Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:31 AM

Chapter 1042

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Xiao Yunhai is chatting with Wang Lin and Yue Changting in the office of

Music Director of Tianhua film and television media company.

Wang Lin pointed to the newspaper and said with a smile, "you boy, you are really a cow. It was announced yesterday that you are going to take part in the singer's night. Today, those European and American musical colleagues can't sit still. They come to us one after another. It's amazing. "

Xiao Yunhai took a sip of tea and said, "they are putting pressure on me. These people are here to take revenge. The purpose is very clear. They want to defeat me and let their singer take the position of king of songs. "

Wang Lin said, "it's good that you know. Jiangsu Satellite TV released a message saying that "night of the singer" will not be recorded and broadcast again, but will be broadcast live. You have to be careful. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a wry smile: "if I had known it would cause such a big disturbance, I would not have agreed."

Yue Changting glared at him and said, "what's the matter? Are we still afraid of these people. There are five days to go before the competition. What songs are you going to sing

Xiao Yunhai took out two pieces of paper, handed them to Yue Changting, and said, "that's it. I'm here to let you introduce a Mongolian band for me. It's better for the lead singer to sing the flavor of grassland. "

As if he had not heard Xiao Yunhai's words, Yue Changting fixed his eyes on the lyrics. After a long time, he took a long sigh of relief and said, "good words, good songs, good songs, but they are very difficult. What's more, is your tone too high? Even a soprano is not easy to sing

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "don't worry, Mr. Yue, no problem."

Wang Lin was a little itchy when they said, "I'll help you with the Mongolian band."

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile, "that will trouble the two teachers."

From Tianhua film and television media company out, Xiao Yunhai came to the dream special effects company, just arrived at the door, met Wu Hao.

"Boss Wu, what are you doing in a hurry?"

When Wu Hao saw Xiao Yunhai, a glimmer of joy flashed on his face and said, "boss, I'm going to negotiate with the person in charge of the cinema."

"Negotiation?" Xiao Yunhai frowned and said, "is it about the transformation of cinema 2D screen into 3D screen?"

Wu Hao nodded and said with some solemnity on his face: "yes. Boss, we're in big trouble. These theaters all think that our price is too high, and they will not accept our 3D screen transformation unless the price is reduced to less than $100000. "

Xiao Yunhai said: "which cinemas are there?"

Wu Hao pursed his lips and said, "no one agrees with all the cinemas except Xinhua summer cinema."

Xiao Yunhai's eyes narrowed slightly and asked, "who are you negotiating with today?"

Wu Hao said: "three foreign cinemas, Lida cinema, Suzuki cinema and Huamei United cinema."

Xiao Yunhai thought about it and said, "I'll go with you."

When Xiao Yunhai heard everyone's rejection of 3D screen, he felt a trace of problem in his heart, and felt that it was not so simple behind it.

Because those overseas cinemas in China also represent almost all the cinemas of the three big ticket warehouses in Asia, Europe and the United States. Huaxia disagrees here, and Asia, Europe and the United States must be even worse. Therefore, Xiao Yunhai, for the first time, wants to go together.

3D special effects technology is the foundation of dreams. Once it is popular in the world, it will bring him countless wealth. Xiao Yunhai absolutely does not want to or allow it to go wrong.

The two came to Lida cinema and entered a small conference room on the second floor under the guidance of a front desk staff.

At this time, the general manager of Suzuki theater, Mr. Chou and Mr. Suzuki, who were in charge of the movie theater, were surprised to see that Mr. Chou and Mr. Suzuki, who were in charge of the movie theater, also stood up to chat.

Xiao Yunhai is the world's top 20 super rich, where dare the three neglect.

"Mr. Xiao, why didn't you say that you would come to our Lida earlier, so that I could be ready to meet you in advance." George's Chinese is very standard. He doesn't have the big tongue of ordinary foreigners.

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "Mr. George, you are welcome. I started temporarily, and then I followed him."

After they were seated, a secretary made a cup of tea for Xiao Yunhai and Wu Hao.

Xiao Yunhai looked at the three people, and said with a smile, "I heard Wu Hao say that everyone thinks that the price of my 2D to 3D technology is 350000 US dollars too expensive, isn't it?"

