Published at 11th of May 2022 06:05:11 AM

Chapter 104

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The plot continues to develop. Wu xiuhai, the senior ten, starts to speak after the fourth senior has finished.

Wu xiuhai plays this old ten is a heartless character, he has no ambition, no unparalleled talent, but simply love his lover, brother, is the purest prince in it.

Although Wu xiuhai has a big gap with Xiao Yunhai in momentum, he has helped him a lot by practicing his basic line skills over the years.

Wu xiuhai is the most stressed actor in this drama because he wants to say the most lines.

With a little pause, the play is over.

Fortunately, he withstood great pressure.

"A slave is to give him great courage. If there is no one to support him, he dares to intercept the tribute given to Emperor amah at will. Fourth brother, it's strange to say that."

There was a hint of schadenfreude in his voice.

At this time, Chen Qingqing moved the camera to Ruoxi. Zhao Wanqing also showed a strange expression at the right time, and secretly took a look at Lao Shi.

Then Chen Qingqing turned the camera to Huang Peiqi, who was picking up the cup. Huang Peiqi's eyes narrowed slightly and took a drink without moving.

Other princes also showed various expressions to match it.

Laoshi didn't notice, and continued: "however, the fourth brother and the second brother have always been good friends. I'm afraid that this matter, fourth brother......"

speaking of this, Ruoxi intentionally spilled the water in the cup on Lao Shi's body, and then quickly knelt down and said with fear: "my maid should die. I'll be damned

A supporting actor asked Laoshi, "are you OK, shiye?"

Old ten see is if Xi, seem to understand what, dry smile way: "it's OK, it's OK, it doesn't matter."

Li Dequan, the old eunuch, was also an old dramatist. He showed a thoughtful expression and rebuked Ruoxi: "what are you doing. If you're careless, don't step back. "

If Xi Gong voice said: "yes." He took two maids out.


"Perfect. The play is over. " Director Chen Qingqing cheerfully called out, and all the actors were relieved.

Old ten Wu xiuhai sat down on the ground, all soft, as if he had just run a marathon.

Next to the nine elder brother Gao Wei quickly helped him up and said: "it's OK."

Seeing this, the director and other actors came to the scene.

Wu xiuhai waved her hand and said with a wry smile, "I'm ok. The main reason is that the pressure is too big."

Everyone nodded clearly.

The scene just now is really terrible. Everyone has his own unique skills. If Wu xiuhai wants to highlight himself, he must stand up to all the pressure and speak his lines perfectly. Moreover, he must give people a feeling of ease.

With Wu xiuhai's acting skills, it is really difficult for him.

In fact, it was more than him. Although the other brothers didn't speak, they were nervous. Fortunately, they got through.

Chen Qingqing said happily: "I thought it would take you at least one day to make this play well, but I didn't expect it to be successful only once. Very good. "

When the actors heard the director's words, they didn't care to rest. They came to the monitor and looked at it.

In this play, everyone's acting skills are fully revealed. Chen Qingqing's role of Kangxi and Xiao Yunhai's fourth is the best, which is a level higher than other actors, followed by Zhao Wanqing, eight masters and thirteen masters. If it wasn't for Lao Shi, who had a lot of lines, it would have been suppressed.

It's not surprising that Chen Qingqing can have such performance, but Xiao Yunhai, who is almost the youngest, can compete with Chen Qingqing, which makes them feel a bit upset.

Deng Yue, known as the God of drama, always thinks highly of himself. He always thinks that Xiao Yunhai got the leading role only because he is a screenwriter and investor.

But after watching the play, he had to say that Xiao Yunhai did have this strength, and his acting skills were not inferior to his own.

It is the first time for Zhao Wanqing to act in a TV drama with Xiao Yunhai. Although she knows Xiao Yunhai's acting skills are good, she never expected him to have such incredible performance. It's just a movie show.

Other people also admire Xiao Yunhai.

Huang Peiqi laughed and said, "everyone is doing well. It seems that we can finish work ahead of time today."

There is also a reason for Huang to be so happy. When he took over the play, he was worried that these young actors would not be able to take over their own plays, which would lead to various problems.

Now, after a play, he was completely relieved that although these people did not have the strength of those old actors in Kangxi emperor, they still had no problem completing their roles.

Xiao Yunhai, in particular, was a surprise to him, which made him feel like a perfect match. Other actors like Zhao Wanqing, Deng Yue and LV Mengbin are all very powerful actors.

Maybe after the first scene, everyone seems to be tired. After shooting three times in a row in the second scene, there are always problems like this or that.Chen Qingqing had no choice but to pause for lunch.

Fortunately, everyone's state came back in the afternoon. It was very smooth to shoot three consecutive scenes, which made Chen Qingqing very happy.

In the evening, Xiao Yunhai invited all the main creators of the crew to come back to the five-star hotel, ordered a table of dishes, and ate happily.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Deng Yue suddenly picked up his glass and touched Xiao Yunhai, saying, "brother, I'm sorry for you. At the beginning, I still looked down on you. I didn't expect that you were the prime minister. I could support a boat in my stomach. My brother admires him for his good acting skills and his open mindedness. "

Xiao Yunhai raised his head to drink the wine in the toast and said, "don't say that, brother Deng. My acting skills are not much different from everyone else. We want to make a good "step by step startle", rely on the concerted efforts of all of us, one person simply can't get things done. As one of the investors of "step by step", I thank you. "

With that, Xiao Yunhai toasted everyone again.

Chen Qingqing put the glass and said, "Yunhai, I want to ask you a question. How did you practice your acting skills? In today's shooting, I have to say that among all the young people, you are the only one who can match Lao Huang in momentum. It's almost impossible at your age

Huang Peiqi nodded and said, "I can see it. To tell you the truth, the performance of Yunhai really surprised me. Compared with those old opera bones, it's not much better. "

Many young people nodded when they heard the director and the film emperor.

They are the best of the younger generation. We all know who is good and who is not. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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