Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:15 AM

Chapter 1013

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Xiao Yunhai opened the intranet of Marvel comics, looked at a long list of familiar superheroes in his previous life, and began to think whether he should bring them to the big screen as soon as possible.

In terms of money, Xiao Yunhai has no problem shooting these films. Even if he started shooting ten films at the same time, and each one was worth a billion dollars, he could still hold on.

It's just that he's not sure what kind of impact will be on the world when his 3D version of 2012 is released.

In case everyone is not interested in 2D movies after watching 3D movies, Xiao Yunhai is equivalent to lifting a stone and hitting his own foot.

But if you don't shoot it there, Xiao Yunhai feels very sorry, and some things are out of control.

When we think of the emergence of 3D technology in the past, all directors who made blockbusters would be crowned with 3D titles in front of them. We can see the impact of 3D films on the film industry.

Later, under the bombardment of various 3D films, fans may feel numb. The infatuation with this feeling gradually disappeared, and 2D films became popular again.

But this period is not short, at least three years.

The entertainment industry in this world is much more developed than in previous lives. Once 2012 appears, it is estimated that countless 3D films will be produced, which can make fans lose interest in at most one year.

If we take advantage of this period of time, select a few suitable superheroes to make 3D films, and before a large number of 3D films appear in the market, is it not equivalent to monopolizing the entire 3D market and making a lot of profits?

At the beginning of next year, several 3D films will be released in succession, and Xiao Yunhai will be excited immediately after you have finished singing.

It is estimated that by then, these films will not have a billion or two billion box office, but billions or even tens of billions. Maybe most of the top ten box office tickets will be occupied by his superheroes. It's really exciting to think about it.

Xiao Yunhai has always been a vigorous and vigorous character. Comparing with those films in his previous life, he searched all the superheroes, and finally picked out "X-Men", "Captain America" and "Dr. strange". In addition, with "Iron Man", which has never appeared in this world, Xiao intends to start shooting these four films at the same time.

However, the biggest problem is to find the right director, and they and photographers need to go to DreamWorks for a period of training.

As for the actors, Xiao Yunhai plans to use new people and sign them all into Marvel comics. Raul is right. Fat water doesn't flow to the outside world. He doesn't want to lose artists from other companies in vain. To give them a supporting role is already very good.

There are hundreds of thousands of actors in Hollywood, among them, Xiao Yunhai doesn't believe that he can't find a suitable one.

Xiao Yunhai began to write the scripts of these four films. With the reference of previous films, the scripts are not difficult to write.

Because their plots are very simple, the key is the visual effect presented to the audience.

In just over an hour, Xiao Yunhai finished the script of iron man.

Just then, there was a knock outside the door.

Xiao Yunhai called out, "please come in."

The door opened and a receptionist came in with Isabel Kristi.

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile on her face, stood up and said hello to her.

"How have you been, Ms. Christie?"

Christie laughed, "very substantial. Seeing so many companies that can make a lot of money, our team is very excited. This time I'm here to report to you about our investment company. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "please speak."

Kristi took out a thick pile of materials and gave it to Xiao Yunhai, and then introduced the general situation.

In addition to storm games, Kristi invested $8.6 billion in oil, gas, cosmetics and real estate during this period. Add in the 500 million of storm game company. In a short month, Xiao Yunhai's $10 billion is only 900 million.

This money, Christie, is going to use for stocks.

Listening to Kristi's explanation and looking at the report on the paper, Xiao Yunhai can't see anything on his face, but his heart is still very appreciative.

Although he didn't know about the above companies, oil and natural gas are non renewable resources, and they are hot goods of various countries all over the world at any time. The war launched by the United States in the previous life is for these resources. It can be said that there will never be a buyer.

Cosmetics needless to say, people all over the world know that it is a profiteering industry. The cost of more than five yuan can be sold to hundreds of thousands. If it is finished, it can even support a country.

