Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:50 AM

Chapter 1029

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Xiao Yunhai laughed, but did not refuse. He took the spear from Li Shangming's hand, but did not see him make a gesture. Suddenly, a shot was shot out. The head of the gun instantly turned into countless illusions, which made people dazzled and bewildered. There was a cry of surprise from the audience.

Xiao Yunhai stabbed three times in a row. Each shot was as fast as lightning and full of illusions. Suddenly, he turned to Emma and hit the earring on Emma's ear in the scream of the other party.

Xiao Yunhai's turning and stabbing without any preparation, and the speed of the spear is as fast as lightning. Even so, he can still stab a small earring, which is absolutely miraculous.

The fans were shocked by Xiao Yunhai. It took a long time for them to come back to their senses, and then the overwhelming applause began to ring wildly.

"Great, Xiao's Kung Fu is really great."

"It's amazing to be able to do whatever you want without any preparation."

"Xiao deserves to be my idol. He has done a good job."

"It's a good thing graves didn't come, or he would have to be beaten up by Shaw."

"Look, Emma's face is white with fright."

Xiao Yunhai saw Emma's face pale, standing there motionless, as if frightened, knowing that his joke seemed to be a big one, and quickly came forward to apologize.

"Emma, I'm really sorry. I shouldn't have played such a joke on you."

Xiao Yunhai said it twice in a row. Emma came back to her senses, patting her full chest and looking at Xiao Yunhai in horror, she said, "Xiao, I was scared to death just now. I just feel a white light quickly stabbing my face. I thought it was going to be disfigured. It's terrible

As a host, Emma is still very good at controlling her emotions.

Xiao Yunhai said: "I sincerely apologize to you again, some scared you."

Emma shook her head and said with a smile, "it's scary, but you're really great. It's true that Chinese Kung Fu is the best in the world. "

The three sat down again, and Emma turned to Dong Piao.

"Miss Dong, are you a Chinese actor?"

Dong Piao Piao said with a smile: "I am actually a singer. I participated in the super singer competition of CCTV and joined Tianhua..."

Emma said: "it turns out that you and Mr. Xiao are brothers and sisters."

"Yes," he said. Elder martial brother Xiao helped me write a lot of good songs. I was able to walk to this day with the help of elder martial brother Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai quickly waved his hand and said, "don't say that. External factors can only account for a small part, the key is to see their own efforts. "

Emma asked, "Mr. Shaw, it's not a coincidence that the magic blockbuster" Lord of the rings "you invested in will be released on July 20, and it's on the same day as paramount's" operation hurricane. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. As I said at the press conference, paramount used the assassin to snipe at my "battle of Red Cliff". If I don't return it, it will be too cowardly. You know, we Chinese people attach great importance to face. Even if we lose billions of dollars, I will not hesitate to lose it. "

"Damn it, Kung Fu Xiao is too aggressive."

"That's what men should do. You hit me and I don't fight back. That's a coward. "

"Well done, Xiao. Great work."

Fans on the spot applauded Xiao Yun's poster one after another.

Emma continued, "don't you think you've got a bit of a problem with Paramount Pictures? In addition to the recent collision between the two films, there is also a world shaking gamble in November. How much do you think you will win? That's 20 billion dollars. "

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "one hundred percent. I think the final winner will be me. So I would like to thank Mr. hanks of paramount in advance for giving me $20 billion. I'll use it to make at least 20 superhero blockbusters. In the near future, I have already started to arrange. "

Emma said, "is it a superhero movie from Marvel comics?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. Since I'm sure I won't lose, why don't I start shooting ahead of time. I got four good directors from Hollywood, each of them was Captain America, X-Men and Dr. strange, and iron man, which I wrote myself

"So, with spider man, we'll see five superhero movies next year," Emma exclaimed

"Spider Man" is expected to be released around the world on October 20, and other films may have to wait until next year, "Xiao said

Emma said, "I'm really looking forward to it."

Under Emma's flexible hosting, all three were asked a lot of questions, and an hour later, the show ended.

When Xiao Yunhai and his three people signed for the fans, a staff member came up to Emma and said a word in a soft voice. Emma's face suddenly showed a satisfied smile.

