Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:12 AM

Chapter 1015

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On the way back, Xiao Yunhai told Kerry that he wanted to sell the cinema.

Kerry Leng Leng Leng, followed by the face of abnormal dignified, asked: "Xiao, you are not joking?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "how can I make fun of such a big thing?"

Kerry said: "Xiao, last year, the North American cinema including our MGM brought you more than 10 billion dollars of income. How could you think of selling it?"

Of course, Xiao Yunhai couldn't tell him the reason and said, "Kerry, I'm sorry, this is a decision made by my business team and I after careful consideration. Your MGM line is also included. So what you should do now is to find a suitable buyer to ensure that you can continue to have the decision-making power of the MGM line. "

Kerry frowned and said, "to tell you the truth, it's hard to find such a person."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "why don't you learn from stern? Buy a small company directly and hand over the stock rights of the cinema to them, and the actual control is still in you, isn't it OK? "

Kerry said sullenly, "if it is so simple, how could we possibly sell you the shares. Although we all know that it is stern's company, in law, the small company is independent, and the two sides have not signed any contract. The boss of the small company doesn't dare to kill the boss of the small company. If we MGM does the same thing, pick out one person and give him 20% of the cinema line shares. It is estimated that within the next day, the cinema shares will be owned by others. Because we can't have the deterrence of STEL networks. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "I can't help it. I can only give you one month for this matter. My team should contact you this afternoon or tomorrow. "

Kerry nodded and said, "OK, I see. If you send me back to the company, I'll discuss it with my father. "

Xiao Yunhai said, "no problem."

In the morning, he has to deal with the investment, in the afternoon he has bought a plane, and in the evening he has to recruit director Bickerman. Xiao Yunhai has a very substantial day.

Send Kerry, Xiao Yunhai came to the magic special effects company.

Receiving the news, Daniel immediately appeared in front of Xiao Yunhai and complained: "boss, since the establishment of Marvel Comics company, you haven't been here for a long time."

Xiao Yunhai patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "with you and Daniel here, I have nothing to worry about. Manwei has too many troubles, so I naturally put my focus on them a little bit. How are you doing? "

Daniel said: "very good. Half a year later, our profit reached 4.2 billion US dollars. And the next list is full in the second half of the year. I'm just going to apply to you for another batch of special effects personnel. "

Xiao Yunhai is very clear that the reason for this situation is that the quota of cinemas and producers has changed, which makes those film companies dare to shoot large films. Therefore, magic has such a full situation.

Xiao Yunhai said, "you can do these things as you see fit. Daniel, do you think our office is a little crowded? "

Daniel nodded and said, "yes, boss. If we recruit another 300 people, there will be no room here. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "then change to a bigger place. Let's go directly to buy a building."

Daniel frowned and said, "boss, it's not cheap to buy a building. If it's more than 30 floors, it's at least one billion dollars."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "money is not a problem. Daniel, I only have magic effects and marvel comics in America. I'm going to buy an office building with at least 50 floors and put the two companies together. Next, marvel will shoot a series of superheroes. You need to work together, OK? "

Daniel nodded and said, "I understand, boss. It is said that three buildings with more than 60 storeys have just been built in a place not far from here. I will take people to have a look at it tomorrow. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "in this way, you and Raul of manwei will go together. If appropriate, we will take it down. We will invest in real estate. I believe the price will only become more and more expensive. As for the funding, it's up to us magic. Marvel has just invested $2.5 billion in the children's Park, and can't afford to pay any more. "

Daniel said with a smile: "boss, whether it's marvel or magic, it's all your money, OK?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed.

While joking, they came to the special effects studio where Bickerman did the post production for the Lord of the rings.

Seeing that bickervin is busy with technicians there, Xiao Yunhai does not let Daniel disturb him, but sits quietly on one side.

Ten minutes later, Xiao Yunhai saw that their work seemed to have come to an end, and then he went forward to say hello.

"Director bichoven, is it time for you to take a bath? I seem to smell a lot from you Xiao Yunhai deliberately teased him.

Bikewen was very happy to see Xiao Yunhai. He wanted to hug him. After hearing his words, he smelled it on his body and said, "it's no smell. I only took a bath last night. "Xiao Yunhai laughed and gave him a warm hug. He said, "I was just joking with you. You are serious."

"Mr. Shaw, you are so naughty," Bickerman said

Several other technicians saw Xiao Yunhai, they all stood up in unison and respectfully called out the boss.

Xiao Yunhai nodded to them one by one and said, "brothers, it's hard. However, I think you will find your hard work worthwhile when you pay your salary and bonus next month

People have heard Daniel for a long time. As long as they do well, they will be rewarded with a lot of money in July. It is estimated that one person can have more than 100000 US dollars.

But we all don't believe that in Hollywood as a whole, no boss can give them so much salary.

Now hearing Xiao Yunhai say so, a glimmer of hope suddenly rises in people's hearts.

A technician asked, "boss, do you really want to reward each of US $100000?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "100000 dollars? I don't know. Daniel, what's going on? "

Daniel said with a smile: "in order to improve the enthusiasm of everyone, I told them the reward you ordered in March. It is estimated that these guys may have calculated that each of them can get about $100000. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "I see. Eh, no, according to the company's reward regulations, it seems that there are more than 100000 US dollars. "

Daniel said, "yes, boss. I asked the finance department to calculate that all the new employees could get between 150000 and 180000, not to mention the old people like them, which could be more than 200000. Hehe, they may have miscalculated

Several technicians heard Daniel's words, all were stunned, and then a burst of ecstasy came out from the bottom of my heart, and couldn't help cheering together.

"Long live the boss."

Their voice was heard by colleagues outside to get off work. They couldn't help but come in, trying to find out what's good.

When he heard that Xiao Yunhai was going to give them about 200000 bonus, the whole office building was full of cheers.

"How generous of you, boss."

"Boss, I would like to work for you forever."

Daniel clapped his hands, interrupted, and said, "there's another good news for you. We're moving. The boss is going to buy a building with more than 50 floors to accommodate all the staff of our company and marvel comics

"Yeah, great."

"Finally, I don't have to squeeze here. What I want most now is a separate desk."

"I knew it would be good to see the boss coming."

"Boss, you are so handsome."

When they heard the two good news, they were very excited and highly praised Xiao Yunhai.

He he, Xiao Hai, waved his hand. The reason why we reward you this time is because our profit in the first half of the year is very considerable. I once said, I am not a stingy person, only when the company's efficiency goes up, we will have benefits. It's time for us to go back to accompany our family and children. Tell them the news and make them happy. "

"Thank you, boss."

All of them bowed to Xiao Yunhai and left happily. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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