Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:13 AM

Chapter 1014

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Xiao Yunhai wanted to be free before, and didn't want his films to be bound by the outside world. Now that he has Yanhuang cinema, the North American cinema can't bring him greater benefits in the future. It's better to abandon it and exchange money to invest in more profitable industries.

Kristi originally thought it would be very difficult to persuade Xiao Yunhai to accept her suggestion. However, after only saying a few words, Xiao Yunhai agreed, which made her feel extremely admirable for Xiao Yunhai's courage and determination.

You know, in 10 minutes, you can't decide to give up a project that can bring you tens of billions of dollars a year. Even those Wall Street tycoons will be very cautious in the face of this problem. At least, they should hold a shareholders' meeting. They will not let go unless they study it thoroughly over and over again. In this way, the best time is often lost.

At the beginning, Kristi provided many good suggestions to the old owners, but they all had problems in the decision-making stage, which caused Kristi's dissatisfaction. This is also the reason why she does not want to stay in a large company.

For the first time, Christie said with a look of admiration: "Mr. Shaw, I have to say that you are the most courageous person I have ever met."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I always think so. But what I want to tell you is that it's not easy to sell them. At the beginning, I promised a series of unequal treaties in order to be able to buy shares of cinemas from those capitalists. That includes a 10% premium if you want to sell it, and the buyer must be the person who sold it to me. I can't sell it to anyone else unless they don't buy it. "

Christie frowned and said, "Mr. Shaw, I don't understand. How could you agree to such a condition? That's ridiculous. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "when I bought these cinemas, it was just the outbreak of the economic crisis. In addition, the government strictly prohibited the eight major Hollywood film companies from monopolizing the cinemas. This adopted cheap prices and such unequal conditions to obtain some shares. Otherwise, how could they be so kind to buy it for me. By the way, with the exception of paramount, they own 20% of their shares without any restrictions. "

Christie said with a wry smile: "it seems that you are really for the film, otherwise, any normal businessman would not agree to such a condition."

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'll leave these matters to you. When dealing with MGM, be gentle. They and I are strategic partners. "

Christie nodded and said, "I will focus on this in the near future. Mr. Xiao, I have calculated that you can get at least 40 billion US dollars. Will you give us some money? We have no money now, and there are many profitable industries out there. "

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "I can leave half of it for you. However, we have agreed in advance that with this money, you will not have to worry about the 20 billion dollars you have wagered. "

Christie said happily, "great. With this 20 billion, all our business plans can be implemented. "

Xiao Yunhai joked: "you give me this idea, will not be for this purpose."

"We don't do such unprofessional things," Christie giggled

Xiao Yunhai said: "all the materials are in China. I'll ask my wife to send someone to bring them. Ms. Christie, if you're all right at noon, may I have the pleasure of treating you to lunch? "

"It's my pleasure to have lunch with you, the richest man of the future," Christie said with a smile

At noon, they found a good restaurant and had an authentic Italian steak.

Looking at eight and a half catties of beef being stuffed into the stomach by Xiao Yunhai, Kristi rarely showed a very surprised expression.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai personally drove Kristi home. He went to Kerry and came to Boeing company together.

For Xiao Yunhai such a big customer, Boeing naturally did not dare to neglect, gave him full respect.

Under the introduction of Kerry's friend Mason, Xiao Yunhai knew that rich men like him have their own private planes, some even many.

Last year alone, Boeing sold more than 100 aircraft, and the accident repair rate was basically zero.

Xiao Yunhai is going to buy an airliner capable of carrying 30 passengers. The appearance may be worse, but the safety performance must be guaranteed to the greatest extent.

According to Xiao Yunhai's requirements, Mason recommended three models for him.

To say that Boeing is indeed the world's most powerful aircraft manufacturing company, the airport alone, to meet the requirements of Xiao Yunhai there are more than 10.

Xiao Yunhai carefully looked around, and finally chose the same type of aircraft as the U.S. president's air force No.1. It was only several grades worse in safety, but compared with other private aircraft, it was already the best.

