Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:46 AM

Chapter 1032

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Fans all over China know that although the Lord of the rings is an authentic European and American film, its investor is Xiao Yunhai, so it should be a film of his own country from the root.

Therefore, Chinese fans, especially Xiao Yunhai's fans, are very supportive. The first and second shows of Yanjing Xinhua cinema line were sold out directly, with 100% attendance, and even 60% of the third show was sold out at midnight.

When Xiao Yunhai returned to the studio, the film had been in progress for half an hour.

Jiang Chengdong is very good at being a man and has arranged his seat next to Zhao Wanqing.

After Xiao Yunhai sat down, he immediately grasped Zhao Wanqing's jade hand and said in a soft voice, "wife, you've worked hard."

Zhao Wanqing turned her head and said with a smile, "what's the trouble? Nothing makes me happier than watching my children grow up day by day. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed and said, "recently, there are too many things in America. I am so busy that I am in a dark place. Fortunately, it will be over soon."

Zhao Wanqing said softly, "do you mean you want to go back?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "didn't I tell you? Marvel comics has set up a brokerage department to shoot four superhero blockbusters at the same time. Now that the four directors have found the stars, I need to go to Los Angeles for a press conference. Ha ha, with my own plane, it's only three days at most. "

In order to play the momentum of Marvel comics, Xiao Yunhai must go back to Hollywood and announce the news that the four films will be shot at the same time.

Raul can't do it for him. After all, his identity is just a migrant worker. His weight is not enough. The sensation and shock caused by him are not as good as Xiao Yunhai.

Zhao Wanqing was also very clear about the importance of these four films to her husband, and said, "you go to be busy with your business. I'll take care of my family. "

Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, Xiao Yunhai's heart suddenly gushed a warm current. With such a knowledgeable and understanding wife, what is there to be dissatisfied with in his life.

Xiao Yunhai reached Zhao Wanqing's ear and whispered, "my wife, it's my greatest fortune to marry you in this life."

Zhao Wanqing gently printed on his face and said, "it's my greatest fortune to marry you."

Two people look at each other and smile, at the same time feel two hearts in this moment close together, no longer separate each other.

Beside Yu Yuexian some can't stand, way: "two can not make love in public?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "sister Yu, you should bring elder brother bin."

Yu Yuexian gave him a white eye and said, "your brother bin is engaged in the game industry day and night. Where can I come to accompany me?"

Xiao Yunhai was stunned and said, "brother bin, do you want to play games? This is a very good project. Well done, there is no problem with tens of billions a year. To tell you secretly, my economic team has already arrived in Japan and South Korea and is preparing to invest in the game industry. "

Yu Yuexian said: "in this way, we may become rivals in the future."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "as long as binge does the game, we will certainly be competitors. Because I bought storm game company in Los Angeles, the new game will be available in less than half a year. Elder sister Yu, you'd better advise elder brother bin not to confront with storm game company, otherwise he must suffer losses. "

Yu Yuexian said with a smile: "so confident? Unfortunately, it's too late. The game you invested in will enter the market in half a month, half a year earlier than you. "

Xiao Yunhai thumbed up his thumb and said, "brother bin is indeed a great man who came back from Wall Street. His business vision is impeccable. He started his attack on China's game industry so early. It's very powerful."

Yu Yuexian's eyes flashed with pride, but she said, "he's not here. It's no use flattering him. Watch a movie. The Lord of the rings you invested in is really good. The Middle Earth world is really perfect. No wonder they can win $158 million in Europe and America. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "look at it," the Lord of the rings "is likely to become the most successful film series after" Harry Potter ", I have great confidence in it

As soon as the words were finished, the audience in the movie hall all burst out a burst of alarm. It turned out that there was a magnificent war going on in the film, and the fans were shocked by the war between hundreds of thousands of different races.

Bikvin's "Lord of the rings 1" is much more visual than the previous "Lord of the rings 1". There is no comparison between the two, and fans are shocked.

Soon, the film was over, the lights were on, and Bickerman and other creative staff all bowed to everyone.

There was a lot of applause and shouting in the studio.

"It's amazing. The Lord of the rings has created a world that's amazing."

