Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:59 AM

Chapter 1023

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Time flies, and in a twinkling of an eye, it's June 28, when "battle of Chibi" and "Assassin" are released at the same time.

Director Wu Zixu arrived in Los Angeles with the leading actors in the morning to attend the premiere of MGM.

During the meal, Wang Guoan asked, "Yunhai, do you think we can do the assassin by Paramount?"

As soon as the others listen, Qi Qi looks at Xiao Yunhai.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it seems that everyone's confidence is not enough?"

Wu Zixu said with tears and laughter: "if it is in China, of course, we are full of confidence. Even if it is a movie more powerful than the assassin, we are not afraid at all. But in Europe and the United States, we are not familiar with the place of life, very few people know us, and we are really bottomless. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry. I don't think it's worse than assassin. I'm not boasting that my first foreign language album has sold tens of millions of copies in Europe and the United States, with countless fans, I believe it should be no problem. In fact, the most important thing is word-of-mouth. As long as word-of-mouth is good, our "battle of Red Cliff" will surely win the final victory

That's not a boast.

Xiao Yunhai's music album, which combines Jackson's and Elvis Presley's songs, is in such a mess that almost all audio and video stores play his music. Break dance, mechanical dance, air walk and so on have become the compulsory subjects for all dance lovers. It can be said that the whole Europe and the United States do not recognize Xiao Yunhai. The number of fans on his homepage has reached tens of millions, which is frightening to death.

Fans and fans are often overlapped together. Those iron fans who like Xiao Yunhai crazily will definitely support the movies starring idols.

However, I'm afraid it's hard to do assassin in the early days.

Wu Zixu said with a smile, "I hope so. Here, let's drink to the success of battle of red cliff. "


At 7:30 that evening, Xiao Yunhai and others came to the MGM cinema, where a long line had already formed.

When he saw Xiao Yunhai, his fans all surrounded him.

Because of the time, Xiao Yunhai did not sign for everyone, but joined Zhang Ying together.

After shooting, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "brothers and sisters, thank you for your support for the battle of red cliff. The film will start soon. Let's wait in line to buy tickets. If you think "battle of Red Cliff" is good after watching the movie, please recommend it to your relatives and friends. You know, I have a strong opponent, the assassin

The fans all laughed.

"When can I have so many fans in America?" Zhao Yun and Li Shangming envied

Wang Guoan patted him on the shoulder and said, "if you want to get to his point, we can't do it. You are still very hopeful. Polish your acting skills and wait for your own opportunities. Maybe you can become a superstar in the world in less than two years. "

Li Shangming nodded and said, "thank you for your encouragement. I will try my best."

Wu Zixu turned his head and looked at him with admiration, but his heart was filled with sigh. Li Shangming is seven or eight years older than Xiao Yunhai. If he wants to catch up with him, he will never be able to catch up with him. In fact, it's not just him. The whole world's film industry, not to mention young artists under the age of 35, is counting those old guys who have been acting for a lifetime. Who dares to say that he is comparable to Xiao Yunhai.

He's a monster more than a monster.

Just to get rid of the entanglement of the fans, Xiao Yunhai saw Kerry walking over with a hot beauty.

"Xiao, it seems that there are many fans coming to watch the film. It's said that 60% of the tickets for the first two shows this evening have been sold. For a Chinese movie, it's already very good, and Xiaocui can't compare with it. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this is good news. What do you know about assassin

"You're just scratching your nose?" he thought

Xiao Yunhai asked, "it seems that their achievements are very good. Ha ha, you just say it, it doesn't matter. This stimulation will not have any effect on me. "

Kerry said: "I've heard that tickets for the first show of Assassin have been sold out, and there are only some bad places left for the second. I can't help it. The heroine of the assassin is Anne Winslet, the most beautiful goddess in Hollywood. She is the dream lover of all American men. "

Anne Winslet, who is only 26 years old, is an actress of Warner film company.

A few years ago, she made her debut in a TV series. With her outstanding acting skills, elegant temperament, perfect figure and beautiful appearance, she became a big star in Hollywood.

Later, she made three literary and art films in succession. Although the box office was not very good, her acting skills were widely praised by the industry.

