Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:10 AM

Chapter 1016

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Bickervin saw this scene, gave Xiao Yunhai a thumbs up and said with admiration: "Mr. Xiao, no wonder your magic special effects company is the best company in the industry. With such a generous boss as you, how can they not work well?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "magic has a total of 2000 employees. According to the calculation of 200000 each, I will spend 400 million dollars. As a matter of fact, I'm bleeding now. It's all my money. "

"I don't feel heartache when I hear it

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "you are right. They've made billions of dollars for me, and I'll take one tenth of them out and give them bonuses. What's wrong with that. Well, it's a win-win situation. "

"I'm sure if it gets out there, the whole Hollywood will envy the magic effects staff," bichoven said

Xiao Yunhai said triumphantly: "my goal is to make all my employees become the envy and envy of other companies. Only in this way, they will have a strong sense of satisfaction and pride, and my company can develop faster. "

Bickerman nodded and appreciated Xiao Yunhai's practice in his heart.

Xiao Yunhai said, "Mr. Bickerman, are you free this afternoon? I'd like to invite you to dinner and discuss a very important matter. "

Bickerman said with some embarrassment: "Mr. Xiao, it's really unfortunate. Today is my granddaughter's birthday. I need to go back to accompany her. Is there anything I can say here? "

"Of course."

Xiao Yunhai solemnly said: "director Bickerman, I would like to formally invite you to sign up for our Marvel cartoon work."

Bickerman was stunned and said, "do you want me to join marvel? Are you going to start Marvel film company? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "I don't want to set up a company, but I want to set up a brokerage company under marvel. I'm going to make superhero movies from Marvel comics. As you know, these films are very expensive. Almost every hero has to use a lot of special effects, so I don't want to make a wedding dress for others

Beckman nodded and said, "I see what you mean. Mr. Xiao, I'll take your suggestion into consideration. "

"If you can come, all the comic heroes you can choose to shoot. Like the Lord of the rings, there will be no financial problems. "

Xiao Yunhai didn't force Bickerman too much. Instead, he stopped at the point, and then changed the subject and said: "in a few days, I'm going to shoot X-Men, Captain America, Dr. strange, and a script I wrote, iron man, which is about three billion dollars. All of them are shot with 3D technology. It's just the director of the film and the main characters in the play. I don't want to use people from other companies. So if you have any suitable candidates, please recommend them to me. "

When he heard that Xiao Yunhai shot four big movies in succession, or used 3D technology, bickervington was shocked. He could put down a big egg with his mouth open.

After a long time, he digested the information, shook his head and said with a wry smile, "Mr. Xiao, you are really a big hand. It seems that weaver's "biochemical crisis" is coming to an end. Twenty billion dollars have become your bag. "

Since Xiao Yunhai dares to shoot four 3D films together, it shows that the 3D film technology is fully mature, otherwise, he would not have the courage.

Think of the fans can personally feel the charm of the film, bickervin some feel sorry for weaver.

As a famous technology controller in Hollywood, he knows that the maturity of 3D special effects technology is a technological revolution in the history of film. The movie "shauffle" can't have won more than 10 times in 2012. What's more, is Kung Fu Xiao's movie so bad?

As for his joining Marvel comics, Bickerman really has this intention. Compared with Fox in the 21st century, Xiao Yunhai is obviously more in line with his wishes.

First, Xiao Yunhai has money, and even if he is to make another money burning movie like the Lord of the rings, Xiao Yunhai will support it; second, they are both directors, and they have a lot of common language in film. Just from the matter of "the Lord of the rings", we can see the difference between Xiao Yunhai and 21st century fox.

At the beginning, bikven took the script and went to Fox president for more than ten times. Each time, the other party faltered, and the final result was no result.

This made him so disappointed with the company that he had to seek help from other companies.

In terms of reason, marvel is Bickerman's best choice. After all, he has been in fox all his life. It is impossible to say that he has no feelings.

Reason and emotion let Kevin's heart into a great contradiction.

Back home, Bickerman accompanied his little granddaughter to have a wonderful birthday.

After the cake, Bickerman stood at the window with a cup of coffee, lost in thought.

His wife knows her husband's habits, and he always does when there is something difficult.

"Honey, today is my granddaughter's birthday. Can you stop frowning? Is there any trouble? Say it, I may be able to help you. ""I'm sorry, I shouldn't have," bichoven said

"Can you tell me what happened?" the wife asked

Bickervin told Fox that he wanted him to renew his contract and Xiao Yunhai invited him to join marvel, and said, "honey, if it was you, which one would you choose?"

Bickerman's wife used to be the editor in chief of a magazine. Although she resigned three years ago and became a full-time wife at home, she has always been very concerned about the entertainment industry, and Xiao Yunhai's fame has been like a thunderbolt.

"Honey, I think you should follow your heart. When I was at a party the other day, I heard that fox had a big financial problem. It seemed that a big Wall Street consortium wanted to buy it. Of course, it's just the grapevine. I can't confirm it. But whether it's true or not, compared with Mr. Xiao, who has a lot of money and is also a director, it has no attraction at all. "

"Honey, you're over 50 years old this year, and you can still make movies for a few years. If you come across the Lord of the rings again, do you think fox will give you a chance to shoot? And at that time, even if Mr. Xiao was optimistic about you, he would certainly not invest again, because Marvel had its own directors and actors. "

"On the contrary, if you are in Marvel, you just need to take the script and discuss with Mr. Xiao. As long as you persuade him, everything will be solved easily. What's more, you don't have to be constrained by the producers, you can shoot as you like. Don't you think it's a very good thing? "

Hearing his wife's long speech, Bickerman's balance fell to Xiao Yunhai and said with a bitter smile: "in fact, I know you are right, and I have a choice in my heart for a long time. It's just that I've been away from my old employer for more than 20 years, and I'm just a little uncomfortable. "

Bickerman is a tough guy, just like his movies. Once he's made up his mind, he'll do it right away.

That night, he called Xiao Yunhai and told him that he was willing to join Marvel comics.

Xiao Yunhai was overjoyed. After talking with Bickerman, he immediately asked Raul to make a contract before 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, and then went to the magic effects company to find him.

With bickervin, the most famous magic director in Hollywood, Raul was naturally very happy. After a serious discussion with Xiao Yunhai about the content of the contract, Raul hung up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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