Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:04 AM

Chapter 1020

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Marvel children's paradise will usher in eight big stars and their families. Raul has already asked Randy to do a large-scale publicity in New York. Of course, journalists will not miss this opportunity. Fans also know from the stars' home pages that they will arrive at this time, so they have been waiting.

In front of and behind everyone, the fans screamed excitedly, and the posters and fluorescent sticks in their hands shook. The cameras and cameras in the hands of the reporters also opened fire together, and the flash lights flashed.

"Mr. Xiao, are you inviting so many stars to New York to promote Marvel children's paradise?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "if I say no, I'm afraid everyone will not believe it. A few days ago, we had a safety accident in Marvel park. Although it was said that it was man-made, the impact was still bad. Many friends dare not come to our amusement park any more. This time, we are to prove that Marvel children's paradise is safe. In the future, no matter whether it is the accident caused by facilities or people, we guarantee that it will never happen again. "

"Mr. Lorraine, why do you bring your family here? Are you not afraid of danger? "

Laurine laughed and said, "tell me what danger it can be. If it wasn't that jerk last time, the accident wouldn't have happened. I am a loyal fan of Mr. Xiao and a fan of Chinese Kung Fu. I believe in him and in Marvel children's paradise, there will be no safety problems. "

"This should be regarded as an advertisement. How much service charge did Mr. Xiao give you

Laurine said, "one roast, six beers."


"Ha ha."

When they heard it, they all laughed.

Because there are family members, so they simply answer a few questions from the reporter and sign for the fans, and then they leave by car one after another.

On the bus, Xiao Yunhai asked, "Randy, is the amusement park getting better?"

"It's getting more and more every day, but it's not going up much," Randy said. It's a lot less than the previous peak. However, with the help of these big stars, I believe that tomorrow will attract countless fans

Xiao Yunhai nodded his head and asked, "has the film crew been arranged?"

Randy said, "they're here at noon today. According to your instructions, we have hired the best and most expensive film crew in New York to ensure that we can produce the best promotional film. Boss, have they agreed to use it for publicity? "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "we have agreed, but we should give them a look in advance. Remember, when we leave, it's our intention to prepare 10 million for each of them. "

Randy said, "yes, boss."

That night, Xiao Yunhai invited everyone to have a luxurious meal, and then stayed in a five-star hotel.

After arranging the crowd, Randy takes Xiao Yunhai and Raul to the "Spider Man" crew.

Plancico, who had been informed for a long time, changed the night play tonight to tomorrow and waited outside with lance, as if to welcome the leader's inspection.

See a Rolls Royce slowly drive in, two people immediately meet up, Planck is personally opened the door for Xiao Yunhai.

"Mr. Xiao, long time no see."

Since "Spider Man" started shooting, Xiao Yunhai has never been here, and there is no pressure from the producer on his head. This makes plancico have a sense of power and freedom in the crew for the first time, but the psychological pressure is unprecedented.

Once the final box office can not get good results, then plancico really has no face to see Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai stood out of the car, shook hands with plancico and lance respectively, and said with a smile, "is it hard to film? I don't think you're both a little skinny

Plancico said with a wry smile: "lance is what I asked him to reduce. I think there are some small differences between his image and Spiderman before. As for me, ha ha, Mr. Xiao, you have given me the full power of the crew. The pressure is too heavy, and I can't breathe

Lance interface: "the teacher can't sleep well at night, sometimes even take sleeping pills."

Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "director plancico, it's not necessary. There is a saying in China that "one relaxation and one relaxation" is the way of literature and martial arts. I think the gap between you and the top Hollywood directors is not in directing ability, but in psychology. You should become confident and believe that you are the best director in the world. "

Plancico took a deep breath and said, "thank you for your guidance."

As they walked along, they said that when they came out of the elevator, they just met a girl in her twenties, who was slender, fair skinned and extremely beautiful.

Even Xiao Yunhai, who is used to seeing such peerless beauties as Zhao Wanqing and Dong Piao Piao, feels a light in front of her.

