Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:34 AM

Chapter 1040

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Seeing the three people of Chen Huan in the living room, Xiao Yunhai said happily, "Miss Chen, elder sister Na, and chief Zhu Taichang, they are here to make my humble house look bright."

Yao Na said with a smile, "don't do this. What about my humble home? If this is a poor house, we don't live in a pig's nest. "

"Ha ha ha."

Everyone laughed together.

"Sea of clouds, you have been enjoying a lot of scenery recently. "The Lord of the rings" took four days to make a global box office of $2.8 billion. Its Marvel Comics company shot four superhero blockbusters at one go. At the same time, 3D imaging technology is famous in the world. I heard that you took paramount to court again. Ha ha, you often say that you want to keep a low profile. As a result, everything has caused a big earthquake in the world's entertainment industry. It's so powerful. " Chen Huan said.

Xiao Yunhai giggled and said, "these things spread to us in China so quickly. It's true that there are no secrets in the Internet age."

Zhao Wanqing asked, "what are you suing people for? Hanks's pissed you off again? "

Other things, Zhao Wanqing knows, only the problem of infringement, Xiao Yunhai did not come and tell her.

Xiao Yunhai said the matter again, and said: "this is also the bad luck of paramount. Who let it not check it carefully."

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said, "what can you do if you sue someone else? At most, it will do you much good to lose money. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "well, Hanks is disgusting. If the enemy is not comfortable, I will be comfortable, ha ha ha. "

Yao Na asked curiously, "Yunhai, how much money will paramount pay you if you win the lawsuit? On the Internet, there are those who say 100 million dollars, some say that there are billions of dollars at most. Anyway, there are many kinds of them. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's not much for paramount. It's only two billion dollars."


Hearing Xiao Yunhai's words, Chen Huan had just taken a sip of tea in her mouth, and almost spurted it out. She looked at Xiao Yunhai in disbelief.

Yao Na and Zhu Chengwei are also stunned, mouth open can put a duck egg.

"Two billion dollars? Why are there so many? " Zhao Wanqing asked in surprise.

Xiao Yunhai shrugged and said, "that's what the American copyright law stipulates. My song is worth 100 million dollars, and they need to pay 20 times as much. I estimate that the American court will certainly give stern a face. It would be nice to accompany me for 1.7 billion. "

"1.78 billion, or US dollars." Chen Huan shook her head with a bitter smile and said, "I've been in the entertainment industry all my life, and I've earned less than half of your compensation this time. People are more than people. It's really irritating. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "it's just luck. Paramount's audit team was so dizzy that he deserved to make such a low-level mistake. The three are rare visitors. Is there anything you want to do here? "

Chen Huan and Zhao Wanqing looked at each other.

Zhao Wanqing said: "husband, Miss Chen, sister Na and director Zhu came here to invite you to attend the singer's night."

Xiao Yunhai has been very busy. He has not paid attention to the singer's night. Hearing Zhao Wanqing's words, he can't help but be stunned and said, "we have so many excellent singers in China, why should we ask me to go there. I still have a lot of work to do recently, and the release of 2012 alone is enough for me

"Honey, the singer's night is not the same as last year."

Zhao Wanqing once said the importance of the program to the Chinese music circle, and said, "you don't want to see the Chinese entertainment circle being beaten up and down. When the time comes, everyone will say on the Internet that the Chinese music circle is useless and so on, and you will have no glory on your face. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "but the problem is that even if I go, I may not be able to achieve good results. Music is a matter of opinion. The same song, he may feel very good to listen to, for another person may not feel very good. We just need someone to like music. It's not interesting to compare with each other. "

"If you want me to tell you, it can be settled. As long as you ask Mr. Zhu to say hello to the audience in advance or use his hands and feet on the votes, will everything be settled? "

Zhu Chengwei shook his head and said, "Mr. Xiao, when Miss Zhao joined us, you said fair competition. Why are we cheating now? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "this time, that time also."

