Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:55 AM

Chapter 1026

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At 3 p.m. on July 5, Xiao Yunhai and Sima Qian drove to the New York International Airport to pick up the plane. However, Xiao Yunhai didn't get off the bus. The main reason is that his film "battle of Red Cliff" is still in the heat. Once it is recognized by the fans, it will be miserable.

Half an hour later, Xiao Yunhai saw two beauties with big sunglasses. They were graceful and graceful, and their excellent figure made them look at them frequently.

When they got on the car, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Xue, Piao Piao, you two beauties come out, how come you didn't even bring a bodyguard? Are you not afraid of something

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "when you come here, where do you need to bring any bodyguards? Aren't you the best bodyguard in the world?"

"Xiao Yunjie's level has been improved a few days

Dong Piao Piao said: "elder martial brother, thank you again to help me, I am a little embarrassed."

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "you don't have to thank me. Emma talk show asked me to bring two actors here. I thought I could speak English. It was you and Li Shangming who could talk to people. If you come to Mr. Wang Guoan, and the host speaks English and he speaks Chinese, it's not like casting pearls before swine. "

Su Yingxue asked, "is Mr. Li here?"

Xiao Yunhai looked at his watch and said, "there are 20 minutes left. You are from Yanjing, he is from Shanghai, a little later than you. "

"Yes." Xiao Yunhai took out two pieces of paper from his arms and said, "Piao Piao, this is a new song I wrote for you. It's called hypnosis. Do you think it's appropriate."

Dong's voice is similar to that of Faye Wong in her previous life. Most of the songs Xiao Yunhai gave her were Faye Wong's songs, and this time was no exception.

Dong Piao accepted the lyrics and said happily, "thank you, elder martial brother."

After just watching it once, Dong fell in love with the song and couldn't help singing it.

"The first taste of cake,

the comfort of the first toy.

When the sun goes up and down, ice cream tears.

The second taste of cake,

the comfort brought by the second toy,

the strong wind blowing the popcorn is so beautiful.

... "

Su Yingxue doesn't know music, but after listening to numerous songs, she can still tell which song is popular.

Xiao Yunhai's "hypnosis" is undoubtedly a must red song, not to mention Dong Piao, even if it is given to a new singer to sing, it can also be shot off.

Su Yingxue took out a check and a contract from her arms and said to Xiao Yunhai, "sign it quickly. This is your song. It's worth 15 million. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "sister Xue, with our relationship, where can we still use this. I'm not writing songs for the sake of money. "

Su Yingxue said, "you are stupid. The money is from the company, not from us. Don't waste it. "

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha smile: "this pour is also."

After signing the song copyright transfer agreement, Xiao Yunhai took the check, played it, and sighed, "when I went to school a few years ago, if I had this 15 million, I'm afraid I would be happy to jump up. But now I can't even get a ripple in my heart. "

Su Yingxue said with a smile: "you are almost the richest man in the world. Your assets are more than one trillion Chinese dollars, not to mention 15 million. I'm afraid you won't pay attention to one billion or eight hundred million. If you don't have enough, give it to me. I'm poor. "

Without saying a word, Xiao Yunhai stuffed the check to her and said, "that's good for you."

Su Yingxue was stunned. She was just joking. She didn't expect that Xiao Yunhai would make such a show. She felt a little warm in her heart. At the same time, she said, "you boy, don't play big money for me. I don't want it."

Finish saying, returned the check to Xiao Yunhai.

While waiting for Li Shangming in the car, they chatted.

After about half an hour, Sima Qian got on the bus with Li Shangming and his two assistants.

After a few words of mutual courtesy, Sima Qian drove everyone back to the villa.

After dinner, Xiao Yunhai saw that the time was almost over. He turned on the TV and transferred to NNC. He said, "Emma talk show was originally a weekly show. This time, he saw three movies fighting. In order to improve his ratings, he gave a live broadcast for three consecutive days. Today is assassin, tomorrow is us, the day after tomorrow is black humor. Let's see what Emma is asking, so we won't be caught off guard tomorrow

Li Shangming asked, "Mr. Xiao, do we need to perform after we have passed?"