After the fans left, Emma came forward and said in a happy mood: "let's tell you a piece of good news. The highest ratings of our program appeared in the Kung Fu Show, reaching 5.7%, which is the best performance of this year."Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "that's really good. I hope our film will be like this program, and it will sell at the box office. Emma, I apologize again

Emma was not angry and said, "you should treat me to a good snack now. My God, I was really scared at that time."

Xiao Yunhai said: "no problem. To be honest, I'm really hungry. Emma, you're familiar here. Take us for a drink. We don't want the best, just the most expensive. "

Emma was happy, snapped her finger and said, "come with me. I'll take you to a good place. "

Led by Emma, the three came to an Italian Steakhouse and had a delicious meal. The beef here is really not cheap. It cost Xiao Yunhai 30000 dollars, but most of them have gone to his stomach.

Maybe it was Emma's talk show that really played a role. Xiao Yunhai's "battle of the Red Cliff" won 213 million US dollars the next day, while the assassin only got 143 million dollars. The global box office of black humor is still very strong, with 379 million dollars.

Next, "battle of Red Cliff" and "Assassin" began to go downhill under the pressure of "black humor" and other films released. The box office performance fell sharply, even less than $100 million, and the potential was no longer enough.

"Black humor" miraculously strengthened for three days, and the box office broke through the billion mark again, reaching more than 2 billion, which fell down and slipped to the end.

On July 14, the film "battle of Red Cliff" won $1.65 billion in European and American cinemas, with average results. However, the global box office has successfully exceeded $4 billion, ranking 21st in the world film list. No way. There are more than 20 films with box office between 4 billion and 5 billion. It's very good to have such achievements.

If it wasn't for the disturbance of Assassin and black humor, the battle of red cliff would have been in the top ten of the world.

Therefore, Xiao Yunhai also specially called Wu Zixu, congratulated him and apologized to him, because the assassin sniped the battle of Chibi because of him.

Wu Zixu doesn't care. He is very satisfied with his achievements. At the same time, he has become the Third International director who has won more than $4 billion at the box office after Xiao Yunhai and Jiao fangtao.

The box office of assassin in Europe and the United States is 1.74 billion US dollars, and the global box office has reached 2.876 billion, which is hardly an invincible game.

Because its investment is too large, a billion US dollars, plus the global publicity costs, the investment is almost 1.3 billion US dollars. After cutting out the share and tax, the final profit is about 200 million.

In this regard, Hanks was furious, not only did not find the reason from his own body, on the contrary, the innocent film department was severely criticized.

In fact, the failure of the assassin is not due to Xiao Yunhai's battle of red cliff, but to the chaotic black humor of fire.

In just two weeks, the film won $2.25 billion at the global box office, and the impact on the assassin can be imagined.

Kerry couldn't find the north. The investment of 8 million yuan plus the publicity expenses, at most, was 10 million yuan, which brought MGM more than one billion dollars of profits. What made him feel more comfortable was that he killed Paramount's assassin besides making money, which was revenge for the last time.

However, the money making journey of "battle of Red Cliff" is not over.

At 8:00 on July 15, "battle of Red Cliff", "Assassin" and "black humor" also landed on American video website, and the battlefield moved from cinema to Internet.

"Battle of Red Cliff" and "Assassin" cost eight dollars to download, while "black humor" costs five dollars.

Nevertheless, the download volume of "black humor" is still not as good as that of the two films. The main reason is that everyone has basically gone to the cinema to see it. Naturally, it is impossible to spend the money wrongly.

But "battle of Red Cliff" and "Assassin" are not the same. The ticket price of both films is 40 dollars. Many fans are too expensive to wait online.

On July 15 alone, the number of downloads of "Assassin" reached 6.32 million, while "battle of Red Cliff" was even more crazy, reaching 8.62 million.

The online video life of the movie was shorter than that of the cinema. The next day, it slipped down. The assassin was 820000, the battle of red cliff was 1.22 million, and black humor was only 100000.

In this way, no matter in Europe and the United States, or in the world, "battle of Chibi" is better than "Assassin". , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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