Zhu Chengwei said: "even if we are killed, the TV station will never do it. We have managed to spread the show all over the world. No matter what, we can't have such a scandal. "

Chen Huan nodded and said, "yes. Once things spread out, the reputation of our Chinese music circle will become stinky, and fans all over the world will despise us. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "I was just joking with you. Cheating is something I can't do."

Yao Na seriously said: "Yunhai, you don't care about this matter. I'll tell you, you've been called on the Internet to challenge you. "

"Who? It's also about me. ""Wanqing, give me a computer to let you see what people say?"

Zhao Wanqing takes out her notebook from her bedroom. Yao Na opens an interview video. It's Eliot, the king of America singer.

"Mr. Eliot, congratulations on winning the 12th issue of the singer's night competition. How are you feeling now?"

Eliot said with a smile, "I'm very happy to win."

"Next, only the last phase of the regular season will be over. Do you have any Chinese singers you most expect to appear on this stage?"

Eliot's eyes lit up and said, "of course. What I want to challenge most is Kung Fu Xiao. At the beginning, he used several songs to humiliate the whole European and American music circles. I wanted revenge very much. If he can come to the stage of "singer's night" and compete with me on the same stage, it will be a very happy thing for me. Even if I don't give me a cent appearance fee, I will. Mr. Xiao, I hope you can give me this opportunity of revenge. "

After Eliot's interview video, yaona opened another one. The owner of it is justly queen of heaven, ISTA.

"What I want to meet most is Mr. Xiao. He doesn't think his album is the best in the world. If he can play, we can compete on the stage. "

In addition to the two, there are several other foreign singers have also said that they most expect to see him.

Xiao Yunhai, with a smile, looked at Zhu Chengwei and said, "this is all made by your TV station, right?"

Zhu Chengwei said: "it's definitely not us. I can swear. Mr. Xiao, we have only one game left in the regular season. If you come, I believe that with your ability, it will be over if you take part in four games at most, which should not affect your other things. "

Zhao Wanqing advised: "husband, you have been making movies in the past two years. Fans seldom see your scene. They all hope you can appear on the stage. In my heart, I hope you can prove to everyone that my husband is not a musician who can only write songs but not sing. Tengyang and Jinyu will cheer for you at home. "

Yao Na said, "yes. This time Mr. Chen and I are here to represent not ourselves, but a group of old Chinese musicians. We have to give some face to us. "

Xiao Yunhai directly raised his hand and said, "yes. Can't I go yet? It's like I've become a sinner in the Chinese music circle. "

Chen Huan patted her thigh and asked happily, "did you really agree?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "yes. Isn't it just going to sing a few songs? I'm still afraid of this. Eliot, Esther, they want to be ashamed. OK, I'll give them this chance. I hope they don't have a vengeance and add new ones. "

Zhu Chengwei couldn't hide his excitement and said: "great. With your participation, I believe our "singer's night" will be more wonderful. Mr. Xiao, we will pay your service fee according to your value...

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and interrupted him, saying, "you can go to see sister Mo to talk about this. Hehe, I think that sister Mo must be very angry with this promise. "

Xiao Yunhai is now the first superstar in the world. Even if he is awarded the title of king of songs, it is just icing on the cake. There is no substantial benefit for him. On the contrary, if you lose, it will be a great blow to Xiao Yunhai's prestige.

This risk is too big, and the gain is not worth the loss.

Mo Yina, as Xiao Yunhai's agent, will definitely oppose it.

When Zhao Wanqing took part in the competition, she objected in front of Zhu Chengwei, an old classmate, not to mention Xiao Yunhai.

Zhu Chengwei said, "I'll go to Yina this afternoon to talk about it."

Zhao Wanqing said with a smile: "OK, let's go to the restaurant to eat now. Husband, you must have a good drink with Mr. Chen and Mr. Zhu this afternoon. "

Chen Huan quickly waved her hand and said, "one cup is good. I don't dare to drink with the famous wine fairy in the entertainment industry. "

"Ha ha ha." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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