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "I don't know. However, I think if you want to make a name in North America, you'd better show the shooting skills you practiced hard in the crew. I believe it will help you attract a lot of fans. "

Su Yingxue asked, "what about floating?"

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "sister Xue, are you deliberately showing off. Piao Piao is now the goddess of those European and American movie fans, where do you need to use what means? As soon as her people show up, it's all done. Ah, I have to say that your women's inborn advantage is stronger than us. If you are beautiful, you can surpass our efforts for countless years. "Li Shangming nodded deeply.

Dong Piao Piao is a red face, nothing said.

The show started soon, with "Assassin" director Martin Freeman, actor action star Rupert graves and heroine Anne Winslet.

Emma is still the same old woman. She's super quick, has tricky problems and lots of pitfalls. However, as soon as she could, Martin Freeman fell into her language trap several times. When she was embarrassed, Emma immediately rounded up the court.

In this way, it not only increases the interest of the program, but also makes the guests feel dissatisfied.

While talking and laughing, Emma suddenly asked such a question.

"Director Martin Freeman, which do you think is better between" battle of Red Cliff "and" Assassin "

Martin Freeman shook his head and said, "I don't know, because I haven't seen the battle of red cliff."

"Mr. graves, have you seen it?"

Rupert graves nodded and said, "in order to know myself and my enemy, I went to the cinema, only half of it."

Emma was surprised and asked, "did you go out ahead of time?"

Rupert graves said, "no, because I fell asleep at the movies."

"Ha ha ha."

The audience laughed.

Rupert graves continued: "the battle of red cliff, in my opinion, is really not very good. It can't be compared with our assassin. And then there is the black humor. I really don't understand why so many people like this junk film. In my opinion, this is not a movie at all. It should be a joke, a joke for more than two hours. "

In addition to his muscles, Rupert graves also has a nickname king of poisonous tongue. He dares to say anything. Attacking "battle of Red Cliff" and "black humor" is nothing but a common thing for him.

Greaves said this, making Emma difficult to answer, and quickly changed the topic.

In front of the TV, Dong Piao and Li Shangming are very angry.

"How can graves say that. But I used to think his action movies were good. " Li Shangming said with a gloomy face.

"This man is a nuisance. The competition between the two films is very normal in the market. I didn't expect that he would attack us maliciously. His character is really bad. " Dong Piao said with hate.

Xiao Yunhai ha ha ha a smile, the slightest does not agree to say: "do not need to be angry with him. This guy is a paramount actor, and that must have been Hanks's arrangement. First, you can disgust me. Second, the box office of "Assassin" is no longer available. They need to find a new topic to stir up the film. "

On TV, although Emma has already changed the subject, Rupert graves obviously failed to fulfill Hanks's task. He also attacked "black humor" and "battle of Red Cliff" in a variety of ways. Even director Martin Freeman and heroine Anne Winslet couldn't stand the words and frowned.

"Black humor" is a complete collection of jokes made up of countless jokes, which can't be called a movie at all. "

"I don't even know any of their directors and actors."

"Kung Fu Xiao's" battle of Chibi "is also not very good. When fighting, the formation is pretty good, but it is a bit flashy. In a real war, how can you come up with such things as the nine palaces and eight trigrams? "

"It seems to me that Xiao's Kung Fu is mostly performed. Now I suspect that the plot of his face-to-face defeat of the champion is a show that Xiao spent money to invite him to perform. Don't you think it's like magic

Rupert graves was chewing his tongue there, and his words finally aroused the dissatisfaction of some Xiao Yunhai fans.

"Mr. graves, since you think Xiao's Kung Fu is all fake, dare you compare it with him."

"Yes. Tomorrow, the crew of "battle of Red Cliff" will be here for a visit. You can go on stage to challenge him. "

Two young men came forward one after another, and said to Rupert graves.

Xiao Yunhai's record has made him the world's king of pop, with tens of millions of fans. Although Rupert graves is one of the most famous action stars in Hollywood, how can he compare with Xiao Yunhai.

All the fans on the stage are not afraid of big things, and they are clamoring one after another.

Rupert graves, who was a bit of a tiger in the saddle, said, "well, I'll come back tomorrow night and tear off Xiao's Kung Fu mask."


There was a great deal of applause and applause.

What they are watching is the excitement. As for the result, it is none of their business. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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