This "Assassin" is Anne Winslet's first commercial blockbuster as the heroine, which naturally aroused the craziness of those lecherons.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Miss Winslet's charm is really not comparable to those of us. This is not surprising to meKerry sighed, "well, the worst thing is for MGM. Two days later, one of our comedy movies will be on. I have seen this film, almost from the beginning to the end, and I have high expectations for it. It's a pity that I've met you. It's miserable. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "don't say that. Maybe we'll be overturned by your movie, maybe."

Kretcher said, "are you such a Comforter? A movie directed by a newcomer and starred by a newcomer with an investment of less than 10 million US dollars. If you want to kill two blockbusters, it's no international joke. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "OK, stop talking nonsense. We'd better go in and have a look. I hope the reaction of the fans can give us a surprise. "

Came to a studio, Xiao Yunhai and others all sat down. After a while, the film began.

Wu Zixu spent a lot of energy on this foreign language version, which is very different from the domestic version. It is edited in a way that can see the big from the small. It has the flavor of foreign movies.

During the screening process, Xiao Yunhai found that the fans were most concerned about the war scenes inside, such as the city offensive and defensive war, Zhao Zilong's solo Savior, and the transformation of various battle lines, which could arouse people's alarm from time to time. In particular, at the end of the powerful eight trigrams, all shadow fans took a breath.

Two hours later, the film ended with applause and cheers.

"It's great. I'm stunned by the cold weapon war in the battle of red cliff."

"What I like most is the eight trigrams. It's too mysterious. So many people rushed in and all died. It's a cow. "

"Zhao Zilong was the most powerful. He rushed out with a long gun and saved the king's son."

"I found that Chinese war movies are very different from Hollywood war movies. They have all kinds of tactics and pay attention to cooperation. Hollywood, on the other hand, pays more attention to momentum and more on its own. It has to be said that the civilization bred by the 5000 year history of China is not comparable to that of other countries. "

Some of the chief editors, critics and experts who came to watch the film were also discussing with each other.

"It's a great movie. It's not easy for assassin to win it."

"Yes. The director of this film is very powerful, the war scene is grand and majestic, but the details are exquisite. Great. "

"I think the actors are even better. Everyone's acting skills are very good. If I were an Academy Award judge, there would be at least four actors nominated for the best supporting role alone

"What's more, this film, like Xiaocui, has no sense of disobedience. Ha ha, I thought "Assassin" can take advantage of the home advantage to kill each other, but I didn't expect to encounter a big hedgehog. Maybe "the Assassin" will be covered with blood by this big hedgehog. "

Xiao Yunhai's ear force is intelligent, hears the public's discussion voice, is slightly relieved.

In paramount cinema, there were also cheers.

The selling point of this film is the incredible killing technique. It is clean and without any hesitation. Every time the protagonist kills a person with some unique techniques, it will arouse the fans' alarm.

If Xiao Yunhai saw it, he would probably find that it was similar to the mechanic in his previous life, but the scene was more hot and the plot was more wonderful.

After the premiere, Hanks said to the filmmakers in high spirits: "if there's nothing wrong with us, let's have a snack together and celebrate it."

Everyone agreed to come down.

I'm kidding. Even if there's something wrong with the invitation of paramount, it must be put aside first.

Only Anne Winslet shook her head and said, "I'm sorry, it's very late. I won't go."

Hanks was not displeased with Anne Winslet's not give her face in public, but said with a smile, "Miss Winslet, it's a pity that you don't go with us."

Anne Winslet is the niece of Steve bikes, President of Warner. Her status is no worse than Hanks.

This Warner is not Michael Eisner's Warner film company, but the parent company behind it, Time Warner, the entertainment media empire.

Michael Eisner is at best a warner shareholder, and Steve bikes can't be compared in any way.

Although stern is not afraid of Time Warner in terms of assets, and even far exceeds it, no one is willing to be the enemy of Time Warner, because they have the biggest weapon - propaganda.

Every region of the world has its branches. If it is really against Time Warner, unless it makes mistakes, it will spread to the whole world at the fastest speed, and it will be in great trouble.

Of course, that doesn't mean that Stern is afraid of Time Warner.

In general, the disputes between the two parties will not be resolved through negotiation.Anne Winslet said with a smile, "I'm so sorry. I like silence on weekdays. Goodbye, everyone."

With that, Anne Winslet, accompanied by her assistant and bodyguard, got into a luxury car and left the theatre.

Hanks looked at the slowly leaving car, a trace of lust flashed in his eyes, and secretly vowed that he would get this woman full of infinite charm. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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