Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:33 AM

Chapter 1041

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After lunch, Xiao Yunhai saw Yan Piaoyun and Chen Xiuzhu chatting with a child in the shade of a tree, and walked over.

"Mom, give me a hug. Well, if I don't see you for two days, I can't think of it. "

Taking tengyang from Chen Xiuzhu's hand, Xiao Yunhai's face is full of love.

"Has everything been dealt with?" Chen Xiuzhu said

Xiao Yunhai teased the child and said: "it's all done. I just need to control the others by remote control. I thought I could have a rest at home, but I didn't want to take part in the singer's night competition. It's really depressing. "

Yan Piaoyun a Leng, way: "Chen Huan teacher, they come here to invite you."

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "isn't it? Even Wan Qing was brainwashed by them and helped me persuade me to participate in this competition. "

"Don't depend on me. If you don't move in your heart, even if I advise you, you won't agree

Zhao Wanqing came over and took the child from Yan Piaoyun and said with a smile, "husband, you are not afraid of losing, are you?"

Xiao Yunhai said with disdain: "I will lose to them, these defeated generals. Are you kidding me. I used to use a few songs to suppress the entire European and American music world can not raise their heads, today I will teach them how to sing live. My wife, fortunately you didn't meet me last year. Otherwise, you won't be the king of songs. "

Zhao Wanqing sneered: "husband, don't brag. If the boat capsizes in the gutter and can't even go to the final, it's a shame

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, this kind of thing will never happen."

One side of Yan Piaoyun said: "the program of" singer's night "is really very good. All the top singers in the world are invited. The singing skills are better than each other. I will watch it every week. Come on, Yunhai. You must come back with a champion. "

Chen Xiuzhu nodded her head and said, "you two have become the king of singer's night, which is a good story in China."

Xiao Yunhai said: "don't worry, make sure to finish the task. By the way, I almost forgot to say something important. Wife, didn't I set up an investment company? I need your help. "

"What's the matter?" asked Zhao Wanqing

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "this investment company is not as specialized as magic and fantasy. It has a foot in every industry. You know, I'm not really interested in those numbers

Zhao Wanqing snorted and said with a sneer, "so, you want to leave this company to me, right?"

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "neither. The business team is responsible for the usual work. You mainly help me to look at the information and check the financial problems. Although I admire and trust Kristi's team, she's just an outsider. "

Zhao Wanqing rolled her eyes and said discontentedly, "I won't do it. Husband, can't you care? With your intelligence, you only need to study economic management for two or three months, and nothing will be difficult for you. Well, you are lazy

Xiao Yunhai said casually, "you don't do it. I can tell you that investment companies now have $46 billion in wealth, but I don't care. If you don't worry, just let them do whatever they want. "

Hearing that there were $46 billion, Chen Xiuzhu said in a hurry: "you two give me good management. This is the property of my future grandson and granddaughter."

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and said: "Mom, the children are not even one year old, they began to protect them."

Chen Xiuzhu gave him a look and said, "of course, why do you have any opinions?"

Yan Piaoyun sighed: "how many people, for the sake of tens of billions of wealth, have made family feuds, divorcing their wives and children, and even fraternity can be found everywhere. You two are so nice that you even use it as a hot plaster. You can't do anything about it. "

For Xiao Yunhai, this son-in-law, Yan Piaoyun is really satisfied, can't be satisfied any more. He is not only talented and rich, but also gratified that no matter how his identity changes, he is still devoted to his daughter, respects his elders and is generous to his family.

Today, he was able to hand over more than 40 billion dollars of wealth to his daughter at will, which shows that he has never considered divorce in his heart.

I'm afraid that such a son-in-law can't be found in the world several times.

If the full score is 100, Yan is even willing to give Xiao Yunhai 110 points.

Hearing Yan Piaoyun's words, Xiao Yunhai's eyes suddenly brightened and said, "Mom, I remember you were the financial director of Hanhai film and television company before, didn't you?"

Yan Piaoyun knew what idea Xiao Yunhai had made and quickly refused: "no, this is not appropriate."

"There's nothing wrong with it." Chen Xiuzhu said with a smile: "since the two children want to be more relaxed, we should carry more for them. Piaoyun, I know you have scruples in your heart. In fact, it is unnecessary. You Wanqing a child, can't you take all the money away. I really don't understand. If I do, I'll go. "Xiao Yunhai said: "yes. Mom, you can do it. I'm really busy at the moment, and the investment company is too trivial. I'm afraid none of us can rest assured if we give it to Kristi. You can do more. Help. I can't. I'll pay you. "


Yan Piaoyun laughed directly and said, "the salary is not needed. Well, I can check the materials and bills for you, and let you know if there is any problem. I don't care about the rest. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "OK. I'll bring you all those things later. Don't be tired. It's not in a hurry. "

With Yan Piaoyun looking for a financial expert, Xiao Yunhai is completely relieved.

At 4:00 p.m., Mo Yina called Xiao Yunhai, and was dissatisfied with his participation in the singer's night.

Xiao Yunhai talked with her for more than half an hour, and Zhao Wanqing helped him persuade Mo Yina. Finally, she reluctantly agreed.

However, Mo Yina is cruel and tells Zhu Chengwei that Xiao Yunhai's entrance fee for each match must be 30 million, and there is no point less.

The price was almost equal to the sum of Eliot and Esther, but Jiangsu TV agreed to it.

With Xiao Yunhai's status and fame in the world, if Xiao Yunhai is willing to come, let alone 30 million, even 50 million, Jiangsu TV station will not hesitate to agree.

That night, on the homepage of Jiangsu TV station, the news that Xiao Yunhai would participate in the next issue of "singer's night" was sent out. The whole network suddenly went crazy. Countless fans rushed to tell each other, and all the major forums were full of posts about this matter.

"Damn it, Jiangsu Satellite TV will not release false news. "What a night of the emperor" is a singer

"Yesterday it was Yao Na, today it's yunhuang. How can I feel like it's not true."

"It must be true. Jiangsu Satellite TV has absolutely no courage to cheat us."

"My God. Finally can see the cloud emperor's live performance again, I am excited to die now. "

"The emperor of cloud will come to see when those foreign singers can be arrogant."

"Come on, the king of songs must be his."

Fans have a long history of confidence in Xiao Yunhai. From the beginning to the present, Xiao Yunhai's music has never let them down.

Record sales are also higher than each other, even reaching 138 million. Looking at the world, who can reach his height.

Therefore, fans have much more confidence in him than Xiao Yunhai himself.

The next day, the news was reported in headlines.

"Yunhuang will join the singer's night, please wait and see."

"After Yao Na, yunhuang joined the singer's night, and many online singers welcomed her."

"Competing with Xiao Yunhai on the same stage, Eliot was extremely surprised and threatened revenge."

"After learning that emperor Yun participated in the singer's night, top musicians from Europe and the United States rushed to China."

"The European and American music circles all went out to defeat the emperor Yun and avenge the past."

because of Xiao Yunhai's participation, not only China, but also European and American music circles have been boiling. According to statistics, there are more than 30 famous musicians who came to China in the past two days alone, including some of the top producers.

Japan and South Korea have their own stars to participate in the program, fans are also very concerned, some musicians also rushed to Jiangsu Satellite TV, do not want to miss these music feast.

Huaxia, not to mention, asked Jiangsu TV station to record live music.

It can be said that Xiao Yunhai is the only one who can make such a sensation in the world. Not to mention the results, this influence alone is not comparable to any singer. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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