Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:49 AM

Chapter 1030

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When Xiao Yunhai was interviewed, he was in a good mood and said: "to tell you the truth, I didn't expect that the battle of Chibi would achieve such proud achievements under the sniping of Assassin. I calculated that, together with the cost of online download, "battle of Chibi" has gained 2.5 billion US dollars in Europe and the United States, and the profit is about 1.2 billion US dollars. "

"Mr. Xiao, what do you think of the assassin?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. Hanks is too ambitious. This time he obviously chose the wrong enemy. We have a saying in China that the time, the place and the people are favorable, and none of the assassins has been occupied. In particular, "black humor" is popular in the world, it is "Assassin" a surprise, so that its box office seriously shrunk. Otherwise, I estimate that more than 3.5 billion dollars should be no problem. "

"Do you think who will win and who will lose in the battle of red cliff and the assassin?"

Xiao Yunhai said in high spirits: "it's worth saying that, of course, we won the battle of Chibi. Together with the online video revenue, we got $4.6 billion for battle of red cliff, and its production cost was only $300 million. Compared with "Assassin", the profit is much higher. "

After watching Xiao Yunhai's interview video at Paramount headquarters, Hanks was furious and looked terrible.

"Assassin" is a movie that he has high hopes for. Otherwise, he would not dare to use it to snipe "battle of Red Cliff". Unexpectedly, the boat capsized in the gutter and only made a profit of 400 million US dollars. Although there was no loss, the income was far from his estimated billion dollars, and even half of it was not achieved.

Naturally, the culprits are "battle of Red Cliff" and "black humor". It happens that these two films were shot by his two enemies. Hanks is almost mad.

At the same time, there was a strong uneasiness in his heart. The assassin, who had thought it was a safe bet, had become like this. Would operation hurricane and biochemical crisis come to such an end.

Seeing Xiao Yunhai's young face and confident appearance, Hanks had a trace of fear for him for the first time, which was definitely a terrible enemy.

After a while, Hanks took a deep breath, forced the fear out of his mind, picked up the phone and called out.

"How's operation hurricane propaganda going?"

"Well, do it well."

After that, Hanks opened the trailer of the Lord of the rings and watched the vast and charming Middle Earth world. A faint uneasiness came back to him.

Can I win this time?

Time flies, and in a twinkling of an eye, on July 20, just finished the battle of Chibi and the assassin, the Lord of the rings and operation hurricane collided again.

Last year, there were no more than 10 Hollywood films with a billion dollars of investment. Now they are doing well. Two films have been released at the same time. They have to fight to death. In the eyes of some film owners, Xiao Yunhai and Hanks are simply stupid.

They are all very happy. If two big Mac movies with more than one billion dollars are released continuously, it will have a great impact on them. At least it can affect the schedule of 20 days.

But now the two films are released at the same time, which is equivalent to the time of one film. It is absolutely no harm to them. Therefore, everyone is happy to sit on the side and watch the tiger fight.

Since Xiao Yunhai is no longer a shareholder of the North American cinema, the film "Lord of the rings" was arranged to be shown in Yanhuang cinema.

Because it is a typical Hollywood movie, the movie emperors gather behind, unlike "battle of Red Cliff", without a trace of foundation, so Xiao Yunhai held a grand premiere, invited many Hollywood stars, film critics and filmmakers to watch.

It's the same with paramount. Both sides have been in full swing when they publicize it. Now it's going to be officially released. Of course, we can't weaken the momentum.

At 8 p.m., "Lord of the rings" and "operation hurricane" premiered in European and American Theaters at the same time.

Xiao Yunhai has seen the Lord of the rings for a long time, so his mind is not on the film, but on the reaction of the fans.

At the beginning of the film, when the vast middle earth world appeared in front of the audience, everyone exclaimed.

"It's so cool."

"Is this the Middle Earth world in the Lord of the rings? It's amazing. "

"What a beautiful place. If only I could live here. "

A five-star film critic wrote in his book: "the picture is beautiful and the production is excellent."

Next, elves, humans, dwarfs, bitgers and other major races around a ring appeared one after another, making fans feast their eyes.

At Paramount cinema, "operation hurricane" is also being screened, and Hanks sits in an ordinary studio to see how the audience reacts.

Unfortunately, he's doomed to be disappointed tonight, because fans don't seem to buy into operation hurricane.

"God, I knew I shouldn't watch operation hurricane. It's always handsome and beautiful. It's always a fight with no new ideas. Can't it be so uniform?""A typical Hollywood popcorn movie, I want to fall asleep."

"What's paramount doing with a $1.2 billion auction like this?"

"There is no characteristic, in addition to the actor and heroine of the bed drama to see my blood boiling, other I really don't interested in the slightest."

The voices of the fans were like needles in Hanks' ears, and the fire in his chest was like a volcano, which seemed to erupt at any time.

His face was livid, his hands were tightly clasped together, and his joints were all white.

In fact, "operation hurricane" should be regarded as a wonderful and exciting movie, but the problem is that it does not bring too much surprise to the fans, which is far from the expectation of the fans.

In the entertainment industry, it is not a good thing to over publicize the film, because it will raise people's expectations. Once there is a deviation, fans will feel cheated. The original 7-point movie will be given a score of 6.

"How could that happen? Don't they understand movies? Such a hot action movie, even aircraft, tanks, warships are used, they even said it is not good-looking. "

Hanks was furious, and suddenly felt a trace of fatigue, he felt that his understanding of the film and fans seemed to be very far away, which made him full of helpless . and panic.

Because he thought of the "biochemical crisis", he saw a good movie. If the movie is not good in the eyes of the fans, then the 20 billion dollars will not be lost to Xiao Yunhai.

Hanks was sweating at the thought of the serious consequences of the incident.

It doesn't matter if Xiao Yunhai loses, because it's all his own money and he doesn't need to account to anyone. But Hanks is not the same. Once he loses, it will be miserable. Even if he is the illegitimate son of David Stern, he will be punished the most severely.

The loss of US $17 billion last time has aroused strong dissatisfaction from other shareholders. If we lose another 20 billion dollars this time, it will result in... Hanks shudders when he thinks about it. At the same time, he deeply regrets that he should not be the enemy of Xiao Yunhai.

After an hour of the movie, Hanks left the studio quietly. He couldn't stand the abuse of his fans.

Fortunately, there are not too many fans in the premiere hall, otherwise the director and the actors will have to escape.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the two films almost finished at the same time.

At Paramount cinema, as the directors and actors of operation hurricane lined up to bow to everyone, the applause broke out, but it was obvious that everyone was just perfunctory out of politeness.

This made the director and the actors very embarrassed. After a few words of thanks, they all left.

On the contrary, as soon as the film "the Lord of the rings" ended in Yanhuang studio, thunderous applause and shouting broke out.

"Great. It's a perfect film. "

"Bickerman is a magic director. I thought I was in another world."

A film magazine editor in chief said, "with the help of Xiao's magic effects company, Bickerman is a fish in the water.". It's the best movie he's ever made, not one of them. "

"I heard that Bickerman had retired from 21st world Fox and joined Shaw's Marvel Comics directly. Now it seems that he has made a very right decision. "

"Look forward to the second part of the Lord of the rings. Come soon."

Seeing them off, Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "it seems that our film has been a success."

Bikewen nodded and said gratefully to Xiao Yunhai: "Xiao, thank you. Without your full financial and special effects support, I would never have been able to make this film. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't say anything polite. You are making money for me. It's late. Let's go to Huaxia as soon as possible, hoping to catch the premiere of Yanjing. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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