Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:07 AM

Chapter 1018

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After talking for a while, Bickerman went out to make his film, while Xiao Yunhai continued to write his script.

Just finished the script of "X-Men", Raul and Daniel knocked on the door of Xiao Yunhai's office and walked in with joy.

Looking at their expressions, Xiao Yunhai knew that he must have finished the work of the office building. He immediately asked, "where is the address? How much did it cost? "

Daniel said with a smile: "boss, our new office is only three kilometers away from here, a total of 62 floors, which not only meets our requirements, but also is more than enough. The developer is very happy to hear that we are going to buy the whole building. After some bargaining, the final price is 1.56 billion US dollars. Would you like to go over and have a look, boss

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "No. I only come here a few times a year. As long as you feel comfortable, that's fine. In the afternoon, we will sign the contract. From tomorrow, we can move in without affecting our work. "

Daniel and raulzi said, "yes, boss."

Having such two capable assistants saved Xiao Yunhai a lot of trouble.

After lunch, Xiao Yunhai continued to work overtime to write scripts. By the end of the afternoon, four screenplays were coming out.

Looking at the fruits of his labor, Xiao Yunhai is still very satisfied, although it is plagiarism. Next, as long as you find the right director, you can be ready to shoot.

Standing up, Xiao Yunhai stretched out and was about to leave when Kristi's phone call came in.

"Mr. Xiao, I heard you bought a 62 story building, didn't you?"

Xiao Linghai is really the news. Yes, I bought it this afternoon

"Mr. Shaw, my business team is made up of 24 people. The investment company is set up in a very old building, which is very damaging to our image. Should you leave us a layer? "

When Xiao Yunhai heard this, he knew that the other party was making an inquiry. He quickly said, "of course, no problem. I think so, but I haven't had time to tell you. Magic, marvel and investment companies all work together. If something goes wrong, they can discuss with each other. This is a very good choice. "

"Mr. Shaw, I'd like to remind you that your industry in the United States is not just the three of us, but also a storm games company, whose working environment is even worse," Kristi said

Xiao Yunhai remembered that he had already owned 80% of the shares in the storm, and he was the boss of the storm. So he asked, "Ms. Kristi, how many people are there in the storm now?"

"Since the last signing, storm Games has enough money to recruit more than 600 people the next day, according to what you mean, and now it has more than 800 people, with the continuous staff coming in. Of course, their participation also makes the research and development speed of Warcraft get rapid promotion. It is estimated that in less than half a year, Warcraft will be able to meet the players. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "OK. If you are free, you and the person in charge of the storm will come over tomorrow and go to the building with Raul and Daniel to discuss the allocation. Ha ha, unknowingly, I have more than 3000 employees in America. It's amazing. "

"You may have more employees in the future," Kristi said with a smile

Xiao Yunhai returned to the villa. After dinner, he turned on his computer and watched the films that James and Harley had made.

After all, bickervin is one of the best directors in Hollywood. His vision is very precise. The two Directors recommended by Xiao Yunhai, who have never even heard of them, really have two brushes.

The overall layout and context of their films are very clear, and the action scenes are very hot, but there are some rough details. Of course, this is understandable. It must be a matter of funds.

Xiao Yunhai thinks that the two directors should be able to meet their own requirements, but like plancico, he needs to communicate with them.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yunhai called Raul and asked him to contact James and Halley.

The next morning, Xiao Yunhai came to the office of Marvel comics.

At 8:55, Halley, who is scheduled to meet at 9:00, enters Xiao Yunhai's office under the guidance of the staff.

Harley people, as their name suggests, speak very loud and have a big beard. They look like a primitive man without degradation.

"Mr. Xiao, did you want me to make a movie?" Harley sat down and asked directly.

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, said, "Mr. Halley, Mr. Bickerman told me yesterday that you are an excellent director. Although you have a bad temper, your level is very high."

It's a great honor for me to get this comment from Harvey. But after so many years of hiding, I think my temper has changed a lot. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "there is a saying in China that the land is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change.". It's hard to change one's temper, but I don't think it's a bad thing. The fact that you can argue with the boss and the producer shows that you are a director who is extremely responsible for the film. Mr. Halley, have you seen the X-Men cartoon? "As soon as Halley's eyes lit up, he quickly nodded and said, "of course I have."

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what do you think if I give you X-Men to shoot?"

On hearing this, Harley's face suddenly showed a mixture of surprise and joy. He patted his chest and said, "Mr. Xiao, you may rest assured that I will be able to make a film that will satisfy you."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "director Harley, I am not sure I will use you. This is part of the script of X-Men, you can have a look. Tell me in half an hour. What would you do? This is a test. If the idea is similar to mine, you can join our Marvel Comics company, and you will have more opportunities to shoot movies in the future. I think Raul told you all about it. "

Harley nodded, stood up, took the script from Xiao Yunhai's hand and said, "can I have a quiet office?"

Xiao Yunhai said, "of course."

Xiao Yunhai made a phone call and a staff member took Haley out.

"It seems that time and fortune can really change a person."

On the Internet, Xiao Yunhai sees Harley as a guy with eyes on his head. He is rebellious and his sex is like fire, which gives people a feeling of being proud of his talent.

But now his whole temperament is obviously more stable, and his eyes are not aggressive. Although his voice is still very loud, his attitude is much better.

Maybe this Harley can really surprise himself.

Half an hour's gone. No, it's not coming.

Xiao Yunhai thought that he was still thinking, but he was not worried. He was bored watching the entertainment news.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai still didn't see Haley. He frowned.

His meeting with James, another director, was scheduled for 10:30, with less than 20 minutes left.

Xiao Yunhai is a little anxious. He can't help but come to the conference room where Haley is.

Seeing that he was lying on the table, seriously writing something, Xiao Yunhai curiously walked over.

There is a small pile of paper in front of Harley, all of which are shot scripts. Although they are sketches, they are all vivid and of high level.

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "no wonder this guy can make three good films. From his concentration, we can see how much he loves movies."

Time is almost up, Xiao Yunhai knocked on the table and said with a smile, "director Harley, you seem to have been more than half an hour."

Harley was surprised, looked at his watch and said, "I'm so sorry, I forgot the time."

Xiao Yunhai said: "it doesn't matter. Mr. Halley, can you show me your shot script

Halley nodded. "Sure."

Xiao Yunhai looks at the script while listening to Harley's description.

This guy really loves movies very much. When it comes to shooting related matters, his eyes are shining and his mouth is full of words. What's more, his words are so organized that Xiao Yunhai can easily understand what he wants to express.

"This is a talent."

Fifteen minutes later, Xiao Yunhai interrupted him and said, "Mr. Halley, if you have time, we can continue to discuss this issue at two o'clock in the afternoon. Now I need to see another director. "

Harley said, "Mr. Xiao, you can do your best. I haven't finished the split script for this part of the script. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said with a smile, "you can write here. I'll treat you to dinner at noon

For Harley, a 40 year old but energetic director, Xiao Yunhai has decided to recruit him into Marvel comics. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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