Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:37 AM

Chapter 1038

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While Xiao Yunhai was talking to Kerry, in the conference room of a five-star hotel, the heads of European and American courtyard lines gathered together and sat there for a meeting.

There are also several screens hanging on the wall, on which are a few bosses who can't get to the scene, all of whom have participated in by means of network video.

As the initiator of the meeting, Hanks said, "thank you for your time in your busy schedule. The main reason why I invite you here is to discuss the issue of 3D screen together. "

Michael Eisner of Warner took a sip of coffee, moistened his throat, and said, "Xiao's dream special effects company has already offered a price of $350000 for a screen and $300 for a pair of 3D glasses. The camera is even more expensive, from millions to tens of millions. Hehe, after reading his offer, I just want to say that we Warner really can't afford it. "

Disney's Kester nodded and said, "it's still uncertain what the future of 3D movies is. Xiao's offer is really hard to accept. However, I know that he is not absolutely sure, he will not do so

Mark simpique, the president of Europe's largest cinema line, said: "if you want to show 3D films, you must have a 3D screen. As long as you don't buy his account, I believe that the price will certainly drop. Only Yanhuang cinema in Huaxia is a big problem. Once they agree to transform the 3D screen, it will be tantamount to taking the bottom line. We will have to compromise in the end. "

Hanks did not expect that he did not say anything. You and I gave the matter down, and it was just in his mind. He was ecstatic and said, "we can send representatives to persuade the shareholders of Yanhuang cinema. I believe they will agree. After all, Xiao's price is too harsh. Once 3D movies are really popular, we will have to look up to him. "

All of us here are the elite of human beings. I also know that Hanks's purpose of organizing this meeting is just for his world shaking gamble with Xiao Yunhai.

It's just that this matter is also very beneficial to them, so they have attended the meeting one after another, hoping to discuss a countermeasure to deal with the fierce 3D film.

Kester took a sip of his cigar and said: "3D film is the development trend of the future entertainment industry, and it can't be stopped blindly. Our goal should be to force Xiao to reduce the price, rather than give up 3D film completely."

Marksingpike nodded and said, "Mr. Kester is right. I think if Xiao can reduce the renovation cost to less than $100000 and reduce glasses and cameras by 70%, then we can consider helping to promote 3D films. "

"I agree with Mr. pike."

"Yes, we have to force Xiao to reduce the price, or we would rather not show 3D movies in the future."


hearing what everyone said, Hanks laughed in his heart. These mean guys even want Xiao to push the price down to this level. It's just a joke. I don't think Xiao will agree to kill him.

Once the talks between the two sides collapse, "2012" will face the embarrassing situation of no cinema screening, and its own pressure will be reduced a lot.

These capitalists discussed for a full hour and worked out a series of plans with only one goal: to let Xiao Yunhai reduce the price by at least 70%.

At the end of the meeting, Hanks walked out of the room with a clear mind.

"Mr. Hanks, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Behind Hanks came Kester's voice.

Although he didn't like the old Hollywood fox, Hanks turned around and said, "of course."

They found a coffee shop and sat down.

Kester said with a smile: "Mr. Hanks, in order to reduce his own risk, united with all the theater owners in Europe and the United States to deal with Xiao, which is really a good means."

Paramount has now entered the animation industry in an all-round way. It has just launched three big animated films, and six star amusement parks have been opened one after another. Competition with Disney is inevitable.

At the meeting just now, Hanks meant that 3D movies should not be popular, while Kester changed his direction to forcing Xiao Yunhai to reduce the price, and did not completely reject 3D films. That is to say, as long as the price is right, the cinema can ask DreamWorks to transform the screen.

It can be seen from this that the two people's goals are obviously not the same at all.

Kester said that, instead of being kind, he hoped that Xiao Yunhai could not bear the pressure and reduce the price so that he could get benefits. At the same time, he could also show the 3D film "2012" as usual to win the 20 billion bet and achieve the goal of killing two birds with one stone.

Because for Disney, although the Marvel Comics company has Xiao Yunhai, it is very strong, but their foundation is relatively weak. Without more than five years, it is difficult to really match Disney.

But it's not true that they are the biggest enemies of Walt Disney.Hanks took a sip of coffee and said with a smile, "Mr. kestrei is flattered. I'm not only for that $20 billion gamble, but also for the benefit of our hospital management. I don't want such a thing to happen again. "

Kester said: "the general situation of Xiao is now complete. Although paramount is backed by stern, it is basically impossible to defeat the powerful Xiao."

Hanks narrowed his eyes a little and said, "now that you're sitting together, Mr. Kester, don't be so critical. What are you trying to say?"

"Marvel comics is making a cartoon by Shaw called kung fu panda, which is a test of the water," Kester said. If we let him succeed, Xiao will definitely increase his production in this aspect, which is very unfavorable for us. So I hope we can work together to snipe at him in animated films. "

When Hanks heard the word sniper, he thought of the two movies, the assassin and the hurricane, and his hatred for Xiao Yunhai suddenly hit his heart.

However, he was very able to control his emotions. At least he could not see any waves on the surface. He said calmly: "if you want to cooperate, you Disney must first show sincerity. After all, we paramount have resisted him twice. Stern headquarters was very dissatisfied with what I did. I won't do such stupid things again unless I see the light of victory. "

Kester said with a smile, "what do you think of this? Our Disney animated film will be released the day before Kung Fu Panda. I hope you can snipe Kung Fu Panda on the third day after it is released. After our two rounds of attack, I don't believe it's going to make a big box office. The animation film market is so big that it is enough for us to share equally between our two companies. If we have another one, we will lose billions or even tens of billions of dollars. "

Hanks thought about it and said, "in fact, we can not only cooperate in animation, but also form strategic alliances in other areas, just like marvel and MGM."

Kester said with a smile: "of course I'm happy to be able to form an alliance with paramount. After the completion of your STEL cinema, we will not have to find another theater to show our Disneyland movies

Hanks said: "I also hope that Disney, as the kingdom of the animation industry, can help us more in animation films. At that time, we can sit together and discuss the schedule, so as not to kill each other and let Xiao pick up a bargain. "

They looked at each other and laughed at the same time. They picked up coffee and touched each other. The alliance against Xiao Yunhai was officially established.

The next day, Hollywood was still commenting on Xiao Yunhai's 3D films, but before long, a more powerful news spread in Hollywood.

Xiao Yunhai sued Paramount Pictures on the grounds that the soundtrack of Assassin infringed the copyright of his song Billie Jean.

The first reaction of all was that it was impossible. Paramount was not a fool. How could he do such a stupid thing.

Even Hanks couldn't believe the news.

Call the film censorship department to check, the results immediately let him angry seven holes smoke, thunderbolt.

"Are you shit Eaters? After 25 seconds of music, I didn't find out. "

"You're just a bunch of assholes, fools."

In the office, Hanks scolded for ten minutes before he let go of the audit director fern.

"Say, what about this?"

Fern looked up and said, "Mr. Hanks, we have to ask Mr. Shaw to make this private."

Hanks was directly enraged and said, "if you were Shaw, would you let us paramount go? Don't be kidding. By the way, I heard that his songs are very popular. If we lose the lawsuit, how much should we pay for it? "

Fern's face changed slightly when he heard Hanks's question. The answer seemed to be stuck in his throat. He couldn't say it.

Hanks felt very bad when he saw his look and asked, "how much do we need to pay? You talk to the hell. "

"According to the copyright protection law promulgated by the United States last year, we need to pay him 20 times the value of his songs. In other words, we need to compensate him... Compensate him... " , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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