"Bullshit, this is the best magic blockbuster I've ever seen, none of them."

"No wonder fans in Europe and the United States will give this film more than 9 points. It's really incomparable."

Cheng Huaiyuan, a five-star film critic, clapped his hands and said, "the Lord of the rings can be called the first magic blockbuster in the West. It's impeccable. Especially in the aspect of special effects, it has been used to the extreme by BickermanA magazine editor nearby said with a smile, "of course. Mr. Xiao has always been a big spendthrift in investment in film and television dramas. In addition, the two best special effects companies in the world are all his own. Naturally, he will give full support to the Lord of the rings. In this unique condition, if Mr. Bickerman can't make such a shocking effect, I'm afraid he doesn't deserve to be called the first magic master in Hollywood. "

Cheng Huaiyuan asked, "what do you think this film will do at the box office? Is it possible to go to the top? "

"It's a certainty to be in the top ten of the world box office rankings. As for the title, I think it's difficult, but there is still a chance."

After the guests walked out of the cinema, they were surrounded by reporters.

"Mr. Liang Hui, what do you think of the film Lord of the rings?"

Liang Hui said: "if I use one word to describe my feelings, it is shock. Let me first state that I am from the heart, not because the investor of the Lord of the rings is Xiao Yunhai, so I am here to help him advertise. "

"If you were asked to rate, how much would you give it?"

Liang Hui thought for a while and said, "at least nine points."

"Director Wu Zixu, do you think there are any differences between this" Lord of the rings "and your" battle of Red Cliff "

Wu Zixu said with a smile: "there are too many differences. Director bikvin is worthy of being the most famous magic master in Hollywood. He presents us a perfect middle earth world in the movie Lord of the rings. The picture is exquisite to the extreme, and the war scene is magnificent and spectacular. Compared with the battle of red cliff, he is much stronger in momentum. "

"Mr. Huang Qiusheng, can you estimate the box office of the Lord of the rings?"

"This movie is the most wonderful magic blockbuster I've ever seen, with a box office of at least $5 billion," Huang said

"Do you think Lord of the rings can beat Paramount's action blockbuster operation hurricane?"

Huang Qiusheng said: "I haven't seen operation hurricane. It's hard to comment. But I think it will be very, very difficult to beat the Lord of the rings if operation hurricane fails to break through the Hollywood action film category

All the reporters from Xinhua have been praised for their coverage of the stars.

After seeing off the guests, Xiao Yunhai appeared outside the cinema and immediately became the focus of the audience.

Both reporters and stars looked at him, and all of a sudden the audience burst into laughter.

"Ha ha ha."

"Oh, Hello, I'm so happy."

"What's the matter?"

"Look at the lipstick on the emperor's face. There must be a beauty kissing him."

When Xiao Yunhai heard everyone's comments, he immediately remembered that his wife Zhao Wanqing gave himself a kiss when he was watching a movie. He quickly took out a towel and wiped it, but he couldn't wipe it off.

The cameras in the hands of journalists kept ringing, and the flash lights were like thunder sea.

Xiao Yunhai seems to know that he can't wipe it off. He just breaks the jar and points to the reporters and says, "is it interesting?"

The crowd said with one voice: "no fun."

Just finished, the audience again burst into laughter.

Xiao Yunhai rolled his eyes and said, "isn't it just a kiss from his wife? It's not a shady thing. Do you need such a big scare? "

A reporter said: "Mr. Xiao, is it really the kiss after Qing?"

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "who dare to kiss me in front of my wife? Besides, by the virtue of you guys, it's going to be in the paper tomorrow. If it wasn't for my wife, I would be miserable. At that time, you must go to my house to collect my body. "

The crowd laughed again.

A second line star in the distance said with admiration: "yunhuangzhenniu, what dare to say in front of reporters."

The agent next to him sighed, "there's not much that he can't say. What's more, even when he was still in the early days, he was not afraid of reporters, let alone now. "

The star enviously said: "if I can achieve the achievement of cloud emperor in my lifetime, I will not live in vain in this life."

The agent shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "if you are talking about someone else, I may give you a boost. But if you say Mr. Xiao, forget it. Because even I don't believe that anyone will do this in the future. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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