Published at 11th of May 2022 05:42:24 AM

Chapter 1047

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Wang said: "in order to pay attention to the 20 billion dollars, the Far East is scornful of everything."

Wang Yuandong went back to the conference room and saw that all the people looked at him together and said, "I think there are more than 4000, and 2000 are almost the same. I am willing to take full responsibility for the losses caused by this. "

Yu Hai frowned and said, "no way. It can't be less than 4000, otherwise it's hard to account for it on the other side of the sea of clouds. "

"You have reached an agreement with him," Wang Yuan said

Hu Yaoting said with a smile: "I, Yu and Xiao are all partners of Xinhua Xia cinema. Of course, we should keep in touch with him. Otherwise, there won't be such a shareholders' meeting today. "

Chen Zixuan said: "4000 studios are really not many for Mr. Xiao's films. We are only talking about these 4000 studios, and it is impossible to cut them down any more. Besides, every movie that Mr. Xiao shoots or invests in is about a few billion dollars. With his Marvel cartoon company running full steam to shoot superhero movies, Yanhuang cinema can't throw away such a big cake. Therefore, it is very necessary to maintain a friendly relationship with him. "

When Wang Yuandong saw that things could not be done, he had to step back and said, "OK. Four thousand is four thousand. That's settled. "

After the meeting of the board of directors, Wang Yuandong left with his two gloomy faces.

Wu Chenglue narrowed his eyes and said, "some people seem to be traitors in order to make money."

Yu Hai sighed and said, "if only Yunhai had been able to enter the board of directors. With his identity and status, we Yanhuang cinema is not harmed by the profit. It's a pity that the Xiaos are too fond of their feathers to let him in. "

"Now, Wang Yuandong holds 45% of the shares, and he is the only one. As long as one of us goes to his side or chooses to abstain, there will be no checks and balances on him. This is very unfavorable for a joint-stock company. "

Chen Zixuan said with a smile: "in any case, the 4000 studios should be able to account to Mr. Xiao Yunhai."

Just then, a worker knocked on the door and came in.

"Mr. Xiao Yunhai is here."

Everyone looked at each other, Chen Zixuan said with a smile: "please."

After a while, Xiao Yunhai and Wu Hao entered the conference room.

"Well, are you in a meeting? I'm not disturbing you

Chen Zixuan shook his head and said with a smile, "we just finished. Mr. Xiao, after the decision of our board of directors, we have agreed to lease you 4000 screens for 3D movies. "

Xiao Yunhai was stunned: "4000 yuan? Isn't it six thousand? "

For Xiao Yunhai, 6000 3D screens may not be enough, let alone 4000.

"2012" is released all over the world. The average distribution of 4000 3D screens to Asia, Europe and the United States simply can't meet the market demand of 2012.

"Mr. Xiao, we have already made a huge concession to rent you 4000 screens, which is a precedent, and we have offended our colleagues. If you want another six thousand dollars, you're not satisfied. "

Outside the door came a young man in his thirties in suits and leather shoes. It was Wang Yuandong, followed by Zhao hang and Huang Mingmei.

When Xiao Yunhai heard the other party speak so impolitely, he frowned and asked, "who are you?"

Zhao fairway: "this is Mr. Wang Yuandong, the boss of e-buy electric appliance company, and a major shareholder of Yanhuang cinema."

Xiao Yunhai Oh, nodded and said, "it's Mr. Wang, hello."

Xiao Yunhai felt a trace of hostility from Wang Yuandong. It is estimated that the reason why the number of screens dropped from 6000 yuan to 4000 yuan is that this guy is obstructing him.

Seeing that Xiao Yunhai was so casual to himself, Wang Yuandong was also a little displeased.

Xiao Yunhai looked at him deeply, turned and said, "four thousand, four thousand. Can we sign the contract now

People nodded, Chen Zixuan said with a smile: "of course."

"Wait a minute." Zhao hang, who had just received instructions from Wang Yuandong, suddenly interrupted everyone and said with a smile, "Mr. Xiao, let's be villains first, then gentlemen. You said you would give us 1.5 times the profit, didn't you? "

Xiao Yunhai nodded and said, "not bad. What's the matter? "

Zhao Haidao: "when are you going to give it to us?"