Plancico gave Xiao Yunhai a worried look, but his face was full of smile and said: "Mr. Xiao, this is our heroine Dolores Julie, and also my niece. But I don't do it for personal gain. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "with the participation of such beautiful women as Miss Julie, our" Spider Man "will certainly be enhanced"Dolores, this is Mr. Xiao, our investor. Don't come here to say hello," said plancico

Dolores. Julie curiously looked at Xiao Yunhai, stretched out her hand, generous said: "Mr. Xiao, Hello, very glad to meet you."

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with her and left without taking advantage of her. He said with a smile, "Miss Julie, which film company are you?"

Xiao Yunhai thinks that this Dolores Julie has all the potential to become a world-class star. If she doesn't have a company, Xiao Yunhai is going to sign her as well.

Plancico is very aware of his niece's charm. He is afraid that Xiao Yunhai will fall in love with her. Then he will be in great trouble.

In Hollywood, such things are not rare.

Fortunately, he found that Xiao Yunhai's eyes were positive but not evil. In his eyes, he only appreciated Dolores Julie, but not half indecent. He was relieved and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, Dolores Julie is a junior at Washington University. The reason why she was recruited into the "Spider Man" crew is that she has a good temperament and is a student. She is very suitable for playing our heroine

Miss Julie, the agent of the company, said: "miss xiaoyunliang, it's really not a good eye. Miss Julie, can you come with us to your uncle's room? I want to discuss something with you. "

Dolores Julie said with a smile, "of course. However, you have to wait for me for a moment. I still have your record in my room. You need to sign my name. It would be better if I could take a photo. Our class is almost all your fans. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said," of course, no problem. Thank you and your classmates for your support to me. "

when he came to plancico's room, Xiao Yunhai scanned for a week and said with a smile:" director plancico is really a fast-moving person with good habits. The room is neat and spotless. When I was filming, the room was always a mess. It was just a small warehouse

Dorothy Julie, who came back quickly, laughed directly and said, "this is my uncle. I heard that you are coming. Someone has cleaned it up. It was even more chaotic than the warehouse before."

Plancico's face turned red and said with a smile, "you little girl, you know how to expose me."

The crowd burst into laughter.

Xiao Yunhai signed his name on the record he brought to Dolores Julie, and then took a picture with her. Then he sat down and talked about business.

Xiao Yunhai said: "Mr. plancico and Mr. lance, I'm not here to check the progress of spider man, nor to see what you're shooting. I sincerely invite you to join my Marvel Comics company. Mr. plancico doesn't have a brokerage company, and Mr. lance seems to have expired his contract with his former company. I wonder if you would like it or not? "

Plancico and lance looked at each other, nodded at the same time, and said, "I can't get it."

Xiao Yunhai was stunned. At first, he felt that he needed to make great efforts to persuade them, especially lance, who was in the front line of Hollywood. His agent should have received a lot of calls.

Can never expect that he just said a beginning, has not entered the persuasion stage, two people agreed with one voice, which let him some unexpected.

"I was a little surprised by the answers. Have you discussed this before? " Xiao Yunhai asked curiously.

"We really wanted to join Marvel before, but you didn't seem to have any plans to set up a brokerage department at that time," plancico said with a smile. But Mr. Raul told me that sooner or later you will set up, so I have been waiting. Since the movie "Walt Disney" has signed up with more than a dozen people from Hollywood, I think it's enough for you to choose me as the director of Disney

Lance said with a smile: "I had planned to jump to paramount, but the teacher stopped me and advised me to join marvel. I think he's right, so I've been waiting. "

Xiao Yunhai turned his head and looked at Raul and said, "you have long planned to set up a brokerage company, haven't you?"

Raul nodded and said, "yes, boss. Since you took over marvel, I feel that Marvel will surely develop rapidly in the future. It's just that I didn't expect the company to come back from the dead so soon, and it was so successful with transformers. Therefore, I have been thinking about the way after marvel. I think we have so many superheroes. If we just cooperate with other companies and try our best to make wedding dresses for people, it's really not worth it. It's far better to set up a brokerage company ourselves. Mr. plancico is a free director, and you value him so much, so I told him in advance. Sorry, boss

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said with a smile, "Raul, you have done a good job. You are much better than my boss. If you have any good ideas in the future, you can tell me directly. Mr. plancico and Mr. lance, thank you for your attention to marvel comics. I believe you will not be disappointed in the future. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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