Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:56 AM

Chapter 1025

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On Saturday, July 1, the battle of Red Cliff broke out, earning $367 million, surpassing the assassin's 327 million for the first time, but its global box office took in $539 million. Following them is black humor, which won 258 million yuan, which shocked the whole industry.

By July 2, black humor, which had a higher film layout in Europe and the United States, won $316 million, more than $288 million for assassin, and only $3 million less than battle of red cliff.

At the same time, "black humor" landed on the global cinema.

The miracle continues.

On July 3, after two days of madness, the box office of "battle of Red Cliff" plummeted to $156 million, while that of Assassin fell to $125 million and $217 million worldwide. Instead, Disney's animated film "crazy entertainment city" won $176 million in Europe and America.

There is also "black humor", which broke the glasses of many people. The box office in Europe and America was 213 million US dollars, and the global box office was 438 million US dollars.

A movie with a cost of only eight million US dollars broke through the billion dollar mark in three days under the attack of two blockbusters. Not only the insiders, but also the fans felt incredible.

"Gosh, it's a billion dollars in three days. Black humor is amazing."

"Black humor" takes over "Jingwu hero" and tells the world that small cost can also get huge box office

"A good movie has nothing to do with the size of the investment. It's just that you don't pay attention to it. Expect black humor to make more than four billion at the box office. "

"It's a pity that Kung Fu Xiao's" battle of the Red Cliff "vs. Paramount's" Assassin ". The two films quarreled for more than half a month, but they were all defeated in a comedy. What a pity

In fact, Xiao Yunhai's "battle of Red Cliff" didn't lose. It won $1.27 billion in Europe and America in five days. If you include the previous box office, "battle of Chibi" has exceeded 10 billion Chinese dollars.

However, the assassin only won 1.16 billion in Europe and the United States, with a global box office of 2.07 billion. Don't forget that its investment and publicity cost a full 1.3 billion.

If we really want to make a careful calculation, the income of "the Assassin" is far less than that of "battle of Red Cliff" and "black humor". In five days, even the capital has not been earned.

In fact, if "Assassin" is not selected in the same schedule as "battle of Red Cliff", the result may be far better than it is now, but it is just too unlucky. Not only did "battle of Chibi" let it eat suffocate, but also suddenly appeared a small budget film "black humor" which was no good for cattle.

This is the first time in the history of Hollywood, but it happened to meet the assassin. Hanks, angry, fell and smashed in the office.

Xiao Yunhai's "battle of Red Cliff" is not so. Without them, it is estimated that it has already broken through two billion dollars.

On July 3, Emma Watson's talk show group sent an invitation to Xiao Yunhai, asking him to bring two actors from "battle of Red Cliff" to the Emma talk show on July 6.

Xiao Yunhai learned from other sources that the three hit films "black humor", "battle of Red Cliff" and "Assassin" have all received their invitation, but they have not arranged together, but one play a day.

July 5 is the assassin crew, July 6 is the Chibi battle crew, and finally the black humor crew.

It has to be said that NNC is really smart. With actors from three of the most popular movies in the world, the ratings of Emma's talk show are naturally needless to say.

At this time, Wu Zixu, Wang Guoan and others had already left.

Wu Zixu is the director of the battle of red cliff. Out of respect, Xiao Yunhai called him.

Wu Zixu did not say anything, just let him do it by himself.

Xiao Yunhai thought about it, and finally chose Dong Piao, who was fascinated by foreign fans, and Li Shangming, who played the role of Zhao Zilong in Changshan.

Originally, Xiao Yunhai didn't want to invite Li Shangming to come over. After all, the other side was Korean. Although South Korea is only a subsidiary country of China in this world, the behavior of South Korea abandoning China to invest in the United States in the past has had some influence on Xiao Yunhai.

However, he learned from Wu Zixu that Li Shangming had shifted his focus of work from South Korea to Huaxia, and he joined the Chinese nationality and became an actor of his father-in-law Zhao Mingsheng in Hanhai film and television investment company. Xiao Yunhai naturally had no resentment.

"Hello, sister Xue, what are you busy with?"

Su Yingxue said: "Piao is preparing for the Huaxia golden cup international TV Festival on July 10?"

Xiao Yunhai heard from Wang Guoan that this year's Jinzun TV Festival was postponed to July 10, which was originally held in June due to the addition of dozens of foreign TV dramas broadcast in China.

The Yongzheng Dynasty, written and invested by Xiao Yunhai, won six awards, including the best screenwriter, the best theme song, the best protagonist, the best supporting role, the best director and the best TV play. It is the most popular TV series in this TV Festival.The day before yesterday, Xiao Yunhai received a phone call from Mo Yina, saying that it was Jinzun organizing committee that sent an invitation to invite him to participate in the award ceremony of the TV Festival and hoped that he would sing a song. Xiao Yunhai refused without thinking about it.

Now the battle of Chibi is in the screening stage, and the Lord of the rings will premiere in the world on July 20. How can he go back to attend the golden cup Festival.

Maybe the Organizing Committee of jinzung also knew that he was very busy recently, so he didn't call to persuade him.

Xiao Yunhai asked, "what song is she going to sing? Do you need to prepare so early? "

Su Yingxue said angrily, "you think everyone is as talented as you. Because of the role of Xiao Qiao, the popularity is very high, and the fans have reached 50 million. It is a rare opportunity for her to perform in the first golden cup international TV Festival. Of course, we have to plan well. It's a pity that no suitable song has been found so far. Eh, Yunhai, you are so talented. Can you write a song for Piao Piao

When Su Yingxue said the last sentence, although she used a tone of indifference, her face on the other end of the phone was slightly unnatural.

In case his song price has risen to five million in the market, the price of his songs has gone up to five million.

The reason why there is such a high price is because it contains Xiao Yunhai's reputation.

Even a newcomer to the music world, as long as he can get a song written by Xiao Yunhai, he will become a new upstart in the music circle.

There's no way. Xiao Yunhai is a bug in the music world. It's recognized that Huaxia, no, should be No. 1 in the world now.

Therefore, although Su Yingxue is Xiao Yunhai's former agent and has a lot of relationship, she still blushes after saying the words of inviting songs.

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "OK. Over the past two days, I'll think about it and see if I can write a song suitable for floating

Su Yingxue listened and said happily, "that's really good."

With her understanding of Xiao Yunhai, since he said so, it must be eight or nine.

"By the way, is there anything you can do to call me tonight?"

Xiao Yunhai said: "I'd like to ask if Piao Piao has time to join Emma talk show, the most famous variety show in America. You may not know, she played the role of Little Joe in the battle of red cliff, which swept the whole United States, and was rated as the most beautiful star in China by those lecherons. Sister Xue, if you give piaofeo an international star, you'd better come over and improve your popularity. "

Su Yingxue immediately said: "such a good opportunity, of course, we will not miss. Yunhai, you are still interesting. Piao can be today, thanks to your help. If you hadn't already had Wanqing, I would have arranged for you two. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "sister Xue, don't talk to Wanqing. By the way, how's your boyfriend? "

"What boyfriend?" Su Yingxue said discontentedly: "I am almost bored to death by him. And Piao Piao to do activities, he followed. Even in front of so many people, I almost didn't die of shame by sending me roses. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "sister Xue, are you showing off with me? I haven't sent any roses to Wanqing yet? "

Su Yingxue said: "I know this, because you give her hundreds of millions of jewelry. Where can roses compare. Well, I won't talk to you anymore. I'll tell you the good news

Hang up the phone, Xiao Yunhai called Li Shangming again.

Li Shangming has been filming on the set. Hearing the news, he agreed without thinking about it. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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