As for real estate, as long as there are people, the house will not worry about selling.

For Kristi's choice of these investment industries, Xiao Yunhai was very satisfied and said, "how about these companies?"

Christie laughed, "very healthy, of course. Take oil as an example. We are cooperating with the American jockey oil company. It is an old company. Although it has been on a downward trend in the past ten years, since last year, the new young boss has shown great momentum. This time, they want to buy a big oil field in the Middle East, so they have to ask for help from outside, otherwise we can't take advantage of it. Of course, the price we paid was also very high. We got 30% of the oil field shares by US $5 billion. And natural gasXiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "don't say it. When you called me, I told you that you are an expert and I just look at the final results. I'll leave this information here. "

"I can guarantee you, Mr. Shaw, that these projects will bring you a lot of profits in the future," Kristi said confidently

Xiao Yunhai smiled: "that's fine. Any questions? "

"We'll take a closer look at all the industries you have in your name recently," Kristi said. Whether it is Xinhua Xiayuan line, magic special effects company, fantasy special effect company, manwei comic company, Yunyi shopping network and long-term music network, the potential is very scary. It can be said that if ordinary people can have one, it is enough for him to become a rich man. But now they are all in your hands, I believe in two years, the world's richest man will be changed. "

Xiao Yunhai heard too much praise, and didn't feel how successful he felt. Instead, he was acutely aware of the question in Kristi's words and said, "do you mean my North American theater line has little potential?"

"Mr. Shaw was so good," said Kristi, with a glimmer of appreciation in her eyes. Yes, I think you should sell the four yards of MGM, paramount, Disney and Warner right now. "

"I have no wrong hearing, Ms. Kristi," said Xiao, frowning. The North American Academy brought me more than 10 billion dollars of income last year. You asked me to sell it? "

Kristi said without a hurry, "it was the past, not the present. Now, the Yanhuang cinema in Huaxia is completed and is in operation. In the next half year, Paramount's cinema will be completed. By then, there will be two powerful and extreme cinemas that can cover the North America. Your combination is the third one, and it is a very old and independent cinema. Do you think it can compete with others? "

Although Xiao Yunhai did not speak, he had actually agreed with Kristi's analysis, because he also had this feeling.

The North American courtyard line is now completely saturated, and if it is added to the later paramount, it will be overloaded.

Before, wolves were less meat, and major film companies had to bow to the cinema line and be oppressed by them in order to be able to release their films.

Now, wolves are more meat and less. It is likely that in turn, they will turn into a cinema line and ask the film companies to give them films, because there are too many cinemas. Once you don't get a movie, it's likely to be a situation where there is no film to put.

It was asked before, and in the future, with fierce competition and box office share changes, the gap can be imagined.

Kristi saw Xiao Yunhai moving and continued: "now the market value of the main yard line has returned to the pre crisis state. If you sell it now, you will make a lot of money. But once the paramount line appears, I believe that the market value of the courtyard line in your hands will surely fall sharply. At that time, it was really a matter of regret. Mr. Xiao, I know you have some reluctant, but I think the North American cinema is the least potential in your industry, and even may become a drag on you. "

After Kristi's words, Xiao Yunhai stood up and walked to the window, looked at the cars coming down the stairs, and suddenly laughed and said, "Miss Kristi, do you know why I bought these courtyards?"

Kristi did not speak, but looked at the sea of clouds with a pair of wise eyes, waiting for his words to come.

Xiaoyunhaidao: "in fact, I am not trying to make money, but for my movies. If I were to choose an identity between the businessman and the filmmaker, I would have chosen the filmmaker without hesitation. Now that the Yanhuang cinema has been established, with our relationship, they can't refuse to show my film. So it's time to sell the North American theater. "

With Xiao Yunhai's status in the world entertainment circle and his background, Yanhuang cinema, even if it is brave to eat ambitious leopards, dare not start his films. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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