came to our children's park yesterday reached 300. Although it is far from being compared with before, this is a very good start. At least it's a lot better than Disney. "

"What's the situation with Disneyland?" Xiao asked

Raul said with some schadenfreude: "because of their improper actions in the safety accidents, people have a strong antipathy. It is said that the number of visitors to more than 40 Disneyland in the United States has reached the lowest level in 20 years. If they don't do anything else, they will be in real trouble. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "we should thank Kester. If it wasn't for his stupid decision, we marvel would not have recovered so soon

Raul said, "yes. By the way, boss, I have some bad news for you. The first ster playground opened in Washington yesterday, and there were 20000 people on that day. It's said that at least five stell playgrounds will be open this month, which is very bad for us

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said: "the expansion of STEL network company is really too fast. Sure enough money is good. "

Since STEL network company took over paramount, it has not only absorbed numerous small and medium-sized film companies and formed a super giant covering all entertainment industries, but also built cinemas and playgrounds across the country, and invested more than 20 films and TV series at one go.

Together with their acquisition of MGM, it is estimated that at least US $60 million has been spent, which is similar to the total assets of Xiao Yunhai.

If the other seven Hollywood companies are large warships, then paramount is a giant aircraft carrier. The difference in power between the two sides is too great.

Raul said, "boss, should we sign some artists in marvel?"

Xiao Yunhai a Leng, asked: "how can you have this idea?"

Raul said: "we have a huge number of superheroes in Marvel comics. We can win a large number of stars in movies and TV series. It's better to make ourselves cheaper than others. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it for a while, and felt that Raul was right, so he nodded and said, "it's OK. However, in this way, we need to set up a special brokerage department. "

Raul said: "it's simple. With your status and Marvel's brand, Hollywood doesn't know how many people will scramble to come in. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "however, we can't have everything. Those who take drugs, those who are corrupt in their private life, no matter how good they are, will be cut off for me. Raul, you can take care of it yourself. "

Raul said, "you can rest assured that I will make it very beautiful. In fact, boss, we have some very good goals now. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and asked, "who are you talking about?"

Raul said, "your good friend is magically directing the Lord of the rings special effects. His contract with Fox has expired and has not been renewed. The second is director plancico, who made spider man for us. He has always been a free man. There is also spider man lance, whose contract seems to have expired

Xiao Yunhai pointed to Raul and said with a smile, "you old guy, have you been staring at them for a long time?"

Raul's old-fashioned face also showed a trace of smile, said: "such a good talent is not used by us, it's really a waste."

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "OK. I'll invite director bickervin to dinner tonight, and I'll finish his magic first director first. As for plancico and lance, they seem to be filming in New York. Two days later, I'll take MGM's big stars to our playground, and then I'll find them again. Well, if there's nothing else, you can do it. At ten o'clock, my economic adviser, Ms. Isabel Kristi, will be here. Just let the front desk clear. "

Raul agreed and left the office. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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