Chai Guanghui said in a deep voice: "Mr. Xiao, a studio contains a screen and about 250 glasses. According to the price of DreamWorks, it needs at least 420000 US dollars. It's too expensive. Don't mention us. I'm afraid all cinemas in the world can't afford it. "

George nodded and said, "in addition to being expensive, the future of 3D movies is full of uncertainty. If 2012 doesn't succeed as you imagine, we're going to lose everything. "

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "but once 2012 is successful, reaching more than $15 billion at the box office, do you think 3D screens will sell only $3.5 billion? I can tell you for sure that by then, the price of a screen will be raised to $80 and 3D glasses will be $600. If you don't buy it now, you may have to pay twice as much in the future. Ladies and gentlemen, it's not a very good deal. "Suzuki Jiro frowned and said, "Mr. Xiao, if you sell so much, I'm afraid no cinema will agree."

Xiao Yunhai shook his head and said, "you don't know how much more powerful 3D movies are than 2D movies. That's why you are resistant to such prices. You can imagine that the price of each ticket for a 3D Studio will be at least twice that of the previous 2D studio. In less than a month, we can earn $420000. I don't think the price is high, and even the price we set is a little lower. "

Xiao Yunhai is right. Take a 250 person 3D Studio as an example. If the attendance rate reaches 80%, the original ticket price of 30 yuan will be increased to 60 yuan. If the attendance rate reaches 80%, the income will be 6000 yuan more than that before. In a day, it will be 60000 yuan. It is very simple to make a return of 420000 US dollars.

Now, because 3D movies are new things, no one can be sure what it will be like in the future, so they dare not make heavy bets. But once it becomes popular in the world, let alone $420000, even if it is $4.2 million, I'm afraid that countless cinemas will seize the lead.

"Mr. Xiao, do you think 2012 will be a success

Xiao Yunhai said confidently, "of course. Since this is the first 3D movie in the world, I will ask for three times the price of a regular movie. No matter which theater is willing to convert 2D to 3D, I will put the film on them. It's only $420000. It may not take three days. Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to lose. It's absolutely impossible for you to ask me to reduce the price. Not only will I not fall, but I will rise as fast as I can. Don't blame me for being unreasonable

George said, "Mr. Xiao, let me put it this way. If you don't reduce the price, I'm afraid no cinema will be interested in 3D movies."

Xiao Yunhai asked curiously, "Mr. George, can you tell me how much your price is in mind?"

George thought about it and said, "it doesn't matter. It's 80000 dollars for a 2D screen to a 3D screen, 50 dollars for a pair of glasses, and hundreds of thousands to a million dollars for a camera. "

Xiao Yunhai was directly happy and shook his head: "I would rather put the 3D special effects technology on the shelf, and would never agree to such a price. If I guess right, you're obviously united, aren't you? "

Chai Guanghui said, "yes. Mr. Xiao, you don't need to go to other theaters because the prices are the same in all theaters. "

Xiao Yunhai asked, "there should be a initiator for this matter. Can you tell me who that person is?"

George said with a smile, "Mr. Shaw, I'm sorry, we can't tell you."

Xiao Yunhai said coldly, "it doesn't matter. Sooner or later I will find out. When the time comes, I will let the guy who hinders the popularity of 3D movies in the world know what regret is

George looked at each other, and at the same time they were silent for Paramount Pictures.

Xiao Yunhai stood up and said with a smile, "since the three didn't mean to transform the 3D cinema, I won't disturb you."

George said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, it's hard to see each other once. How about having a drink together

Xiao Yunhai waved his hand and said, "No. After the release of 2012, I will wait for three guests to come to discuss the transformation of 3D cinema. I'll buy you a drink

After seeing Xiao Yunhai and Wu Hao downstairs in person, George looked at the slowly driving car and thought of the confidence that Xiao Yunhai showed. Suddenly, he felt that he had made a great mistake.

Chai Guanghui frowned and said, "how can I feel that things are not as simple as we imagine."

Suzuki Jiro also looked dignified and said: "Mr. Xiao is so fearless that he must rely on something. I'm afraid that our plan will not succeed this time, and it will probably suffer great losses

George sighed, "I have a feeling that maybe the three of us will go to DreamWorks to talk about it again, as Mr. Xiao said when he left." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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