Of course, the price is also very expensive, together with the purchase of flight routes, handling all kinds of cumbersome procedures and so on, which cost him 530 million US dollars.He remembered that the airliner in his previous life was only tens of millions of dollars, but it was worth it.

Mason originally wanted to introduce him to the pilot and stewardess, but Xiao Yunhai refused.

Private aircraft can be bought in the United States because of its best safety performance. However, Xiao Yunhai, the pilot and flight attendant, still feels that his compatriots are more reliable.

After finishing the plane, Xiao Yunhai called Xiao Shengli, the second uncle of the Northeast military region as commander.

"Second uncle, I'm Yunhai. Haven't you slept yet?"

It's 11:00 p.m. Yanjing time, so Xiao Yunhai asked.

"Ha ha, not yet. It's not easy for you to call this old man. Come on, what's the matter

Xiao Shengli, as the commander of the military region, works very busy on weekdays. From Xiao Yunhai's ancestry to today, the two have only met once, but the impression of each other is very good.

Xiao Shengli is a careless person, but he has a very careful thinking in his lofty sentiments. Otherwise, he could not be a commander.

Xiao Yunhai, on the other hand, is born with self-confidence. With his superb kung fu training, he is full of energy and spirit. Naturally, Xiao Shengli, who was born as a soldier, naturally appreciates it.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "second uncle, I want to ask you to help me find four reliable pilots."

Xiao Shengli was stunned and asked, "what do you want a pilot to do?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I bought a private plane and need them to operate it for me."

Xiao Shengli heard it, and said, "shit, you are really a big fool. You can't spoil your money like this. There are many veterans in our military region every year. You can save this money to set up a company and help them find jobs. "

Recently, Xiao Shengli is worrying about the work of 5000 demobilized soldiers. Hearing that Xiao Yunhai bought an airplane, I couldn't stand it.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Er Bo, I have several companies in Los Angeles. If I don't have a private plane, it will be too much delay. As for setting up a company to arrange for veterans, it's easy to do. I'll immediately send someone to Northeast China to investigate what projects are suitable. It's not a problem to invest 35 billion yuan. I'll go as soon as you give me your order. Who makes your nephew rich? "

Xiao Shengli was amused by Xiao Yunhai and laughed and said: "you boy dare to blow. Airplanes are nothing else. If something goes wrong, it will kill people. OK, I'll help you pick out the four most skilled pilots. When will it be over? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "the sooner the better. By the way, are there stewardesses in the army? "

Xiao Shengli said angrily: "the army is used for fighting, not for service. Where are the stewardesses. By the way, I tell you, I can give it to you, but you can't treat my soldiers badly. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's worth saying. I give them 10000 salary a month, all kinds of insurance are covered. Every time I fly safely, I give them a safety award. The treatment will definitely make other people envy, envy and hate. "

Xiao Shengli said: "it's almost the same."

Xiao Yunhai said, "Er Bo, are you serious about the company?"

Xiao Shengli was directly angry and said, "you boy was just teasing me to play?"

Xiao Yunhai said in a hurry: "I dare not. It's said that our northeast is rich in mineral resources. I think it's better to open a regular large coal mine there. At least, we can arrange a lot of veterans. "

Xiao Shengli said with a smile, "you boy, you really don't suffer losses. Many people who want to open a private coal mine are like crucian carp crossing the river. What can I do for you? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I am willing to invest in security. Second uncle, I don't want to make money through your relationship. You can go to the Internet to find out how many coal mine collapses occurred in Northeast China in recent years. This is still reported, and it is estimated that more are not reported. I can assure you that the coal mine I run will never have any omissions in terms of safety. If you don't feel at ease, you can ask experts to inspect from time to time. "

"Well, in fact, if you hadn't asked me to help settle the veterans, I wouldn't have bothered. I can make billions of dollars in a movie. As for the coal mine, it's hard work and it's not necessarily a year's profit for me to make a movie. "

Xiao Shengli knew that his nephew was telling the truth, but his mouth was not angry and said: "you don't pull these useless for me. I'll think about it first. I'll take care of the pilot tomorrow, and I expect to arrive in two days. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "thank you, er Bo." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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