Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:27 AM

Chapter 1045

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Wu Yifa seemed to know what Xiao Yunhai was thinking. He said with a smile, "don't make a conclusion for me. Listen to me. It's not about doing it ourselves, it's about working with other people. Besides China, the richest countries in Asia are Japan and South Korea. A week ago, Mitsui finance company, the largest bank in Japan, and Morningstar trading company in South Korea sent representatives to us respectively. They hope to cooperate with us to open Yunyi shopping network to them, and each side holds 50% of the shares. We just need technology to invest in equity and a fraction of the money, and they'll take care of the rest of the banking, transportation, and so on

Xiao Yunhai was surprised and asked, "is there such a good thing in the world? Why don't they do it by themselves? "

Wu Yifa chuckled and said, "do you think that the cloud game system that I spent so much money and spent several years to build is that they can make it at will? I tell you, some hackers attacked many servers of shopping websites some time ago, and directly paralyzed their payment system. It took a lot of days to get back to normal. It seems that there is a lot less money. And we Yunyi was also attacked by hackers, but they didn't even break the first protective wall. That's the gap. Otherwise, why do you think our Yunyi shopping website has risen so fast. Mitsui finance company and Korea Morningstar trading company want to move our cloud game system directly, so they have to choose to cooperate with us, understand? "

Xiao Yunhai suddenly realized and said, "I see. This is a good thing, and we can also work with large companies in other countries in this way. With the help of those local snakes, Yunyi shopping network will surely blossom everywhere and become a world-famous multinational company. "

Wu Yifa said with a smile: "what? Don't you say I lost my watermelon and picked sesame seeds? "

Xiao Yunhai said: "can't I admit my mistake to you? Lao Wu, what I just said, you can think it over. Since we are going to do it, let's do a big one. If you take care of Japan and South Korea, I'll take care of Europe and America. What do you think? "

Wu Yifa said, "of course. Yunhai, how do I think we want to fly

Xiao Yunhai said, "I think so."

They looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

On that night, Xiao Yuanyang and Wu Yifa stood at the door of Longhua hotel to help Xiao Yunhai, who was inconvenient to come out, to meet the guests.

Xiao Yuanyang complained: "this bastard has turned my vice minister of culture into a receptionist. It's unreasonable."

Wu Yifa said: "the market value of Yunyi shopping website is nearly 600 billion. How can I say that I am a 100 billion rich man, I have not become a welcome younger brother. Well, you are the only cousin in the world who dares to arrange us like this. "

Xiao Yuanyang laughed and said, "Wu Shao, to tell you the truth, the Yunyi shopping network you have set up is really amazing. It's a miracle that the market value has risen nearly 100 times in one year. Next, is it going to the world? "

Wu Yi Fa nodded and said, "of course. We have preliminary plans. "

Xiao Yuanyang was stunned when he heard the speech. He just made a joke at will. He didn't expect that the other party would really do it.

Just about to talk, Wu Yifa pointed to the car in front of him and said, "here comes my cousin."

Looking at the past, Xiao Yuanyang saw a middle-aged man in his forties walking down from a limousine of the Great Wall. Although he was wearing a suit and tie, he walked with great vigour and vitality, which was quite military style.

Xiao Yuanyang just looked at it and knew that this guy must have been a soldier.

Wu's method of playing chess met him and said with a smile, "uncle, I haven't seen you for a long time. Where have you made your fortune recently

Wu Chenglue said with a smile: "go away, don't make fun of Laozi. The hard money I make a year is not as much as your Yunyi shopping website makes in a day. Ha ha, did not expect before the mischievous act to annoy your father's angry boy, suddenly changed to have such a great success. Good, good. "

Wu Yifa said with a smile, "look at what you said, we can't always grow up, can we? Let me introduce you to Xiao Yuanyang, Vice Minister of the Ministry of culture. "

As soon as Wu Chenglue's eyes brightened, he stretched out his hand and said with a smile, "it's really promising that minister Xiao can sit in this position in his thirties. Is master Xiao in good health? What I admire most in my life is the generals who fought in the war. It's a pity that by the time I joined the army, Huaxia was already the first in the world, and there was no one who dared to blow a thorn. I have no choice but to retire from the army. "

Hearing Wu Chenglue's heroic words, Xiao Yuanyang's impression of him rose geometrically and said with a smile: "thank you for your concern. My grandfather is in good health. It should be no problem to live over 100 years old."

Wu Chenglue said with a smile, "that's good. He he, it's wonderful to have a vice minister and a 100 billion rich man standing here to welcome the guests. "

Xiao Yuanyang and Wu's game methods look at each other and smile bitterly.

When they chatted at the door, Yu Hai, Hu Yaoting, Chen Zixuan and Li Guoke arrived.