Xiao Yunhai knew that this guy had some bad intentions. He said with a smile, "it's a year later. When the time comes, you will calculate the profit of single screen of Yanhuang cinema line and multiply it by 1.5 times the number of screens, won't it

Zhao Haidao: "Mr. Xiao, this money is not a small amount, it is estimated that it will be more than 10 billion US dollars. Should you give us some in advance? After all, no one can be sure what will happen in a year? "

Yu Hai frowned and said, "Mr. Zhao, Mr. Xiao is one of the top 20 richest people in the world. How could he depend on us. If you do this, you will be able to treat a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain. ""At the beginning, because of a promise, Mr. Xiao handed over the billions of dollars of Harry Potter profits to MGM," Hu said. Do you think such people will damage their reputation for a mere 10 billion dollars? "

Wang Yuandong said with a smile: "Mr. Yu, Mr. Hu and Mr. Xiao are worth hundreds of billions of US dollars. I think it should not be a big deal to pay 5 billion US dollars in advance. It's also for insurance. What do you say, Mr. Xiao. "

Xiao Yunhai glanced at Wang Yuandong coldly and asked bluntly, "do I have a feud with you?"

Wang Yuandong smiles and shakes his head, saying: "no hatred."

"There's resentment?"

"No complaint."

"Since there is no hatred or resentment, why are you targeting me?"

Wang Yuandong was not used to Xiao Yunhai's way of talking, which was not in accordance with his words and directly raised the cards.

Those former business rivals, even if they fought in private, would behave courteously and talk and laugh in order to show their demeanor to outsiders.

Where is like Xiao Yunhai, direct dry goods, not polite to you at all.

Next to Zhao hang said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, we are not deliberately aimed at you, mainly in case."

"In case?" Xiao Yunhai sneered: "do you think I will not be able to pay back more than 10 billion dollars in a year? Dream, magic, marvel, Yunyi, Jiujiu, XINHUAXIA, which do you think will go bankrupt? Or are they going to go out of business? "

Zhao hang seemed to be taken by Xiao Yunhai's momentum, pursed his lips, and said, "of course not."

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "since I can't, I'll give you money one year later. I can't stand such insults. "

After that, Xiao Yunhai also coldly looked at Wang Yuandong. His eyes were like a knife into his eyes. With the skill of eyewitness, Wang Yuandong stepped back three steps.

It seemed that he had lost face. Wang Yuandong looked ugly and said in a sharp voice, "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean? We're just asking you to pay some mortgage. Is that right? You are too overbearing

Xiao Yunhai momentum mountain, way: "I xiaoyunhai this name is deposit."

Wang Yuandong was directly angry and said, "you are the most arrogant person I have ever seen."

Xiao Yunhai snorted and said, "arrogant or arrogant, what can you do for me?"

Looking at Xiao Yunhai's momentum of regarding the world as nothing, Wu Chenglue sighed: "yesterday, I still felt that Mr. Xiao was humorous and had no airs. I didn't expect that all these were just outside. As soon as his temper comes up, even Wang Yuandong, who has always been domineering, is far inferior to him. What a surprise. "

Li Guoke sighed in a low voice: "Mr. Xiao is the Xiao family, much stronger than the Wang family. He is also an international superstar, a hundred billion millionaire and a kung fu master. How can such a person allow others to be arrogant in front of him. At the beginning, Junhao... Ah!

Xiao Yunhai was always unwilling to suffer losses. You are arrogant, and I am more arrogant than you. In terms of identity, status, wealth and ability, Wang Yuandong is not as good as Xiao Yunhai in terms of identity, position, wealth and ability, but he dares to find trouble for no reason. How can Xiao Yunhai allow him to be reckless in front of himself.

Wang Yuandong's eloquence is not as good as Xiao Yunhai. His face turned blue and his chest heaved violently, but he couldn't say a word in his mouth.

As Wang Yuandong's younger brother, Zhao hang naturally would not stand by and say, "Xiao..."

"shut up."

Where Zhao Yunlie interrupted his eyes to the north pole, I can't find a place where I can't stand

As soon as Zhao hang heard this, he was in a rage. He didn't look down on people. But thinking of Xiao Yunhai's identity, Zhao hang was angry, but he did not dare to say another word. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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