Published at 11th of May 2022 05:43:00 AM

Chapter 1022

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With a week to go before the release of "battle of Red Cliff" on June 28, Xiao Yunhai did not rush back after dealing with all the things. He planned to wait until the box office battle between "battle of Red Cliff" and "Assassin" came to an end.

During this period, Bickerman's "Lord of the rings 1" was also completed.

Xiao Yunhai watched it once and was very satisfied. With the full cooperation of magic special effects company and sufficient funds, this film is much more delicate than the previous life, and the scene is much larger. The actors in it play very well.

Bickerwin commented on the Lord of the rings 1, saying it was one of the best films he had ever made.

At the same time, paramount announced that the super action blockbuster operation hurricane will be released worldwide on July 20.

Xiao Yunhai held a press conference without saying a word. In front of dozens of entertainment reporters, Xiao Yunhai announced that the $2.8 billion film "Lord of the rings" would be released worldwide on July 20.

As soon as Xiao Yunhai's words came out, all the reporters at the press conference were dazzled and trembled with excitement.

The last time it was paramount's assassin who attacked Xiao Yunhai's red cliff. The two films will officially start fighting in seven days. This has not yet come to fruition. Xiao Yunhai used "Lord of the rings 1" to snipe Paramount's "operation hurricane". It was really in June that his debts were paid fast, and before July, he revenged.

At the press conference, a reporter got up and asked excitedly: "Mr. Xiao, Paramount Pictures has just announced the premiere of" operation hurricane "on July 20, so you can't wait to file" Lord of the rings 1 "on the same day, is it to avenge the last time" Red Cliff "was sniped

Usually, when we encounter such problems, we will say some scene words, such as those that have been planned for a long time, just by chance, so as not to leave a way for ourselves in case of losing in the future.

But Xiao Yunhai didn't have any vague words. He said bluntly: "yes, I'm just for revenge. There's an old saying in China that it's not rude to call me. People have already hit me. Do you want me to be beaten and not fight back? "

"Do you think Lord of the rings can beat operation hurricane?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "of course. The director of the Lord of the rings, Mr. Bickerman, has created a super huge magic Middle Earth world, just like a perfect mythical world, which can definitely satisfy the fans

"Can you estimate the global box office of the movie?"

Xiao Yunhai said confidently: "I can't predict, but how can I get into the top ten box office in the world."

The reporters under the stage were in an uproar.

Xiao Yunhai continued: "Dear journalists, please give me a message to Mr. Hanks. I hope he will not change the premiere date of operation hurricane, otherwise, I will look down on him very much."

"Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa."

Hearing Xiao Yunhai's letter to Hanks, flashlights flashed all over the place.


In paramount general manager's office, Hanks, after watching the video of Xiao Yunhai's press conference on the Internet, couldn't help but hit his desk with a black face and chest undulating.

"Xiao, it's you again."

Hanks's eyes were cold and he hated Xiao Yunhai.

As the prince of stell, he always provokes others, and no one dares to provoke him. However, Xiao Yunhai, on the contrary, not only refuses to give him a little face, but also confronts him everywhere and dismisses him. This makes Hanks, who has always been on a good run, very angry, but has no way to do it.

"Well, since you want to fight, I will fight with you."

Hanks's eyes were colder than the glaciers in Antarctica, and said to the assistant standing in front of him respectfully, "let the assassin's crew launch publicity as soon as possible. I don't want to lose to Xiao, the one who is always ready to report."

The assistant quickly nodded and said, "OK, I'll arrange it now."

The publicity of "battle of Red Cliff" and "Assassin" is still in full swing, while the primary trailer of two other films "Lord of the rings" and "operation hurricane" by Xiao Yunhai and Hanks went online on June 25.

"These are two big, high spirited idiots," Walt Disney Pictures boss Keister said privately. Hollywood for so many years, there are few such blockbuster duels. Even if the schedule just together, will deliberately stagger two days. Because we all know that unless there is an overwhelming victory in which the opponent can't fight back, even the winning party will still be affected. Maybe the original 3 billion dollar film can only get 2 billion yuan. Why bother? "

Warner Michael Eisner said in an interview: "I don't think they're cool. No one will win the two wonderful blockbusters. Even if it wins, it's just a bad win, which is very bad for the box office. They should sit down and have a good talk now. They can't fight against each other like this, or they will suffer losses. "

Other film owners have also made some innocuous remarks on different occasions to the effect of persuading Xiao Yunhai and Hanks to stop making peace.But Xiao Yunhai and Hanks both knew that these people were just talking about the scene. They were the fishermen who were fighting for each other. The mouth said no, but I was afraid that the two families would make too little trouble. For them, it would be best if they could lose both.

Two days before June 28, the four directors who went to dream special effects company for 3D training all flew back and met Xiao Yunhai, who had moved into the new office building.

"Mr. Xiao, this building of our company is really wonderful. Compared with the office building before, it's really one day and one place. It's not a little bit worse."

As soon as he walked into Xiao Yunhai's office, Halley's loud voice began to ring.

The other three politely greet Xiao Yunhai.

After Xiao Yunhai asked them to sit down, he said with a smile: "this building cost me 1.5 billion US dollars. If the former office building is not as good as before, it is not too unjust."

James said: "although the environment is much better, I find that your office has become very simple. You don't ask for it on your own initiative

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I can't go to class several times a year. What should I do with such magnificence. Four directors, how do you feel about going to dreamland

"When I got there, I felt like a hillbilly," DiCaprio exclaimed. On the first day, Mr. Wu Hao showed us your "2012". Although there were only a small part of it, it shocked me more. It's terrible. The flood, the volcano, it's like it's happening in front of you

"I'm really excited," Harley said. 3D technology has been developed to this extent, which is beyond my expectation. What's more exciting is that I should be the second group of directors to make movies with 3D cameras. It's just amazing. "

James said: "I was still worried that 2012 would lose to biochemical crisis, but now I know that even ten or twenty will not win 2012. Because they're not on the same scale at all. "

Hughes said with a smile: "I just want to shoot iron man right now, to be the director of the second 3D film in history. Maybe I can make a name in history."

Harley said: "don't even think about it. The second is definitely my X-Men."

James shook his head and said, "your X-Men needs too many special effects scenes. I'm afraid post production will be very troublesome. I have a great chance in Dr. strange. "

Xiao Yunhai just asked a question, but the four people said it endlessly. Finally, they argued, which made Xiao Yunhai speechless.

"Four gentlemen, it's better to set up a crew as soon as possible rather than make useless arguments here. If you don't even have a good actor, what are you fighting for? Is it useful? "

DiCaprio said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao is right. Our first task is to shoot a film as soon as possible and try to finish it in half a year, which can fill the gap after the release of 2012. Mr. Xiao, I have found the hero in Captain America. His name is Scott Evans. He is 32 years old. Although he is not very famous, his acting skills are very solid and his skills are very good

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "the choice of actors is your own business, I will not interfere. However, what I want to tell you is the hero of the superhero. In the audition process, you must be careful not to find any inappropriate places, because they will be the next several films, and it is impossible to replace them. Understand? "

All nodded solemnly.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I will ask the company's financial department to temporarily allocate 300 million US dollars to each of you as the funds for the pre filming of the crew. After you find the main character in your movie, we'll go to a press conference to shock the stagnant Hollywood

"Yes, boss." They all answered in unison. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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