All of them walked into the box with a lot of talking and laughing. Xiao Yunhai, who was playing with his mobile phone there, quickly got up and said with a smile: "I'm really sorry that I didn't go out to meet you."Chen Zixuan, who was elegant in appearance, said with a smile: "with your reputation, if you go out to meet us, I'm afraid we won't be able to eat this dinner tonight. "

Xiao Yunhai sighed:" this is the biggest pain of a star artist, and there is no privacy. A fart big thing, can be done by those reporters shocking the world. "

Xiao Yuanyang said: "OK, don't feel sorry here. Let me introduce you to you. This is...

"this is Mr. Chen Zixuan, this is Mr. Wu Chenglue, and this is Mr. Li Guoke, right? Brother, you think I'm stupid. "

The crowd burst into laughter.

Xiao Yunhai shook hands with the three of them, politely and sat down.

When the food and wine were ready, Xiao Yunhai took up a glass of wine and said, "if you can come and drink this wine tonight, you will regard me Xiao Yunhai as a friend. What I didn't say, I'll do it first. Here's to you all. "

Finish saying, a look up, three two wine under the belly.

Xiao Yuanyang, who was next to him, said: "everyone, there is no problem for Yunhai to drink six Jin wine, so we don't need to be as casual as he is. I'll make a head start. I can drink six taels at most, which is less than one tenth of his. So I drink three money. "

Xiao Yuanyang took a sip, just like he didn't drink it.

Other people bear to smile, also have a model to learn.

Xiao Yunhai said with a bitter smile: "brother, can we not deliberately dismantle the stage?"

Everyone laughed, and the distance was drawing closer, and the atmosphere became lively.

After three rounds of wine, five flavors of food.

Seeing that the time was almost over, Xiao Yunhai stepped into the main topic and said, "Mr. Wu, Mr. Chen and Mr. Li, today I asked my brother and Mr. Wu to invite three of them to come here, mainly for something."

Chen Zixuan said with a smile: "if I guess well, is it a matter of 3D screen transformation?"

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I know that we all have some doubts about the new 3D movie. We are worried that once 2012 fails, it will not be recognized by fans, and the huge amount of money invested will be completely wasted. It's normal, and I understand. So, I've come up with a way to get the best of both worlds, which can not only make you money, but also show my movies. I hope the three of you can agree. "

Wu Chenglue said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, let's listen."

Xiao Yunhai said about the renting of the studio and asked, "how do you feel about it?"

Chen Zixuan thought about it and said, "it's a good way. It can be regarded as the best of both worlds. Mr. Xiao wants to give us a profit of 1.5 times. It seems that he is very optimistic about 3D movies. "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "yes. I think that after 2012, 3D movies will be the world. This state of affairs will last for at least two years. Until the fans are tired of it, 2D movies will come out again and keep pace with 3D. Of course, it's just my prediction. "

Li Guoke said: "Mr. Xiao, cinemas all over the world seem to be rejecting 3D movies. Do you think you can change the whole situation?"

Xiao Yunhai said with a smile: "when a 3D movie can sell more than 10 billion US dollars at the box office, will you be interested, Mr. Li? I just need a chance to prove 3D movies now. As for those cinemas, sooner or later they will come to me. By then, a screen will not be $350000. "

Chen Zixuan said: "if 3D film can really be as popular as you said, it will be great good news for the Chinese film industry. I have no reason to disagree with your leasing method, but I hope that in a year's time, your screens will be sold to us at the current price

"I agree with President Chen," Wu said

Li Guoke nodded and said, "I agree with you."

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said, "you are really not willing to suffer a little loss. Not only 1.5 times the profit, but also I will sell you the 3D cinema at 40% of the market price at that time. Is this too much? It seems that you have earned all the benefits. "

Chen Zixuan said with a smile, "let's take what we need. Once 3D movies are popular in the world, Mr. Xiao's dream special effects company will become the world's No. 1 special effects company. The industries involved include glasses, cameras, cameras, printers and so on. Every time you produce one, you will have to pay a high patent fee. If it goes on like this, it won't take long for the dream to soar into the sky and become a world-famous super large company. Nobody can shake it. At that time, Mr. Xiao, this profit will be only a drop in the ocean for you. "

Xiao Yunhai laughed and said: "no wonder the government will choose Mr. Chen as the spokesman to enter Yanhuang cinema. It is really a brilliant eye. Yes, I agreed. Uncle Yu and sister Hu, our previous contract is invalid and we need to sign a new one. We can't let you suffer any loss. "

"It seems that President Hu and I can save a lot of money again," Yu said with a smile

Xiao Yunhai cried and said, "can we not sprinkle salt on my wound?"

Hu Yao tingjiao said with a smile, "then use wine to disinfect you. Ladies and gentlemen, I wish us a happy cooperation. Cheers. ""Cheers." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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